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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's coming...
hey guys!

let's talk Version Vibrant for a bit. the dreaded new look to TheO and the possible demolition of MyO..
now, I've been dreading this change for a while now, especially since Bossman let us know that he'd be changing the blog aspect of TheOtaku.
I've seen the trailer for VV, but, as to be expected, no view was given over the blogs. Adam, or Bossman as I and others like to call him, hasn't really given any formal information on the whole deal (though maybe in his blog, I don't know).
this is what he said on the matter on the main site, somewhere hidden between comments though:

Posted Yesterday

Well, as you might know theO and myO are merging with the new version. Our new 'system' for 'blogs' will be much different and none of the customizations will carry over. I'll probably let people keep their myO's the way they are for historical significance, letting them still add posts, etc. but we won't support it or link to them officially. We'd instead encourage people to move to our new, different system (which is hopefully hack-proof)

hack-proof, good (I can't say I've ever been hacked, though that one time with the AOL-translated post made it look like it hehe ^^)
as for the other changes, I really don't believe that Adam is making a wise choice in this.

unfortunately for us, the people who regularly go to the Main Site (that's TheOtaku) don't really use their MyO much or at all.
the people who I do see regularly on here (you guys) don't seem to visit the Main Site that much...
so I guess I feel like Adam doesn't really have a good idea on what his Bloggers want, but he does know what it would take for the non-bloggers to start blogging, or at least use their MyO page..

I'm not sure if I'm making any sense, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm really afraid that this place is going to fall apart. meaning I would lose contact with a lot of very dear friends (that's you guys again ^_~)

it's funny that LS said this week would be his last on MyO.. for this year that is, but judging by the coming changes, who knows what might happen? not to say that our dear LS is leaving, but it's just ironic that this mention came up right before I got to know a LITTLE bit more about the changes to the blog, considering VV.

a main problem is still that Bossman doesn't seem to want to disclose anything about the changes to the look and feel of the blogs.. I hate changes and I hate them even more when I have no idea of what's to come..

I just hope that things will turn out alright. I can't judge or bash something that I haven't even seen or used yet (or I'd be my mom *shudders*), but I can be concerned, right?

well, on to my normal life ^^
yesterday was a quiet day, filled with annoyance over the bimbos in the morning, extensive Christmas shopping in the afternoon and a Christmas dinner with work in the evening ^^
so everything except the morning was good hehe.
I spent way too much money on gifts for Silver ^^" and I still want to buy him so much more.. only problem is, I gotta make sure I'm still able to pay my phonebill in a few days.. and considering Silver already gave me money for that, I can't just blow everything on gifts hehe ^^"
so I've decided on maybe a few little last-minute gifts for him and one each for his mother and her boyfriend. after all, I've only bought one gift for my parents too.

I also just had to spoil myself a little ^^"
I got my hands on the 15th volume of FMA ^^ it was good, though it seemed a bit like a filler to me *shrugs* it's probably neccesary to understand the ending hehe ^^
and I bought the first volumes of S.A (a Shojo Beat manga, I've grown to love those) and Someday's Dreamers.

the Christmas dinner with work was so much fun ^^ we went to the store where I first worked (one town over)to meet up with the personel there, had a few drinks and snacks and then headed over to the restaurant. the food was good and I really had a great time ^^ it was great to see my old co-workers again and catch up with them ^^
I got home rather late and I did have a couple beers. thank goodness I start this afternoon and didn't have to be at work at 9.30 am (which is now hehe) I get to have a little more sleep YAY!

let's see.. I've received more of the ordered gifts (or so Silver told me) so I should be able to send out at least one more package. though now that I think about it, I've received 3, which means I still got 3 coming in, which means I might not be able to send anything out at all..
oh well, it won't be on time for Christmas anymore anyway, so a few days more doesn't really matter either ^^"

that's about all I've got for today. I'll try and visit you guys, but I can't make any promises ^^"
tomorrow I'll be at Silver's. we're going to do some last shopping for the holidays and we're gonna go see I Am Legend ^^ I'm really curious about that movie, cause the trailer looked pretty good ^^

postly LOLthingies:

MCL, I'm outti

PS: Happy (late) Birthday to Grifter-san ^^

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