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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Monday, August 7, 2006

   back home from the Eagle's nest
heya guys ^^
well, my week of vacation is over and tonight I gotta work again... so I'm not looking forward to that seeing as how I loved my week of slacking off hehe ^^

the last few days have been rather uneventful, although I loved them ^^ we basically just hung around the house, reading mangas and stuff ^^ we both got addicted to the Crazy Machines game, so we played that a lot ^^
we also watched some movies and other than that I don't think we did all that much..
ow and Magnus: we did eat chinese food hehe ^^ I even got it two times, cause I really didn't want to eat the Russian Stroganoff hehe ^^ it looked so icky, ew!! so Silver-sama bought me chinese ^^ he's the sweetest ^^
plus, cause Silver-sama's mom had her birthday on sunday we went to a chinese/japanese wok restaurant ^^ you got to pick out your own meat and vegetables, then pick a sauce and the cook would wok it right in front of you ^^ it looked so cool and it was yummy too ^^
I finally had the chance to try squid and it was yummy ^^ just a bit chewy though, but it still tasted great ^^ and I tried a sushi-roll thingy (it just didn't have raw fish in it, but fruit hehe ^^) I think I ate way too much then hehe ^^ I went through the buffet twice, had a plate of fruit and then had dessert (fruit and ice-cream) twice ^^ I was totally stuffed when we got back hehe ^^

when we got back at Silver-sama's place, we watched some tv and I packed my stuff and then it was time for me to go home again T_T
it was good to come home again though, my cat seemed rather happy to see me (I missed her so badly hehe, but now, she's sleeping right next to me, so I can hug her whenever I want tee-hee ^^) my brother also seemed happy to see me, especially since he kept hanging around me and Silver-sama. but I got kinda sick of him pretty quickly, cause I was trying to say goodbye to Silver.. and my brother wouldn't leave us alone T_T eventually he did leave so I could say a proper goodbye ^_~ (I'm sure you all know what I mean hehe ^^)
all in all it's good to be home again ^^ I missed my cat and fishes (who are all doing fine too ^^) so much and it is good to sleep in my own bed again ^^
it's just a lot more lonely, seeing as how I slept together with Silver-sama all week and now I have to sleep all alone in my bed T_T (but it's a lot more roomy hehe ^_~ I don't have the feeling I'm going to fall out all the time anymore ^^)

today,I haven't done much yet.. I slept in, watched some tv and read some manga ^^ ow and I hugged my cat a lot hehe ^^ she is going to be so sick of me within a few days tee-hee
also, I got my first notice to come and give blood, meaning I don't have any icky sicknessess in my blood YAY! so on friday, I'll take a little trip to the hospital again ^^ I'm rather exited about it to be honest hehe ^^ it just feels good to be able to do something for other people ^^

ow AND, today,I got up to date with my friends list ^^ as you can see, I made it a lot shorter, but I think I've pretty much narrowed it down to my best friends on here ^^ I just don't want to feel guilty anymore over visiting people that hardly show up here and then not having the time to visit you guys that comment almost all the time ^^
as you can see, I've lifted my spirit a bit (and I'm sure that my week off has everything to do with that) so I won't be deleting my site any time soon ^^ I might change the theme again though, I'm getting a bit sick of Ranma's face hehe ^^ never thought I would, but I am hehe ^^'

well, that's enough rambling out of me, time for the greeting of the day:

tee-hee, I can't help it, I just love pics of Ed raving about his height hehe ^^

I'm outta here

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