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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Friday, December 21, 2007

I don't want a lot for Christmas...
hey guys!
well, the year seems to be going faster every day. it suddenly became mid-winter over here in the Netherlands: we gotz snow.
now, sure, it looks really lovely as long as everyone stays inside and no one goes out to mess it up, but I still can't stand snow..
I've ranted about this enough times, so I'll leave it at a: Bah, Humbug!

my grandmother is back in the hospital. my mom and aunt went to see her on wednesday and she could hardly get out of bed and she had a high fever. so the doc managed to get her admitted again and now it appears she's doing a bit better.
what's so weird is that she seems to have gotten so old, so fast.. it worries me, but it's also good to know that being back in the hospital helps ^^

yesterday was good. it was entirely spent with Silver, doing shopping and stopping by at his work to pick up his Christmas box ^^
it was funny to be at his work, especially since everyone else was just working normally and most people looked at us with a look on their face like: What the heck did Silver just walk in with?!
I got a little tour through the work place and got to see the test cell, which looked interesting, but it didn't really make sense to me. too many difficult words and too little of an attention span..

we also went to see I Am Legend. whoa. that's pretty much all I've got to say about the movie really.. it's really heavy, emotionally that is. the effects are great, but due to no background music, it scares the heck out of you. what's so great about the movie is that you can just feel the fear, the despair, the insanity that comes over someone who is completely alone in this world and has to worry about not getting killed and eaten by mutant zombies.
it was a really good movie, though I must've missed a good half an hour by staring at my knees and covering my eyes with my hands ^^"

when I got home, my mom decided to nag. great fun
she's always assuming I'm completely broke and for some reason she also seems to forget that I've got a JOB, which in turn, earns me MONIES. -_-' she decided I have to turn in my ATM card. like hell I will. sure, maybe I've gone overboard on Christmas shopping, but to be honest, as long as I can pay my phonebill, there's nothing to worry about. I'm so sick of her trying to still control my life..
argh, I need to get out of this house, cause this is once again turning into hell for me.

just wish I could take Quinty with me *pouts*

well, I need to get out of bed and ready to head out into that dreaded 'winter-wonderland'..
I'm able to send out another package YAY! that's two down, two more to go.. so sorry things won't be in time for the holidays. to be honest, I don't think it's gonna be in time for New Year's.. but it's the thought that counts right?

postly LOLcat:

MCL, I'm outti

PS: made some wallpapers lately, one is really fun, cause it's actually 3D ^^



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