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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Monday, December 17, 2007

make way for jolly saint Jay!
hey guys!
well, this should be a full post, one of my more normal ones hehe ^^'

I know I've been completely out of the loop lately.. I just couldn't stay behind my laptop for longer than the time it took to quickly check my emails and other messages.. the words started dancing and my head felt like it might explode.. and not into candy, like when I get into the vicinity of a kitten ^^
but, luckily, on saturday, my glasses were done and I could go and pick them up ^^
and as promised, some snazzy snapshots were taken on sunday ^^'

I don't have to keep them up all the time. just when working with a computer, while following classes (powerpoint presentations..) and while reading. so that only makes.. about 80% of my time ^^" basically, I don't need them when I eat or sleep. oh and watching tv isn't too bad without them either ^^ and I guess I can work without them on too
oh well, they make the world a bit more clear for me, I don't have to strain my eyes to work on the comp or read anymore, which is a great relief ^^
I've already taken on the habit of looking over my glasses from time to time.. mostly to check out something in my room or to talk with people.. I shouldn't do that too much though, cause that IS causing me headaches again ^^"

it also came right on time, cause at the moment I'm in full blast making a website for the group project. it's about the city trip we have to develop for Marrakesh and it gives me a chance to REALLY play around with HTML now ^^
thankfully, I got some great resources for codes (props go to Shishou-chan and Ken-Ken ^^ links to their sites are in my intro ^^)
this morning, we had a class from a fellow classmember who's sort of a computer wizard. he's teaching us how to use Microsoft's Expression Web, which is a nice basic program ^^
he tried to teach us the basics for CSS, but I've already decided I prefer HTML.. it just makes more sense to me hehe ^^

my theme has changed for the holidays. since I loved the Nightmare Before Christmas the first time I saw it, I decided to dedicate my site to it for a while ^^
after Christmas (maybe I'll extend that to New Year's) I think I'll change it back to the Ergo Proxy theme I've had up for a while now. I just love that one ^^

I'm still clean off my meds ^^ I know stopping cold-turkey probably wasn't the best idea ever, but it's working for me.
I haven't been dizzy anymore since I've had the glasses, so that's solved ^^
and on friday, I got sick, which sort of stayed on saturday, but I really had to work.. but now, I seem to be germ-free ^^

my grandma isn't doing too well, though.. her bloodsugar is through the roof and she's just tired and old.. it's really clear that she's become an old lady now, even though I still find it hard to admit. I hate seeing her like this..
my aunt called my mom this afternoon and told her that my granny actually has to go back to the hospital again. but the stupid specialists have put a hold on the people who have to be admitted because of the holidays.. this pisses me off: if someone needs taken care of, and it's your job, DO YOUR FREAKIN' JOB! now, granny is stuck at home with more and stronger meds.. *shakes head*

on the contrary, Quinty is doing better ^^ she got her last shot of antibiotics today and if she continues to eat and drink and get better like she's been doing, we don't have to go back to the vet anymore ^^ so that's a big relief.

I stood up for an old lady in the bus this morning.. this action never seems to stop surprising people *shrugs* just a random comment, this was, really ^^"

I was able to send out one Christmas package today ^^ though it was to Cati-chan, so I've really given up hope on sending everything out abroad in time.. right now, I'm just hoping I can even send it out BEFORE Christmas ^^" I'm still waiting on some of my ordered presents..
I did make a X-mas card this weekend ^^ it's up in my profile and free for all of you to take and save or whatever ^^" I went the lazy way and just picked an image I liked and put a little text on it. still, I think the girl somewhat resembles me, except for the fact she's drinking wine..

ok, on to your postly LOLcat and the end of this post:

I just love the look on that dog's face hee-hee ^^

MCL, I'm outti.

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