Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Sunday, March 26, 2006
one of the little joys in life: FUDGE
hello peoples!!
^_^ ever had that really good sunday morning feeling? no church, cause your mom is still not feeling well, a nice beam of sun coming through the curtains, a nice soft fluffy bed with the promise that you don't have to leave it until you want to... ahhh, this is the life people ^_^
well, as you can see, I cheered up hehe ^_^
yesterday was very good ^_^ we went shopping to get my BF new socks.. and one of his friends came with us. (the very same friend that got us both addicted to manga and anime. my BF borrowed some manga from him and I wanted to read it too of course.. and a wonderful new world opened up to me ^_~)
so we had to go to all the stores that sold manga and anime (2..) and we both just couldn't resist.. meaning I just had to buy something for myself and he just had to buy something for me because I made those cute little puppy eyes saying I don't have enough money and really really want some more ^_~
it's just a shame that they never have the first DVD of a series.. but I've decided to download the missing episodes and look for the DVDs later.
I bought:
- Trigun dvd 4
- Chobits dvd 2
- Please Teacher dvd 4
- Oh! My Goddess manga: Leader of the Pack
- School Rumble manga volume 1 (I wanted to try it out, it looked pretty good)
and my BF gave me:
- Trigun DVD 3 and 5 (I wanted six too but it was quite expensive.. until we came out of the store and saw on the receipt that the store owner only charged him for one DVD.. hehe ^_^)
- Oh! My Goddess manga: Miss Keiichi
- Oh! My Goddess manga: Terrible Master Urd
so YAY!! and next week I'll be getting even more manga, cause then the order will come in ^_^
I love getting stuff from my BF.. but now I am also hoping that I get that job.. it's great getting presents, but I want to give him something in return for a change. plus, I do not want to rely on his money for the anime con. plus, I still owe him money hehe...
yup I'm starting to feel guilty so I must get a job ^_^
besides, my stack of money is disappearing faster than I want it to. (what did you expect, when you spend money like that, knowing you don't have a job, ya dope...)
and I pretty much started feeling that it is time for me to get up and do something again. I got sick of just hanging around. I love to work for my money, I really do ^_^ it's just fun to interact with people and it gives me the feeling I'm making a difference.. or at least that I am needed somewhere hehe ^_^ I just really love the feeling that I've actually done something to deserve the money I get ^_^ (don't I sound like the perfect employee to you?)
but I was telling you guys about yesterday.. (yes, I know, I get distracted way too fast)
well, erhm..
I bought a pound of FUDGE!!
usually I wouldn't have done that.. but it just looked so yummy and it was a lot cheaper than usual hehe ^_^ so I got me some ^_^
they had different flavors, but I just went for the vanilla fudge cause it's my favorite ^_^ I'm not going to say that I like fudge better than jellie beans, but man, they're really close together on my like-list ^_~
other than the shopping we didn't do much.. we went back to my BF's house (his friend came too) and they wanted to play Tekken 5, which my BF had just bought.. well.. they couldn't cause the nice people at the store had put in Tekken 4 hehe ^_^ and that, people, is why you should always check if they put the right game/dvd/cd in the box AT the store ^_~
ow well, I guess we're going to have another trip to the stores next saturday ^_^
but they did get to play the demo of Tomb Raider we got at the same store, so YAY!
hmz, let's see.. we ate chinese again ^_^ yummy ^_^ my BF's parents were gone and his friend stayed for dinner, so we had to decide ourselves what we wanted to eat. easy choice for me hehe ^_^
and after that we watched some tv and of course, I fell asleep >_< for some reason whenever I watch tv and lean against my BF, I fall asleep.. ow well..
after a while his friend went home and we watched some more tv without me falling asleep ^_^ and then we remembered that we still had to scan my pictures, so we did that ^_^ (I still have to clean them up a bit and then I'll submit them, but it might take a while cause I just read on the main site that the person handling the submissions is away to Sakura-Con and will not return until monday.. so I think I'll submit my pics later this week ^_^)
ow!! my fish gave birth again ^_^ I now have six or seven more lovely little baby fish. I put them with the other little ones, and then I suddenly realised that the older ones have really grown a lot ^_^ some of them are starting to get those beautiful colored tails that guppys have ^_^
did everyone remember to put the clock an hour forward? yup, it's that time again..
I just thought I'd say it so that none of you will get any nasty surprises, suddenly realising that it's an hour later than you think. (yup, it happened to me a couple of times already hehe ^_^')
my dad just gave me my allowence.. *sigh* where was he yestarday.. ow nope, it's my fault, I totally forgot that it's the last weekend of the month hehe.. ow well, this just means I can pay my BF back a little more ^_^ YAY less guilt!!!
time for the greeting of the day or I'll never stop my rambling.. I actually want to do the one from yesterday again, just because it's so much like me hehe ^_^ it's really something I could say and it would be true if my horns were visible.. (hold on, wasn't I going to put the card up so I would stop rambling..)
hehe ^_^'
I'm outta here