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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Friday, July 14, 2006

   making myself scarce again...
I'm very sorry peoples...

here's a quick post on my going ons...

I've got no energy whatsoever... lately I feel like I'm going to fall asleep at work and that just can't be good... still feeling a bit sick unfortunately..
and when I sleep, I sleep like crap, meaning I wake up every hour or so, just to toss and turn, trying to find a way to fall back asleep again..
at least I'm not helping customers anymore in my dreams.. that really sucked, waking up hearing yourself say: have a nice weekend
it's just wrong...

the only things I've been doing this past week:
-watch anime
-read manga
-play videogames

I haven't even been able to really be active on WDX, which is really unusual.. there are so many new people now that I'm a bit scared to go back actually.. it's not the same anymore an that's a shame, although I'm sure the new people are really nice ^^ I just don't do well in large groups and lately it's been so busy up there that it seems I'm starting to disappear... I just need to get myself back on my feet, but it's going to take a while...

the anime's I've been watching are Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu and Genshiken.
Fumoffu was great, really funny, but I still think that the first series of FMP was the best ^^
as for Genshiken.. I loved it ^^ it's a series about otaku, but taking a just a bit over the edge.. I just loved the way you follow a small after school club as they go through their daily life, trying to keep their clubroom and stuff together ^^ I especially enjoyed watching Saki, who tried so hard to disband the club to get her boyfriend to notice her more, but while the series goes on, you start to see how much she actually loves everyone in Genshiken.. it's fun to see someone subtily changing into a bit of an otaku ^^
I just finished watching the last episode, and to be honest, I was a bit sad it ended.. I'm quite looking forward to the Kujibiki Unbalance series that are supposed to be in the makings.. this series has little to do with Genshiken, except that it's the series the club watches almost every episode.. I've seen three episodes of Kujiun cause they're extra's on the Genshiken DVD's ^^
I guess I should get back to watching Ranma 1/2 again ^^ I still got quite a few DVD's of that to go.. or I could watch some Gravitation ^^ hmz.. Iknow for sure I"m going to order the Descendants of Darkness box hehe ^^ I've seen one episode of that a while back and I liked it, also, the manga is great hehe ^^

video games I've been playing:
Popolocrois and Guild Wars..
yup, I borrowed/stole Silvereagle-sama's PSP and I've been playing Popo since wednesday ^^ it's pretty fun after you get through the boring part hehe ^^ I just got stuck though hehe...
and I've picked up some GW again ^^ it had been quite a while since I played that and it was fun to do again ^^ (although my laptop of course decided to quit halfway... evil blue screen... *sigh*) I made me a tiger pet.. and of course, while I was working on charming it to be my pet, my henchmen were busy killing the poor thing.. so I'm standing there, doing my charm animal spell, and they were going at it, saying how good they were going to kill it.. *sigh* so I ended up with a corpse of pet tiger thank goodness I was able to revive it ^^

manga I've been reading:
let's see.. I think it has only been Full Metal Panic Overload, which is just really really funny ^^

well, I feel guilty now, cause I started to rant...
sorry peoples.. I guess I just can't control myself..
I'll try and visit everyone again next week, but I will understand if anyone wants to kick me off his or her friends list.. I'm being a horrible friend at the moment and I probably won't post anymore until I've visited everyone again.. it really makes me feel guilty.. *huggles everyone* komenasai...

greeting of the day:

but hey, there's a kitty, you can't say no to the kitty can you? well, can you? can you really? well, I'm really sorry...

I'm outta here, time to try and get some sleep...

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