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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Friday, August 18, 2006

   I ain't gonna die till I get my sh*t!!!
'I want my sh*t'-Insane Clown Posse
it's all your fault Ran-chan!! you had to send me some of their songs and now I'm hooked.. ow well, it's fun ^^ like you said, it's just some good, clean musical fun ^^ I wonder why my mom doesn't like it ^_~

but this subject is very on topic, cause it looks like I might die before I get my sh*t.. that is, if I have to wait for Archonia.com.. they're STILL restocking on Loveless manga volume 1.. the site said that it would take 2 to 3 weeks.. I'm going into my fifth week I think already.. *sigh* ow well, I'm gonna make a new order this weekend, cause I got paid YAY ^^
in three weeks, I made almost 500 bucks and now you can all guess where that's all going ^^
well.. I only got about 450 bucks left already, cause I've been spending too much last month.. and then there's still my debt with Silvereagle-sama.. ow and my mom's birthday is coming up.. *sigh* that means not much manga and anime for me, seeing as how I also still need to save money.. but I was able to cut my huge basket down to about 70 bucks. now, I know you're all wondering how I did that. easy, throw out everything that was out of stock ^^
so for now, all that's in there is:
-FLCL boxset (DVD,dah)
-Fruits Basket manga 14
-Trigun volume 2 manga.

all those should be send to me within 48 hours ^^ well, to Silvereagle-sama to be honest, cause I can't have them packages be delivered at my home.. the peoples here get rather..'curious', meaning that most of the time, they don't wait for the one who the package is for with opening it *sigh*
but Silver said that I could let them get delivered at his place so YAY ^^ it just means that if it gets delivered during the week, I have to wait until the weekend to get it ^^

enough about my spending habits now.. oh no, that's not true tee-hee ^^
last wednesday, I bought a bookcase ^^ I really really needed one, cause well, the shelves, of the case my books and stuff are in now, are starting to bend.. and not just a little, it looks like the whole thing might fall apart soon ^^'
unfortunately, Hans, my ficus-tree-plant-thingy will have to go.. he was my friend, giving me lots of oxigen and just a homey feeling to my room.. but when Ihad to chose between books or a plant, I was like.. well, I just realised that you need plants to make books.. or rather, trees.. ow well, who cares, I like books better than plants and I guess I just figured that I could always put a smaller plant on top of my new bookcase ^^ YES ^^
this also means that my huge movie poster of Johnny Depp (aka Jack Sparrow) will have to move. but I've got a nice spot for him above my bed, right next to Puss in Boots ^^
but the most important change will be: I get a place to put all my manga together, making more room in my other case for new DVDs and I'll basically just have way more storing room ^^
but I think I'll keep my yaoi right where it is right now.. don't want my mom finding that and accidentally letting it fall open, now would we?
speaking of yaoi *adds "Man's Best Friend" and "Wild Rock" to basket* tee-hee ^^ I got the cash muahahaha!!!
and thanks JD Person for dropping some names hehe ^^ it's so hard to find any good yaoi on the internet..
anywho, my dad will probably put the whole thing together tonight and I'll have the time tomorrow morning to get my stuff in there ^^ (the thing only cost me €17.50 by the way ^^ that reminds me, I still have to pay back my dad for it hehe ^^')

more good news: my wrist is better ^^ so HAH to everyone who was telling me to take it easy with it muahaha!! it healed why I just kept on using it ^^ (but I was still right about your shoulder Ran nyaa!!)

even more good news ^^ I got my first letter from Magnus Lehnsherr ^^ *happy squeels* now I just need to find the time to write one back.. hmz, I think I can do that this afternoon ^^

some sad news: I have left WDX for good.. well, I will still drop by every now and then as a guest to see how everyone's doing.. but the site just isn't what it used to be anymore.. and sadly, I kept getting into fights with the same person, and the last one we had (yesterday) turned just too ugly. the site where Ihad once felt safe enough to be myself and have fun, suddenly turned into a hostile environment.. things were said that shouldn't have been said. and I'll admit, I've been a bitch to that person, but he wasn't all too nice to me either..
it's sad that the place has changed so much, but I guess it was inevitable and Ihad to leave there some day. I just really regret that it had to be this way.. I've made alot of really good friends on there and I hope we can still be friends even outside of the site ^^
EDIT: thank you so much Silvereagle-sama and Ran-chan for sticking up for me ^^ at least now I know who to trust after all this ^^ you guys stick with me no matter what. you guys really are the best *huggles you both*

but enough about that now ^^ I'm a bit hyper right now.. I've been awake since 3 am (it's just a little over 1 om right now and it doesn't look like I will get any more sleep before tonight.. ow well ^^ I just hope I'll make it through work hehe ^^')
I've done a lot of crying and tossing and turning, but I think I've come to realise that a few things in my life are going to change and really have to change. I've even decided to lose some weight O_o yeah, I thought that would shock you guys hehe ^^ it's not that I'm heavy or anything, it's more that I don't want to gain anymore weight. so I'm gonna try and not eat as much chips and candy as I used to and instead go for the healthier snacks ^^ I like fruit anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem ^^ just a good thing that the jelliebean store disappeared hehe ^^'

EDIT #2: speaking of changes, I'm gonna look for a new cellphone.. mine has been acting up for a while now and I think I should get a new one.. the only problem is that I'm used to the prepaid system (meaning you by a card for let's say 20 buck and then you upgrade that into your phone and then you have 20 bucks to spend ^^ it's hard to explain...) the thing is.. prepaid phones can cost as much as 150 bucks now.. and if you just take on a phone-plan (I think it's called that in english.. not sure) you get a phone for free, but you have to pay the same amount of money every month.. (plus maybe the costs of going over the phone-plan thingy, I dunno.. AAAHHHRRRGGG) so, to make a long story short (which I should've done in the first place) I'm gonna look for a new phone cause mine is getting old and it's hanging together with scotchtape ^^'

well, I have to say, writing this post felt good ^^ although it's really sad that I had to leave one of my favorite places, this does mean that I will have more time to visit people again ^^
which is a good thing, cause it seems like a lot of people will be returning from their vacations and things like that ^^
school starts again soon (I think in about two weeks for me.. but I'm not sure.. I do know that they won't see me there until I've seen a schedule hehe ^^') but one person I'm pretty exited over returning is Grifter-san. he used to be such a good friend and talking-buddy to me ^^ so I'm pretty happy that I'll be able to talk to him again ^^

greeting of the day:

ZOMG!! it was the first card I saw when I clicked the greetings link and I LOVE IT!!! the people who know Azumanga Daioh will probably LTAO like I did ^^ in fact, I'm still laughing ^^

oh yeah, to the peoples who've been sending me pm's, I'll try to get back to you guys asap ^^ I just keep forgetting to.. hehe ^^' anyway, I'll try to finish all that up this afternoon and if not, tomorrow morning ^^

I'm outta here

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