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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Friday, August 11, 2006

   There's a hole in Lytjuh's arm...
heya guys ^^
it's me again hehe ^^ after two darn hard days of work, I've found some time to post muahahaha!!!

those two days weren't all that bad, but I did get into bed about two to three hours earlier than usual (usually, I mess around till about midnight, but I went to sleep around 10.15 and 10.30 these past nights) and I might do the same tonight, seeing as how I've got to work till nine and start again tomorrow at eight..

hmz.. what else to tell you about the past few days...
Archonia.com finally got my Descendants of Darkness in, but of course, they won't send me anything until they also got the first Loveless manga for me... so that might take another while *sigh*
in the meantime, I've got a nicely filled basket waiting for my paycheck to come in hehe ^^ but maybe I should tone it down a little, cause right now, it's got about 150 bucks worth of anime and manga in it ^^'

as for the title: this morning I went and gave blood for the first time ^^
my dad drove me to the bloodbank and I had lots of fun there hehe ^^ the people there were all pretty darn overconcerned about me, cause I almost blacked out during the last time I was there (they first had to take a little blood for tests and stuff ^^ and it was so warm back then...)
my arm still smarts a bit and you can see a nice hole in it ^^ that's a pretty big needle they put in ya, I can tell you that much hehe ^^ *sees several MyOtakuans fainting, including Silvereagle-sama* oops ^^'
my finger also hurts a bit, cause they first needed a drop of blood to see if my hemoglobine, or however-you-spell-that, level was alright. so they basically jam some sort of torturing device into your finger without giving a warning.. evil people!
I do know that the next time I go, Iwill take a manga with me, or I'll have to read the Cosmopolitan or however it was called again *shivers* hmz.. I should've taken the Aniway, seeing as how I still need to read it.. ow well, a lesson learned for next time ^^
I want to do it at least ten times ^^ why? cause then I'll get a pin and a pelican plushie ^^
this time I got a mug as a welcoming gift ^^

well, I'm gonna try and visit some sites before I have to go to work...
Greeting of the day:

yeah, it took me way too long to find this one hehe ^^' so I guess I'll visit sites some other time ^^
in the meantime, enjoy another greeting:

tee-hee, I love this one ^^

(I'm starting to feel woozy and I've got a pretty bad taste in my mouth... I just hope I don't get sick...)

I'm outta here

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