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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Friday, December 7, 2007

is this the real life, is this just fantasy?

hey guys!

a normal post from me and it might actually be a pretty short one ^^'

I'll keep the post about Marrakesh up for a while longer, just in case anyone might want to still read and comment on it (Silver.. ^_~)

the pic at the end is not the camel I rode ^^' I know it can be confusing, but I can be found cuddling the camel I rode in the pictures (link's in the other post)
I look not to sure about things in the pic because that camel kept pulling away his head ^^"

I'm happy about the positive feedback towards PotL ^^ thanks for all your suggestions and tips and so on ^^ indeed, Kikyo-chan is right and I will try to make it more readable next time ^^

my grandmother is in the hospital because of an infection or bacteria in her knee.. she got antibiotics through a drip and had to be in the hospital for six weeks.
unfortunately, her bloodsuger didn't completely agree with hospital rythm and she's had some bad episodes.. now, she's only getting a salt (saline? I should watch more House..) solution and the doc says she might be able to go back home on monday. note the MIGHT..
here's hoping ^^

almost half of my baby fish are dead.. I don't know why, but I just noticed this morning..
also, my pufferfish is still in somewhat of a comatic state.. he flaps his fins, but doesn't swim or eat *sighs*

this idiot just raced through our street and was actually angry and surprised when he crashed his car *shakes head* I really don't get guys like that.. at least he's ok and the car doesn't look to be in too bad of a state..
in a way, I guess it serves him right *shrugs*

the time spent with Silver the past two days was great ^^
we went into the city and I kind of wanted to shop, but Silver got pretty tired of it pretty fast.. but it was still fun ^^ too bad for him, the PS3 seems to be sold out everywhere.. it'll be hard to get it in this time of holidays and presents.. poor honey *hugs*
I bought a bunch of stuff to neatly pack my presents ^^ I hope I do a good job hehe ^^"
we went to his coworkers yesterday and had a great time ^^ we had a little Unreal Tournament tournament and of course, I lost horribly ^^' it was real fun to play though, and that says a lot, considering my skill in FPS *looks at Magnus-ojou-sama* ^^"
I'm still more of an RPG kind of girl, but it's fun to play deathmatches against each other ^^

I think that's all the news I got for now..
I should get to do some homework as I've been procrastinating again ^^"

your postly LOLcat:

people who feel depressed and don't have a kitty there to help, might want to try this site and crank up the sound ^^

take care and I'll try to visit again soon!!

MCL, I'm outti

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