Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Working hard, or hardly working?
hello peoples!
well, yesterday was ok, nothing much happened. I had to finish my part of the group project (making a budget for three years, which is more work than it looks like) but for that I had to call this guy in Belgium (O_O I said Belgium! >_< now I said it again.. for all of you that know the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this should be understandable ^_^) to get some of the costs for some computere software thingy (I don't wanna bore you guys with the details hehe, my BF almost fell asleep this weekend when I tried to explain it ^_^' ) but anywho... he was busy.. so theorethically I couldn't make my homework.. but I did get his e-mail adress so I sent him an e-mail with the questions I had and he replied last night, so I still had to do everything last minute.. well, it was 12.45 am when I was done and I was exhausted.. it did mean that I didn't wake up as many times during the night as I used to ^_^ so YAY for being totally spend ^_^
we had to take my cat to the vet last night too... she's was biting her back all the time and now it has almost no hair on it anymore... but the vet gave her some injections and she should be fine now ^_^ but she didn't really like going to the vet hehe.. there were two little fluffy saint bernhard puppies in the waiting room and one of the decided to take a look inside Quinty's basket.. hehe, he almost lost his nose trying that muahahahaha serves him right for annoying my cat *huggles Quinty*
erhm.. yeah.. I don't like dogs that much... except Shii-chan of course ^_^ he's the best *glomp*
lets see.. I should read some things now... for homework.. but I don't wanna.. I'll read them in the bus hehe, I've got lots of time there ^_^
when I woke up I thought it was saturday.. once I realised that it's only tuesday, my day kinda started being crappy... tuesdays aren't all that bad, but I hate wednesday, cause of my timetable... I have to get up at 6.30 am... and get into the bus at 7.30 am.. and then, at school, I have to wait abot half an hour, but if I take the next bus, I'll be late for class... so yeah.. that sucks... but hey, thank god it's tuesday and not wednesday ^_^ ow wait, on tuesdays I have to be at school until 5.30 pm and on wednesdays until 1.00 pm... hmz... nevermind ^_^
I'm just rambling now >_< sorry, bout that...
well, I guess I'll just have to go with the game that PaganAngel started *gies all credit to PaganAngel*
from the anime you listed in your favorite anime thingy in your profile, you have t list the characters that are your least favorite, most favorite and that you're most like.. if everyone does this in his/her next post, maybe we can get the whole myO community to do it.. wouldn't that be fun? ^_^
so, hereI go:
Ranma 1/2: favorite: Ranma (dah, he's cute ^_^ and funny ^_^) ow and Ukyo, I just like her ^_^
least favorite: Happosai, he annoys me so bad.. stupid old perv! ow and the principal, he's nasty..
most like: erhm.. I guess Akane.. cause I can be a tomboy at times..
Tokyo Mew Mew: favorite: KISH!! just cause he's an evil cute alien wanting to take over the world muahahahaha
least favorite: fat cat, he's icky
most like: hmz.. Ichigo, cause she's a clutz just like me, but very enthousiastic ^_^
Fruits Basket: favorite: Shigure-san, he may be a pervert, but he's a funny pervert ^_^ I lovewhen he plays tricks on people or manipulates them ^_^
least favorite: Yucki-kun!!! hehe otherwise known as Yuki, Yucki-kun is just annoying...
most like: Uo-chan, I may not be in a gang, but I would do anything to protect my friends and ensure their happyness ^_^
Rouruni Kenshin: favorite: Sano ^_^ he's got a huge... sword ^_^'
least favorite: erhm... Misao, she annoys me...
most like: Kaoru, I can't cook either hehe
Inu Yasha: favorite: Miroku.. once again a perv, but he's cute ^_^
least favorite: Naraku, does that need any explaining?
most like: hmz.. Kagome.. I think.. dunno why hehe ^_^
Ah! My goddess: favorite: Urd, just casue she's nice and manipulative ^_^
least favorite: erhm.. those guys from the motorcycle club thingy.. just cause they have annoying accents in the manga
most like: Skuld.. although I'm not that much of a mechanic.. but I can be just as childish as her
Trigun: favorite: Vash, dah
least favorite: erhm... dunno
most like: Vash, I may look cute and fuzzy, but once I get angry there's no telling what I might do muahahahaha
Fullmetal Alchemist: favorite: Ed, cause he's short and funny ^_^
least favorite: erhm.. Ed and Al's mom after she's was transmutated hehe IEW
most like: Rose, I'd do anything to get my true love back if I had lost him...
Full Metal Panic: favorite: Kurz ^_^ why do I keep naming pervs? ow well, he's a cool guy ^_^
least favorite: Gauron, DIE you bastard, DIE!!!!
most like: Chidori *looks around for paper fan*
Tenchi Muyo: favorite: Ryoko, cause she's evil but friendly ^_^
least favorite: Tenchi's granddad.. dunno why..
most like: Mihoshi, cause I can be a huge clutz at times hehe ^_^ but I'm also kinda like Ryoko.. cause I can be evil hehe ^_^
Chobits: favorite: Hideki, just cause he's a nice guy ^_^
least favorite: Sumomo, she's so darn preppy AAARRGGHHH
most like: hmz.. Atashi.. I can be a loner at times...
let's see, that makes how many pervs as my favorites? hehe, ow well, what can I say... I just like pervs hehe, as long as they're young and cute that is ^_~
ah thank goodness I didn't put any more anime in my favorite section ^_^ well, that sure was a good filling for my post hehe ^_^
let's see.. ow yeah homework.. yeah yeah, I'm working on it
I'm outta here ^_~