Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
flat out broke... but rich in new anime and manga ^^
hello peoples!!!
as some of you might have noticed already: I'm back ^^
I'm gonna tell you guys about the weekend and I'll post some pictures too ^^ YAY for you guys!!!
the weekend was awesome.. that's the only word I can use for it hehe ^^
I bought so much stuff.. and I got even more from Silver-sama *huggles* and we've seen so many series ^^
ok, let me start with friday ^^
first we went to the hotel, after we had checked in and finally found our room (it was quite hard to find actually hehe ^^')we put away our stuff and got ready for the first day at the con ^^
btw, I loved the little vault thingy in the closet ^^ hehe, we had to put our very own code in it ^^ I WANT ONE TOO!!!!
hehe ^^
after we got settled in, we left for the bus to the convention grounds.
when we got there, we had to stand in line for a while before we could go in and get our tickets scanned.. and then we were finally able to get in ^^
we wanted to check out the dealer's room (DAH) but that wouldn't open until nine pm, seeing that it was just four pm, we, or at least I, checked out the programming for the weekend and decided on some of the shows I wanted to watch ^^
later we went to see a bit of Full Metal Panic: the Second Raid, but then again I had already seen that... so then we went to see To Heart. before that started we got to see a few minutes of Melody of Oblivion which looked pretty interesting, though it left me a bit confused.. To Heart was really sweet ^^ it's a series worth checking out, welln ot so much for the guys, but I bet most of the girls around here would like it ^^
then we went to the official opening for the weekend. I actually can't remember what they said there.. mostly it was some stuff about the rules hehe ^^ but then we saw the Tsubasa Chronicle Movie it was more of an episode to me, but it did make me want to see more of the series. I loved to see Mokona animated ^^ I already loved both the black and white one in XXX Holic mangas, but it just looked so very cute when it moved and talked ^^
then we ate and went to stand in line for the dealer's room.
I never spend 300 bucks that fast.. in little less than two hours I was broke, but carrying a lot of new stuff around ^^ my stuff after day one ^^ (ow and sorry if the pics are horribly out of focus.. I suck hehe)
after the dealer's room, we went back to the hotel cause we were just exhausted already ^^
the alarm went off at seven am.. we had to get ourselves some breakfast early to make sure we'd make it to the nine am bus..
once we got to the convention again, we immediately went to see Hellsing OVA 1 it was good, but not something I'd like to see again at 9.15 am hehe ^^
after that we waited for a friend of Silver's to get there, seeing as he only had a Saturday ticket ^^ we went to the dealer's room again and I got even more stuff ^^ this time paid by Silver cause I was broke hehe.. Ithink we went to the dealer's room about four or five times that day... but we had great fun ^^
we also saw some Moeyo Ken which had a very high Samurai Pizza Cats level, but was still very funny to watch ^^
we also saw a few episodes of Mai (My) HiMe which was very good and in fact was one of the series I had been interested in for a while now ^^ so now I know to keep my eye out for it ^^
after that we got a glimse of Nuku Nuku and Wedding Peach. Nuku Nuku was pretty funny, but Wedding Peach really isn't something for me hehe... I laughed my ass off at the impossible plot though muahahaha!!!
after eating dinner, Silver's friend left for home again.
after that we went to see the last part of the Cosplay Contest. it was funny and I'm so jealous of the people who are actually brave enough to cosplay..I wanna do it too!! maybe next year... when it finished Igot to make some pictures with the Cosplayers (I'll put those at the end of my post hehe ^^)
then we watched some Kamichu which sounded pretty interesting to me, but I don't think Silver liked it much.. but then again, we were both pretty much exhausted and we just wanted to go back to the hotel.. so although we wanted to see the XXX Holic movie and My Otome we went back to the hotel and got some sleep. stuff on day two:
we took it easy since we didn't have much we wanted to watch in the morning. well, I wanted to see Genshiken, but I was so tired and I had already bought the complete box, so we just decided to stay in bed a bit longer.
after breakfast we packed all of our stuff and put it in the car.. then we checked out and left the car on the parking lot, while we took the bus to the convention grounds again ^^
when we got there, we went to the Dealer's room again (btw,I got beat to a lot of stuff.. *sigh* like the nice second hand Tenchi In Tokyo dvd set.. or the prityful Gravitation bag...)
after that, we went to see My Otome (the second series to My HiMe) and it was goooooood ^^ so that makes or a few series I really want to get my hands on hehe ^^
after that we went to eat a bit and then we saw a bit of Desert Punk which was weird... not my stuff hehe ^^ though it was funny ^^
then we went to the ending ceremony. and after that, while Silver went to get our bags out of the wardrobe thingy, I watched some Kashimashi which was pretty good too, though I haven't seen that much of it, cause after the first half, we had to go to the bus, cause it was the last one going to the hotel. but *dum dum dum* Silver lost his ticket for the bus... so we had to rush and buy one again hehe ^^
and then we had to say goodbye to the Anime con and all the fun people and series and stuff... *sighs* but I do know I'm gonna go again next year! and I'll save up more money muahahahaha!!! Stuff after day three:
well, I haven't done much since I got home.. I read some Ranma 1/2 and worked for a bit and that's about it.. it's too hot to watch any anime in my room.. but maybe I'll get to that tonight ^^
for all photos from the Anime Con, follow this link: Pictures Anime Con 2006! and this one: Pictures Anime Con 2!
most of it is nonsensical pics of my stuff, but if you really want to see them all, feel free to take a look ^^
ok, now for a list of the stuff I bought and got: Anime
-Please Teacher volume 1 and 3
-Chobits box+cd
-Genshiken box
-Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu box
-Gravitation volume 1-4
-Gravitation OVA
-Gravitation Lyrics of Love OVA
-Card Captor Sakura volume 5
-DearS volume 7
-Di Gi Charat: Digiko's Champion Cup
-School Rumble volume 2
-Loveless volume 2
-Love Hina volume 5,6 and 7
-XXX Holic volume 4 and 5
-Full Metal Panic Overload volume 1-4
-No Need for Tenchi volume 1,6,8,10 and 12
-Trigun Animanga volume 2
-Howling riot volume 1 (dojinshi)
-Lies and Kisses (yaoi)
-Empty Heart (yaoi)
-Onegai Twins one and a pair (novel)
Merchandise and Cosplay(kinda)
-Onegai Twins figurine
-Ranma 1/2 playing card deck
now for some pictures (no greeting of the day today, sorry hehe... well, I'll make one picture the picture of the day, how about that?)
Silver and his friend Sander
me and Silver (aw, I have grey ears ^^)
me and Sailor Moon (yes it's a guy, but he's a brave one I tell you!)
me and Suichi ^^ gotta love Gravi hehe ^^
even Ryoga found his way there ^^ I'm very proud of this pic actually ^^ I love Ranma 1/2 ^^ picture of the day!!! it came really close between this one and the one with Ryoga.. but I just can't help but love this one hehe ^^
there ya go, a really old fashioned way too long post ^^ I hope you enjoyed reading it at least a little, cause I really loved the weekend itself ^^
I'm outta here ^^ enjoy your day peoples!!!