Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Friday, August 4, 2006
too busy having fun
hey guys ^^
yeah I know, I'm still not visiting very well, but hey, I'm too busy!!
I'm having lots of fun with Silverealge-sama and I'm kinda sad that the week is almost over.. on sunday I'm gonna go back home and even though it makes me sad that I will have to miss him again for a week, I'm kinda happy too. cause yesterday evening, I got like, really homesick.. and to be honest, the only things I really miss are my cat and my fish.. yeah, I know, I"m weird, but it's like I've got the best bond with the animals in my house ^^' as some of you know, I really love my fish ^^
my week so far:
on monday we didn't do all that much, we went to the huge electronics store and I bought Silverealge-sama a DVD-player with multiregion for his birthday and our three year aniversary ^^ now he can watch his own import DVDs (read: anime and wrestling hehe)
he got me Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure or however it is called hehe ^^ and I bought myself the game Crazy Machines which is addictive and kinda annoying at times ^^ ow and I bought Jaws the anniversary version and I got the Crocodile Hunter movie from Silver-sama ^^
on mondayevening we went to a friend of Silver-sama's and we played some games, watched tv and just chatted ^^ it was fun ^^
we went shopping ^^
and yes, we spend way too much money.. *sigh* I'm broke and Silver's lucky he's got a creditcard hehe, but I"ll get back on that ^^
I bought:
Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire(the original book ^^)
Negima volume 3 and 5
Arjuna DVD 2 and 3
and NOIR DVD 2 and 4 and 5 ^^
and I got NOIR DVD 3 from Silver ^^ plus a figurine of Ohno from Genshiken ^^ let's see if I can find a picture..
ah, there it is ^^
and in the evening, I finished reading my Preston&Child book and we didn't really do much.. we just hung out really ^^
we went to a zoo ^^ it was fun, cause it was a zoo that only had European animals ^^ it's nice to see what kind of animals live on our continent ^^ though we weren't all too sure if polarbears really live around here.. but they still looked really cool ^^
we were done quickly though, cause it was a rather small zoo
when we got home again we didn't do much again.. ow yeah, that's right, we ordered some manga which got delivered on wednesday too ^^ I got Ranma 1/2 volume 35 and Descendants of Darkness volume 2 ^^
and in the evening we watched the Crocodile Hunter movie which was rather funny ^^
we went to the huge bookstore in Rotterdam where they actually got some manga ^^
we bought way too much stuff again,all on Silver-sama's creditcard hehe ^^
he gave me (I'm not sure if I have to repay him hehe...)
Descendants of Darkness volume 3,4,5 and 6
XXX Holic volume 6
Negima volume 2(I was kinda bummed that they didn't have 4..) and
Trigun ^^ trigun is a huge manga.. it's got over 350 pages O_o!!
and I promised to pay him back for this one: The art of Howl's Moving Castle!! it's such a wonderful book ^^ I still have to read it completely, but it is really fun to see the concept scetches and how the movie is being put together ^^ AND the complete screenplay is in there ^^ now I can read the movie hehe ^^
and Silver-sama bought me the movie The Weatherman, with Nicolas Cage, I love that guy, but we still have to watch the movie ^^
and in the evening we didn't do much really, I got really homesick and cryed my eyes out for a bit and then I just went to sleep.. I'm so tired still..
but don't worry about me, I'll be fine ^^
and I will visit everyone again next week, this week is for Silver-sama and me ^^ and I'm sure you guys don't mind cause you're the best friends ever ^^ *huggles you all*
no greeting of the day, this post was long enough already ^^
I'm outta here
ps: I think I got everything we did this week on here... just fill in anything I missed, in your comment Silver-honey ^^
pps: due to my lack in visiting people, I just found out that things aren't all that well with Ada Pallas again, one of my best friends on here (her comments always made me feel better and she is just such a nice person)
I hope that someone who has her email adress can tell her that I hope she feels better soon and that I wish I could do something for's hard to see a friend in trouble and all I can do it pray for her.
if you read this yourself, Sarah:*hugs* just know I care, that's all I can do for now..I wish there was more...