Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I want you, but I'm not giving in this time
"Goodbye to you"-Michelle Branch
has nothing to do with the post, just love the song..
yesterday was good. I went to Silvereagle-sama and we went to the beach. I really loved it ^^ I think it shall be a good idea to give myself at least an afternoon at the beach next week ^^ (btw, I finally got a schedule, I start school not next week, but the week after that, got scrambled into a class full of people I don't know/like and my schedule basically sucks big time.. but hey, that's school for ya ^^)
we had some lovely weather and I really got the chance to just walk and think and sit and think and just enjoy my time with my boyfriend ^^
in the evening we watched 'Without a Paddle' which was really funny ^^ I just love Seth Green hehe ^^ he's really short though...
and then.. I had to go home again *sigh*
today started with a fight. such a lovely way to start the day, don't you think? yep, my mom was already angry with me.. why? well, I didn't know at first, but aparently, I'm not a very nice person to be around.. and I thought that leaving for Amsterdam at 8.24am was a bit early.. so she kind of snapped and wanted to cancel our day. eventually we managed to get a compromise of leaving at 9.24 am. my dad later told me that he thought I was acting weird too.. why? cause I didn't go into the kitchen to see the cat when I got home yesterday.. and my mom was mad at me cause she had been sick yesterday and I didn't say anything to her when I got home.. well duh! I thought she was asleep already, seeing as how she didn't say anything to me either and the lights were off.. am I supposed to walk into my home, smell the air and say: 'oh, my mom has been sick, I should go and keep her awake with useless talking.' *sigh* I guess parents are just weird like that..
anywho... we ended up going to Amsterdam after all ^^ and we acted like the worst tourists ever.. we went to the wax museum and I loved it ^^ and after that, we basically just strolled around and we went on a tour through the canals with this stupid very touristy tourboat hehe ^^
but it was pretty fun to see the side of my own country that's pointed more towards tourists. but thinking like that doesn't start till the 4th of september for me, so I'll quit now ^^
I'm kinda bummed, cause my nice mister boss-man is making me work tomorrow morning.. *sigh* ow well, it'll only be till 1 pm and then Silver is coming to pick me up ^^ we'll be going shopping tee-hee ^^ though I don't think I will buy anything besides a present for my mom, cause I will have to start saving money again ^^
especially cause the wild plan of saving up money to make a trip to America in about a year popped into my head. I would love to just travel around for about six or seven weeks and maybe visit some of my Otaku-friends!!
but then again, it will take a whole lot of willpower from me not to spend money.. but hey, I've given up on eating candy, chips and such already too, I can do this! and I'm sure I'll be able to do it with the support of you guys ^^ (you can pm me to get the number for my bankaccount, all money is very welcome ^_~)
well, I don't want to make this too long (which it probably already is ^^' sorry bout that..) so I'll quit rambling now ^^
no greeting of the day, but you guys are going to get some pictures YAY!!!
yours truly on the beach, I love this picture ^^ thank you Silvereagle-sama for making it ^^
the rest of the pics have been made by my mom, who could've used a crashcourse in how to use a camera before we went to Amsterdam.. *sigh* ow well, they turned out good ^^ you can actually see her getting better *laughs* gotta love CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow ^^ the Pirates exhibition was a bit scary but it was so much fun ^^ my friend saw this pic and said: 'EW! Who's that?' it's Robbie Williams and his tummy was hard as a rock tee-hee ^^ one of my most loved actors, Nicholas Cage, he can do anything!! he's hot AND a great actor *huggles the pic* tee-hee you can even see his chesthair *squeels* George asked me to marry him over a romantic dinner.. I had to turn him down though, I'm saving myself for Silver-sama ^_~ (he's got my number though ^_~) I just love this one, cause it was a really young version of Mel Gibson ^^ but if you ask me, he got a lot hotter with the years ^^ (as some of you know, I like older men ^^ ..erhm.. did I say men? I meant PEOPLE.. really, I did.. *blushes and quickly moves on to the next picture* ssst, we're busy solving the mystery of the Holy Grail! btw, when is that movie coming out on DVD.. I must have it!!!
I'm outta here
ps: sorry for the pics being too big for the post box.. here's a link to my photobucket account
where you can view them better ^^