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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Monday, August 21, 2006

   you can't love him, for he is already mine
"That'll be me"- Krezip

lots of changes going on right now and I'm freakin' scared of them all.. the one thing I really hate about growing up is that so many things change..

the weekend was good ^^ Silvereagle-sama stayed over at my house this weekend ^^ we went shopping on saturday and I ended up buying a new phone on an impulse.. it's a Nokia 6233 and it looks like this:

prittyful ne?
got me a bluetooth adapter thingy and headset with it ^^ but the headset was sold to Silvereagle-sama, so now I can call him when he's in his car hehe ^^
so now, I'm bound to a phoneplan for 25 bucks a month.. but I have to pay for international textmessages outside of my phoneplan...
but it's a really cool phone and it can do lots of things ^^ like play mp3s and I can expend the memory of the thing ^^ but I still need to mess around with it some more before I know how it all works hehe ^^'
got a pic of the Insane Clown Posse as a background on it hehe ^^ it makes me a Juglette muahahaha!!!

my bookcase is filled with books and mangas now ^^ I got half a shelve left hehe ^^' but at least now I have more room for new dvds and books in the other bookcase ^^
I also learned that my dad is going to pay for it, so I don't have to pay him back YAY ^^

oh right, other things I bought on saturday:
-Second Season of The 4400
-a necklace and bracelet
and Silvereagle-sama gave me volume 14 of the Fruits Basket manga ^^
and then, in the evening, we ordered some stuff from Archonia ^^ I'm now waiting for a Kiddy Grade box (yep, FLCL disappeared suddenly.. but Ran-chan keeps telling me that he hacked into my account and deleted it all from my basket.. I just got second thoughts I guess ^^), XXX Holic manga volume 7, NOIR DVD volume 1 and Man's Best Friend manga ^^ YAY for the yaoi ^^

well, I think you guys deserve a break from the long post, seeing how you all thought my last one was a monster hehe ^^'
I don't know if I'll be around a lot this week.. tomorrow I'm going to Sivlereagle-sama (am I over four times yet? trying to beat my record ^_~) and we're probably going to the beach ^^
and on wednesday I'll be going to Amsterdam with my mom ^^ we'll be going to Madame Toussauds (hell if I know how to spell that hehe ^^') it's a museum with wax statues of famous people hehe ^^ and after that we'll go shopping ^^ YAY
and on thursday I'm going to Silverealge-sama's again (ok, now I have to be over four!!) dunno yet what we'll do then ^^

time for the greeting of the day:

no really, I'm tired...
I'm outta here

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