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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

   darn you subject...I don't know one...
hello peoples!!!

well, I oughta tell you guys about my weekend, right?
sorry I wasn't around on monday, but it will all get explained ^^

saturday was mostly spend working and after work Silvereagle-sama came to pick me up. we ate chinese food at his house and after that I felt like crap, so I took a painkiller and appearently I slept the most part of the evening... I kinda can't remember a thing about that hehe... when I woke up again, it was rather late, but we watched some tv and drank some booze hehe ^^ (gee, and I still wonder why the night is a blur hehe ^_^')

on sunday we didn't do much, we slept till about 12 pm and when we woke up, it was about time for breakfast ^^
I wanted tostis so I spend half the day randomly yelling out: but what about the tostis?!
too bad, they didn't have any appropriate tosti cheese at home, so we couldn't have tostis *sigh* instead I ate a ham sandwich so YAY!!!
we spend the afternoon pretty much doing nothing and reading mangas. I read Negima volume 1 and Descendants of Darkness volume one (I found out I can buy the complete anime series of DoD for just under 23 bucks, guess what I'm gonna buy when I get paid hehe)
for dinner we went to McDonalds YAY!! hehe, like I never eat there.. ow well, I had a Happy Meal and got a lovely little car from the movie Cars with it ^^ it can do wheelies, so I'm very proud of it ^^
in the evening we watched the XXX Holic movie, which was rather strange but still very good ^^
but then, just when we were getting ready to get me home, I got sick...
let me put it this way: I haven't been feeling well for a couple of weeks now.. my stomach hurts and my head is killing me most of the time.. the fact that I took a painkiller on saturday means a lot.. I don't usually take those, but then, it just hurt too much... and on sunday evening, I found out why my tummy hurts so much hehe...
it actually got so bad that I didn't want to go into the car to drive home.. so I called home to ask if I could stay at Silvereagle-sma's house for another night, got a short preach and then my dad just said whatever, you just arrange for it all to be alright and we'll talk about it later. gee dad, thanks for the well wishes and caring words...
so that resulted in me crying my eyes out once again and Silvereagle-sama taking me to bed...

on monday morning, Silvereagle-sama had to leave for work really early.. so I slept some more after that.. and when I woke up again, I hung around on the internet for a bit, kinda cleaned his room, tried to sleep some more.. but after that I really couldn't sleep anymore, so I watched some tv, ate breakfast and hung around with his mom. then she had to leave for an appointment and I was all alone in their house, which was a bit of a weird idea, but I didn't really mind ^^
I watched some more tv and then asked SE-sama in a text message if I could play some Popolocrois on his psp. so I did that, it is a pretty fun game although the first part was a bit boring to me.. then I read Hellsing manga volume 1. when I was done with that, his mom had come home again and we talked for a bit. then I took a shower and walked the dog for his mom, cause she can't really walk very well and I needed some fresh air anyway ^^
then I read volume 2 and 3 of Hellsing and played some more Popolocrois. and then I fell asleep on the couch. just after that SE-sama got home from his work again and he had to take me home...
when I got home, nothing much happened.. I didn't get the preach I was expecting, just a lot of stories about the weekend of my mom and dad, cause they had gone to Belgium for the weekend.
in the evening I read volume 4 and 5 of XXX Holic, volume one of Howling Riot (which is a dojinshi manga-magazine), No Need for Tenchi volume 6 and I started in volume 8 of No Need for Tenchi.
so I read lots of mangas yesterday hehe ^^

well, I'm still not feeling on top of the world right now, so I probably won't visit many sites today either.. I just want to concentrate on getting better and on my work tonight, cause I have to close the store.. ow and Ishould clean my little fishtank...

well, this is becoming a rather boring post, so I'll just go and look for a greeting of the day.
just one interesting fact before the greeting: I have decided to become a blooddonor. I have been playing with the idea for a while already, ever since I got the form asking if I wanted to be a regular donor of anything (like organs and stuff, which I replied to with a no, I don't want to be a donor of anything after I die). so now, I'm waiting to get my information package and my invitation for the blood test to see if I'm suitable for giving blood ^^

I'm outta here

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