Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Sunday, February 12, 2006
ah, the sweet scent of revenge...
hehe hello peoples ^_^
well, let me just tell you about my day yesterday...
my BF and me went to see Fun with Dick and Jane and I loved it ^_^ just a great good old Jim Carrey movie hehe ^_^ and we didn't really do anything else.. we ate chinese food (MJUMM!!!!!) and watched some stand-up comedy ^_^ and then I had to go home again...
ow and about me not sleeping very well.. nerves? about what?! going out with my BF who I've been with for almost 32 months now (thank you very much ^_^), I don't think so hehe ^_^ I always get this at the end of winter.. the doc said it has something to do with lack of sunlight... but I will never take anything like sleeping-pills.. to tell you guys the truth, I hate pills... they make me feel uncomfortable.. this may sound weird but it's true hehe...
as some of you might know I had some trouble with my parents lately... but as the title says *points up* I've had my fun too *evil grin*
it's just soooo easy.. hehe
my mom accused me of never having my cellphone on.. but she has one that she can't even use and forgets to put it on all the time.. so when I got home early last week she was all confused going like: I didn't know you would be home so soon?!
so what was my reply you ask? "well, I would've send you a text message, but then I remembered that you never have your phone on."
one down, one to go...
my dad, telling me that I can't stay up late behind my laptop...
I went to sleep a few days after that happened and my dad was still behind his laptop... so I asked him if he wasn't going to sleep too late and that he shouldn't stay behind the computer for too long... he replied that he wouldn't..
next morning: "Hi dad, so how late was it when you went to sleep last night?" "about twelve thirty.." (reply from mom)"ow really, cause at twelve fourty you still weren't!"
"is that right dad? so you stayed up really late to surf the net huh?" *end of conversation*
bullseye.. muahahahahah ow well, it might not look like much of a revenge but it felt great hehe ^_^ it's easy, you can do it too, just remember the things they accuse you of and then find the same things in your parent's lives!! try it ^_^ but remember to be subtle!!!
well.. I thought I'd be bored the coming week, seeing that one of my friends is on vacation and that my BF has the nightshift, so I decided to borrow "some"(=huge understatement) manga ^_^
wanna know what?
lets see...:
- Inu Yasha volume 1 through 7
- Gundam (Wing) SEED (allright allright, I'm sorry mister perfect...*hugs Silvereagle*) volume 1 through 5
- Shaman King volume 1 through 8
- Gundam wing endless waltz (manga from the movie)
and of course I got my own FMA volume 2 ^_^
there, that should keep me busy for the nights this week ^_^
other good news: the tickets for the Anime Con were delivered ^_^ yayayayayay!! *does funny dance* they're so pretty ^_^ yes I am crazy, but I'm also just really looking forward to it hehe ^_^ now all I have to do is get the money to pay for it hehe... but it's still pretty far away (end of june) so I've got time ^_^
ugh.. back to school tomorrow.. I don't wanna!!!
I've got a pile of homework I still have to do and I still have to visit a whole lot of sites today cause I didn't go to that many yesterday... but I'll get it all done eventually!!!
I wonder how I will ever survive the trip to Denmark.. a whole week without my laptop and without theO... O_O" maybe I should stay home hehe ^_~ nah, I want to see Kopenhagen ^_^
well, this is starting to become a pretty long post again..
I'll just give you the greeting of the day (it's taking up a lot of time to sort through the e-cards to find what I want.. but I do it all for you guys ^_~) and then I'll be on my way to visit sites ^_^
I'm outta here