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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Monday, December 3, 2007

I'm back
hey guys, this is just a quicky to let you all know that I made it back home in one piece ^^

I'm quite tired and still a bit desoriented.. it's weird to be home again..

it was great to see Silver at the airport, even though I didn't see him at first ^^"
it just sucks that now I have to wait a few days before seeing him again *sobs* it was too short yesterday..

well, I'm off, expect a long post about my week in the next day or two.. I'm not sure when I'll have the energy and willpower to post a long one.

I missed you all and I hope your weeks have been good and nothing bad happened *hugs to everyone*

love, MCL in fact, I'm outti

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