Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
ZOMG I'm so proud of myself ^^
hello peoples!!!
guess what? today, I visited everyone on my friends list!!! well, except for the people I just threw off, but then again, they never visit me either ^^ I've decided I'm going to keep my friends list shorter, so that I can visit people who are actually nice enough to read my useless ramblings ^^
I'm in need of some ice cream... or at least of something yummy.. I can't shake the feeling that I must eat something hehe... Idon't know what it is.. maybe it's cause of all the anime and manga.. it gives me the munchies hehe ^^
yesterday was quite a productive day ^^
after I made the monstrousity that is now known as yesterday's post, I basically started off doing nothing at all.. then I made room in my little closet thingy for the new anime and manga. the thing is, my mom gets pretty mad when I buy new stuff (even if it is my own honestly earned money *sigh*) so I kinda had to store everything in a closed cupboard. but.. my magic (the gathering, trading card game) cards were already in there too.. so I had very little space to put everything in.. eventually I fixed that by asking Silver-sama to take some stuff home with him ^^ so now my Oh! My Goddess manga lives over at his place and I think I loaned him Arjuna too ^^
but now, my Magic cards are in my clothing closet thingy and my space problem is all better ^^
after all that, I watched some Sakura Mail, chatted and then I had to go to work ^^
after work I was pretty tired, but I still managed to watch the last two dvds of Sakura Mail. man, that series confused me...
not so much the story, as it was the genre.. at the first episode I thought oh crap, I might've bought hentai.. then it got really sweet and I was like, ok, this isn't that bad.. then some more, well, let's just say, explicit episodes and then it got all sweet again...
but in the end, I quite liked the series ^^ the story was pretty good, although I started hating Touma after a few episodes... Urara is so sweet and kind to him, and she loves him so much and still he can't stop thinking about that stupid college girl *ugh*
but I won't give too much away ^^
I also read some more volumes of Ranma 1/2, so now I'm at the last one I got.. I'll finish that today too.. but first I want to watch more anime hehe ^^
this morning I already watched the Gravitation OVA (not lyrics of love, but the two episode one.. don't think it has a name...) and now I'm doubting on what series I'm going to watch.. I could watch the Lyrics of Love OVA, but then again, my mom's home and I don't want her walking in on me watching Gravitation hehe... she hates anime enough already as it is ^^'
but I could also watch Genshiken.. or Full Metal Panic Fumoffu... it's going to be close between those two... but I think I'll go with Fumoffu, cause I've been wanting to see that for a long time now hehe ^^
I'm thinking of maybe going to the giant bookstore on friday.. why, you ask me? to buy more manga of course ^^ *sees everyone looking at her, thinking: don't you have enough already?!* no I don't ^^ I still need volume 1 of Loveless and maybe I'll buy volume one of Negima too if they have it ^^ yeah I know I was going to save money, but hey... I need to take care of my addiction right?!
well I'm just glad the weather is getting better. it's still a bit warm but not as hot as the last few days. yeah I know, a lot of people have seen it way hotter, but we Dutch people don't get the time to get used to warm weather.. we have like, three days in a row of insanely hot weather, and after that it starts raining again and it gets really cold.. we can't get used to it, so once the temperature rises a little, we get too hot...
there was a bit of a thunderstorm here this morning.. I don't like thunder hehe.. but then again, it does help with getting rid of the heat ^^
well, I think I'm basically rambling now, but at least I'm managing to get my posts longer again muahahaha!!!! Greeting of the day
it's too cute hehe ^^
I'm outta here