Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sleepless Beauty
Hello peoples!!
A new week has begun and I'm finally starting to worry.. I still need to start studying for my midterms next week and we have the group project that needs to be finished this week.. And I stayed at my BF's house all weekend not thinking about any of that ^_^ It felt great though, it's so nice to see how one person can take away all my doubts and worries.
Well, I'll just start with saturday.. It was good ^_^ my BF picked me up in the afternoon and we went to the city. I wanted to buy some Bleach manga for him (I allow him to get it, as long as he lets me have Full Metal Panic.. It's a fight everytime we discover a series we both like hehe) cause I still owe him money.. But they only had volume four and twelve or something.. So we bought nothing. Then we went back home and ate chinese food MJUM!!! And after that we watched some tv (Adventures of the Mini-goddess on DVD wOOt) and then it was time to go to the party. It was pretty fun, although I couldn't help but feeling out of the loop.. The only one I really knew there was my BF.. But he didn't know that many people over there either. Ow well, it's just easier for him to connect with people he doesn't know.. I'm kinda shy when it comes to that hehe (who would've guessed ^_~) Ow well, I enjoy looking at people from a slight distance, see how they interact, see them smile because of what someone said or did.. Guess I'm kind of an observer.. Ow well, later on we were split into two teams and we played a movie-quiz, which consisted of listening to themes and the team that guessed the right movie first got points. And sometimes a bonus question.. I wasn't much help for the themes but I did answer the bonus question about Indiana Jones correctly ^_^ But most of the time I was just a second too late with getting the movie that went with the theme, ow well, most of the movies they had themes for I had never seen hehe... Our team lost with a difference of ten points (for each correct answer you get five points)
It was fun after all ^_^
And when we got back to my BF's house,we went to sleep. At least I tried.. But as you might know, I sleep like hell in any other bed than mine.. So I didn't get much sleep at all T_T
And on sunday we didn't do much.. Watched some tv, more Adventures of the Mini-goddess, and of course, I fell asleep in the middle of the DVD >_< It's like I need a cough and my BF's shoulder to sleep instead of a bed.. *sigh* ow well, I'll have to watch the last few episodes myself hehe.. And later we ate and we watched some Ranma 1/2 ^_^
Ow, and I squeezed some homework in between the having fun ^_^ I had to hack into an unprotected wireless network to do it though hehe.. I can't get into the network at my BF's house with my laptop, but there are enough other connections flying around for me to erhm.. 'borrow' ^_^
Let's see.. We also put some more music on my MP3, now I've got a lot more anime music ^_^ And then it was time for me to go home again..
And I barely slept again.. I don't think I got any more than five hours of sleep every night for the past two weeks.. And it's finally starting to get to me, just at the time I need to be most awake and alert.. I'm so sleepy... But maybe that's just because I just woke up hehe ^_^'
During the little while I did sleep, I had this weird dream.. I went to the AnimeCon with a friend of mine (who hates manga and anime by the way..) and we both forgot our tickets.. But we still got in. And the dealers room was more like a flea-market.. And that was all there was at the Con.. It was so weird, cause my friend really seemed to enjoy herself and I was like: WTH?!
Ow well, that's just useless information hehe ^_^
My throat started hurting yesterday morning and it still hurts >_< I sure hope I'm not getting sick again, cause I can't be sick, I don't have the time to be sick.. Ugh, stupid body.. Can't even take a little bit of stress and exhaustion FEH!
Well, I borrowed Inuyasha volume 8-11 from my BF, so I've got something to read during the bus drives this week ^_^
I actually like driving around, even if we're not going anywhere.. I had so much fun on saturday hehe, we had to pick up a friend of my BF and after that we would go to the house where the party was. But we kinda got lost while trying to find that house hehe ^_^ And it was all dark outside.. I love driving through the night even better than during the day ^_^ It's kind of calming for me I guess.. I like looking into the cars we pass by, getting to see about two seconds worth of some one else's life and then disappearing from it as fast as the car is going ^_^ Yeah, I know, I'm weird ^_^ But I like it that way ^_^
I think that's enough rambling from me for today ^_^'
But first:
I'm outta here