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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Friday, August 25, 2006

Trying to tell the angels I don't know what to do, while convincing myself to believe, all the sadness has purpose too..
"Being so not for you(I had no right)"-PM Dawn
is the Jugglette going soft already? naw, I'm still down with the clown, I just love this song hehe ^^
you all got Grifter-san and Ran-chan to blame for that!! hehe, I love you guys for sending me this music though ^^

yesterday wasn't all that bad ^^ in fact, it was rather good hehe ^^ work went by pretty quickly after a very boring start.. it might be long, but I have to tell you guys this story hehe ^^
well, work started out boring like I said. thursday mornings just don't get that many customers and there isn't any stock that has to go in the shelves.. so I first just sat at the register till I started to go crazy.. I just had to do something, I cna't sit around all the time doing nothing. if I wanted to do that, I wouldn't have gotten myself a job, now would I?
so I asked my mister boss man to give me something to do ^^ so he started to completely clean out the back of the store and bringing me boxes of bottles that could go onto the shelves ^^ he dropped two full boxes in the process, which was pretty funny to me, but a bit less to him, cause he had to clean up the mess before it got all sticky and such.
when we got done with that, a few customers started coming in, so I had something to do while my boss was working on the administration.
later on, he came to stand by me in the store to have a little chat. and then it happened...
I don't want to make a long post so this will have to be a cliffhanger till tomorrow muahahaha!!!
nah, just kidding people ^^ here it goes ^^

a pidgeon flew into the store. he just flew straight through the door! and my boss looked at me with a look of WTF?! and I was thinking pretty much the same hehe ^^
but, my boss isn't too big with animals *laughs* he says he's scared to catch them cause they always attack him (he's a 25 year old man, who's scared to catch a pidgeon.. good thing Lytjuh was there to save the day hehe ^^)
so he was like, how are we ever going to get this pidgeon out of the store without it flying around breaking bottles and pooping all over the place? and then he came up with the brightest idea ever (yeah right, if it was an old black and white slapstick silent movie that is!): he wanted to chase the thing out with a broomstick!! so he went and got the broom, came out of the back while yelling at the pidgeon: 'hey you! get out!' too bad pidgeons aren't all that scared of brooms, so it was pretty unimpressed and just stayed where it was hehe ^^
but then, just when my boss wanted to give up, the bird flew straight at a nicely filled shelve of pretty expensive liquor, leaving my boss pretty much standing there screaming NOOOO!!! fortunately it didn't knock any bottles over. then it landed on top of one of the shelves in the middle of the store.
my boss was still thinking of things to do without having to get close to the pidgeon, so I thought it was time for me to help him out hehe ^^ while trying to keep my laughing inside, I got out from behind the register, took a box and walked over to the pidgeon. of course, it didn't want to go into a dark box, so it flew straight into the window and fell on the floor. which made things a lot easier for me ^^ I carefully put the box over the pidgeon. so then I had a pidgeon in a cardboard box ^^ I asked my boss to hand me one of the plastic bags we sell. that really confused him hehe but he still handed me one. from here on it's simple, I carefully moved the plastic bag under the box so that it would seal off the opening, picked the whole package up and took it outside ^^
there, I removed the plastic bag and set the pidgeon free.
back inside the store I told my boss that it's like what I do with spiders, just bigger and with wings hehe ^^ (you see, spiders can be easily caught by putting and empty glass over them and shoving a paper underneath the glass ^^)
so that was my amazing adventure at work ^^ I wonder how long my boss would've chased the pidgeon with the broomstick if I hadn't been there.. just imagining it is funny to me hehe ^^ he just looked to silly ^^

after work, Silvereagle-sama came to pick me up ^^ we went shopping once again, cause I still needed a present for my mom (her birthday is coming up next week). since I had promised myself not to spend anymore money for myself, I had to remember everything I saw and wanted for christmas lists and such ^^ but Silver still bought me some things ^^
I got a lovely shiny small slave-bracelet (it's how they're called, it doesn't make me a slave *death glares at Ran-chan*) from him ^^
and he bought me (let's see...)
-Gatcha Gacha manga volume 1
-Love Hina the novel volume 2
and a new plant for on top of my new bookcase (to Grifter-san,you just missed the posts saying that I bought, or rather got, one ^^)
I bought a present for my mom and I just couldn't resist buying a lucky bamboo plant ^^

also the latest order from Archonia came in yesterday ^^ nope, not my Loveless and Descendants of Darkness, cause they're STILL restocking on Loveless (I think I might really die before I get my sh*t hehe)
but one from Silver and me both ^^
so now he has Tsubasa manga volume 10 and Scryed manga volume 5 (I think, check his post to see if I'm right)
and I got:
-Kiddy Grade DVD box (YAY a new full serie to watch ^^)
-NOIR DVD volume 1 (I can finally start watching it hehe)
-XXX Holic manga volume 7 and
-Man's Best Friend (YAOI!!!!! finally hehe ^^)

when we got back home we ate chinese food YAY ^^ and in the evening we didn't do that much, cause I fell asleep again *sigh*
and when I woke up again, we talked and watched tv. and then it was time for me to go home again.
his birthday is on sunday ^^ and he's giving kind of a party for his friends on saturday, so I'll be spending the weekend over at his place ^^

this morning was spend half with doing some stuff I've pushed forward for way too long (like shaving my legs, hate that job, but it has to be done, cleaning my little fishtank and finally writing a reply to Magnus' letter.. schoolwork will have to wait till next week)
and the other half was spend writing this post.. ZOMG, it got way out of hand, I still can't believe how I can talk so much about absolutely nothing..
tonight I'll have to work, but it'll only be for three hours until nine pm, so I should be alright ^^
the free time I got left now, will probably be spend with watching anime ^^ I think I'll start with.. erhm.. *closes eyes and points* well, that didn't work cause I'm like six feet away from my DVD's *laughs* it will have to be Kiddy Grade I think, cause I traded FLCL for that one. now I'll know fastest if Ran-chan is going to be right or if I made a wrong choice in switching hehe ^^'
but first I'll take a trip to the post office.. not looking forward to it though, cause it's still raining like crazy *sigh* ow well, that's why they invented umbrella's right?

random greeting of the day cause I don't feel like browsing for another hour to find a good one:

ok, maybe not so random, cause aparently it's no longer possible to get a random greeting.. but it's still funny to me ^^

I'm outta here, sorry for the long ramble, but thank you for reading all of it if you did ^^

ps: to Grifter-san, if you don't see me online, but you do have the time, could you email me?

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