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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Everyone's got 20-20 hindsight
hey guys!
I know it's been radio silence from me for a while again.. let me just say that a lot has been going on -_-

my granny is back home again. she got released from the hospital on sunday and though she's still weak, it's good that she's home again ^^ thanks for everyone who gave me some strength and could relate to my feelings this time *hugs go to all of you*

in bad news: Quinty is sick T_T
she's been throwing up and hasn't eaten or drank since yesterday.. we went to the vet yesterday and he couldn't really find anything.. she did get a shot against the ugly and itchy bald spots and scabs..
but last night, she didn't really move at all, she just lay on her pillow, being all weird and didn't really react to anything..
so this morning, my dad and me took her to the vet again.
he thought that maybe she had a bit of grass stuck in her throat or nose and that's why she's been gagging and sneezing.. he put her under narcosis (or however you call that) and checked in her throat. he couldn't find anything close to grass, but he did discover a big red lump way in the back of her mouth..
this could be just an infection, so she got some antibiotics and we have to go back on friday..
when worse comes to worst though, it might be a tumor.. this means that it won't get better under the influance of antibiotics and it'll even get bigger.. the vet can't operate in that spot, so if it turns out to be a tumor, she will have to be put down T_T
I'm just very worried about her, since she means so much to me.. when she came out of the marcosis, she was so funny and wobbly.. but she remains a bit drowsy it seems.. she doens't really react to anything and just lays there.. so yeah.. wish me luck and hope for the best with me, please

in other news: yours truly is getting glasses!
yep, since I've been bothered by headaches and dancing letters when it comes to reading and using the computer, I went and had my eyes tested.. first the test said my right eye had -2, but in further tests it turned out to just be -.25.. so I'm getting reading glasses ^^"
it looks so weird, me with glasses.. but I was able to pick a nice looking pair and with a bit of luck, it'll be done on friday. so I'll try to get some snazzy snapshots of me with them on ^^"

well, it's almost time for my class.. I really don't want to, I want to go back home and take care of my pookie.. but at least it's only one class and I should be back home early in the afternoon.. if all goes well ^^"

by the way, my weekend was good. Silver and me had a little shopping spree hehe ^^"
I also managed to pack all the Christmas gifts I have now, but I've given up hope on getting everything send out in time.. I'm still waiting for some orders to come in and then I'll be able to send everyone their packages.. so I apologise in advance in case it doesn't arrive in time *bows*

your postly LOLcat before I go:

I bought a book by Clive Barker, the brilliant author of Abarat. it's called Weaveworld and looks damn interesting ^^ I'll try and start in it today ^^

MCL, I'm outti

(visits and comments will come when I'm able to read normally again ^^")

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