Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Sunday, August 27, 2006
I feel like a cartoon brick wall
"Why not smile"-R.E.M.
this subject actually kind of has something to do with the post hehe ^^
sorry that the last post seemed to imply that I like pigeons.. I really don't.. like Ran-chan calls them, they're flying rats and if you asked me, they can all die ^^ but the way I caught the thing in the store was just the easiest way. meaning the way where you don't have to clean pigeon-goo off the bottles and such hehe...
I just wanted to set that straight ^^
yesterday was good ^^ of course I woke up way too early for someone who had stayed up till after 1am.. but I still managed to stay awake till after 3am this night ^^
today's Silvereagle-sama's birthday YAY!! he's 22 now, so I think I will have to go and look for a younger boyfriend tee-hee ^^ naw, I like older people hehe ^^ but you guys already knew that, so I will stop whining about it ^^
he picked me up late in the morning and we went to his place. where we didn't do all that much hehe. just relaxing and hanging around. until one of his friends came and we had to eat.
he had some other friends coming over later in the evening.
but the friend that came first is his best friend (or at least one of them hehe). which makes me feel guilty for not really liking the guy.. well, I got my reasons, cause he treats me like I'm a tiny little kid.. just cause I'm not over twenty yet and get sleepy fast doesn't mean that he can talk to me in a voice grandma's use for their baby-grandchildren.. *sigh* but then again, at times he can be pretty cool ^^ cause he can say some pretty darn sarcastic and sadistic stuff and I can still outwit him most of the time. so when he starts going all baby-voice on me, all I have to do is fire a few sarcastic pointers at him and he remembers who he's dealing with ^^ and last night I found out that he's a Juggalo hehe ^^ he was the only one there (besides me and Silver) who knew ICP ^^ (while I'm on the topic anyway: Ran-chan, with all the people who read this post as my witnessess: I demand you to send me more of their songs muahahaa!! I know I keep whining about it, but I went by probably every single music store I know and they don't have their cd's anywhere!)
the party was fun, though boring at times for me.. cause basically everyone who was there is into wrestling.. and I couldn't care less about it hehe.. I tried, I really did, but it just can't interest me.. so those talks were kind of boring..
but for those times there is always my friend the whisky-coke hehe ^^ yeah, I drink alcohol, a lot.. but I'm at a legal age for it and I know what I'm doing. I do not want any of the kids on here to start drinking cause they think it's cool, so here's my warning: it may be fun while it buzzes, but you'll feel like hell in the morning!! and that's where my subject comes in hehe ^^'
I got drunk last night.. and not just a little.. can't say I'm proud of it, but I have to be honest.. I had been craving to get drunk for a while.. there was just so much sh*t going on lately, so many things that kept confusing me and bothering and worrying me.. and I have to admit, it helped me escape from all that for a while.. yeah, it's dumb and I really just want to say kids, it's just not cool!! but it's my way of escaping from some problems in my life I don't want to deal with.. and I always got my honey there to take care of me and make sure I don't do anything I regret.
it was a nice buzz, until I woke up this morning.. my stomach reacts about ten seconds later than the rest of my body, my head feels like it might explode soon and basically I'm just sore all over.. (Ran-chan, get your mind out of the gutter!)
a good breakfast and a long warm shower helped a little, but I'll probably feel like crap for the rest of the day.. in the end, it's never really worth it, ya know..
I just want to point out again: I'm not for young people drinking alcohol! you can do whatever you want once you're the legal age for drinking, but please, make sure that you know what you're doing and that there is always someone there who can take care of you!
maybe I should delete the drinking part out of this post, but I really just want to keep it in here.. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, or if I got you guys worrying about me being an alcoholic now (trust me,I'm not! if I was, I would't need a party as an excuse to get drunk. I don't do this every weekend, hell, I don't even do it every month. but for me, this is the way to escape some things. yeah it's not a good way, but it works for me and it's safer than drugs and such)
ok, I'm done now, cause it's getting frustrating not being able to really find the words for ho much I disapprove of underage drinking. oh, I know! since I work at a liquor store (yep, the lush made her hobby into work) I see some people every single day, buying a large amount of booze. sometimes they come back several times a day, swaying more with every visit. trust me kids, you don't want to turn into those people! think before you act and make sure that you know enough about the consequences and such!
ok I'm done with that now ^^
even though I might have been tipsy already, I still kicked some butt in Magic, The Gathering hehe ^^ one of my decks is just too evil.. it gives me life with basically every move I make and most of the time my opponent makes a move I get some more life hehe ^^ and with gaining life, my creatures gain in strength muahahaha!!! but the guy I was playing against wasn't really feeling like getting his butt kicked, so eventually he just gave up.. no fun, I wanted to expand my army and gain over 100 life points.. ow well ^^ I was able to do something similar one time in a game with Silvereagle-sama (remember that one honey ^_~)
that ends my story about the party ^^
I think my hair is getting more red again... maybe I'll bleach it soon.. but I probably won't cause I actually like this color.. but when fall approaches, I just want to change my hair a little.. maybe I'll just go and get the tips dyed.. last time I did that it looked pretty cool ^^
I'm less worried about my phone plan already, cause Ran-chan thought me the trick of pretending not to have any money in my bank account ^^ well, he said I had to think out a certain amount, but I've decided to now think that I'm broke ^^
cause after I pay my phone bill and all, everything that's left is going to my saving account. I've got my mind set on going to the US now. travel around there for a few weeks and maybe even meeting some friends I met on here ^^
funny enough,I mostly want to meet the people who are older than me.. with the great exception of JD Person ^^ I guess it's just cause I've been able to relate to them more than with the younger peoples. and they have been way better friends to me than most of the people around my age have been ^^ (and with that I mean the real life people..) I'd love to meet Ran-chan, Grifter-san and maybe even Yensid-dono (or -sempai, I don't know which one she will prefer..)
and I guess I just really want to do something to, I dunno, leave my childhood and puberty behind and step into the adult-world. I'll be twenty next year after all..
hehe, this one really is a monster.. but I don't really care. cause it has all I wanted to say in it and if you guys don't want to read it.. it's ok ^^ I can understand ^^
but this is my life at the moment and I felt like sharing it with my friends ^^
*hugs everyone* you guys are the best ^^
greeting of the day (yes this means that the post is almost over hehe ^^):
now there's a gift for ya ^_~ happy birthday honey ^^ (I wanted the card that said I would give him a male stripper.. but I think that I would enjoy that present way more hehe ^^')
if you'll all excuse me now, I'm going to search the house for painkillers!!