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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Now you gotta face your worst enemy and that's yourself
"Wax Museum"-ICP

Welcome to the gypsy of fortunes
Your coin was very much appreciated
And now I shall grant you your future

you'll be really bored by a once again way too long post ^^
ok, that's not what the song says, but I want to keep my site a bit youth-friendly this time ^^

fighting yourself is hard.. I've had my share of depression and such already, but for some reason, things seem to be going downhill again.. now, I'm not going to whine, I got my Juggalos (boyfriend and my wonderful friend Ran-chan) to keep me up. and I know that they are going to get me through this ^^ I have too much to live for and I know it. makes ya wonder why I get depressed huh? welcome to my world, don't worry, we have cookies ^^
I might be fighting my worst enemy, but I'm not fighting alone, I got my friends to tag so they can take over when things get too hard for me ^^ *really really hopes that she used the wrestling-comparison-to-life correctly ^^'*

onto happy things, I told you I wasn't going to whine all the time ^^
ok, one little whine then.. my spacebar is driving me completely crazy! my cat ripped it off a few months ago, but now it's still acting up.. I have to move over my lines at least three times to make sure that everything is spaced correctly.. and I just hate making typo's.. this place is like my training for english (yeah, I know, most of the time it doesn't look like I really need it, but I still get confused.. especially with the gramatical order of the words at times... like when I make long sentences hehe ^^' and I don't know how to spell gram(m)at(t)ical)

happy stuff
I love the way my hair smells hehe ^^
I got it dyed today ^^ not completely, just the tips, so now, they are a really dark purple ^^
I almost fell asleep at the hair-place (see, I still need to learn words hehe ^^') cause it just feels so relaxing to have someone mess with your hair ^^
and when the dye had to be washed out, I swear, I'd almost go to the hairdresser everyday, just to have someone wash my hair ^^ but then again, it would cost me 8 bucks a day, plus it really isn't all that good to wash your hair that much..
but getting it dyed pretty much took all my afternoon.

and that was my day.. well, I worked in the morning, but nothing really great or interesting happened there..
don't know yet what I will be doing tonight.. probably watch some more Kiddy Grade.. it's pretty good, it looks good and it's easy to watch, but I'm still looking for a story line..
but then again, I might also just finish reading the first volume of Gatcha Gacha (not to be confused with Gacha Gacha.. I wonder who thought of those names..)

more happy stuff which probably should've come before my hair story
my weekend with Silvereagle-sama got extended with one night and day ^^
I've learned a great new system. as long as my mom brings up the subject of me sleeping over there, it's ok to say that I will stay there, cause it's her own fault hehe ^^
it was nice to stay there a bit longer ^^ especially cause it won't be possible for a long while.
though some things weren't all that good.. like having to go to a whole lot of stores to find some kind of cabinet that doesn't exist anymore.. hehe, I love spending time with my honey, but I know of a whole lot of things we could've done in the same three hours I would've enjoyed a lot more ^_~
plus, we had to eat a spinache casserole.. yeah, that one didn't turn out that good hehe ^^' but, all that is just a small sacrifice for more time with my baby ^^ *hugs him*

besides, the evenings were good ^^ on sunday, we went to a greek restaurant and the food was soooo yummy ^^ it was just a good thing that Silver and me both like the garlic sauce hehe ^^'
and on monday, we just hung out and watched the first episode of NOIR, which is pretty good too ^^ just confusing, but I'm sure that it gets better with more episodes ^^
I like the way you know just about as much as the characters know. this means it's easier to relate to them, plus you grow with them throughout the series ^^

thursday's my mom's birthday.. I've got the whole day off, but I'm not really looking forward to it.. though it does mean that I get to see Silvereagle-sama again, it also means having to have a whole lot of smalltalk with my family again.. and then there are the annoying tiny cousins who of course will come and annoy me all day..
ow well, it's only one day and it does mean that I will get to eat pie again YAY pie ^^
I'll also try to get some pics of my new hair made on thursday ^^ and Grifter-san, this time I'll try and include pics of Silvereagle-sama and me together ^^

well, that's enough for today me thinks ^^ I mean, I'm pretty sure you guys have lives next to my posts hehe ^^
greeting of the day(man, I still gotta look for that too?!)

HAH! got you there eh?! yeah, you're right, it's no greeting, but I just love this one hehe ^^ I am so going to try and scare the mailman now ^^
if you're interested, read the Ctrl+Alt+Del webcomic (I put the link to the first one in, it looks way better now ^^), they're really good ^^ my favorite to be exact, CAD beat VG Cats off the number one spot. (you all got this piece of rant to thank to JD Person, he brought up VG Cats in his post hehe ^^)
I really want a CAD t-shirt.. I'll have to train my puppy eyes again ^^ (if you want to surprise me with one, honey, I want the one with Lilah on it and it will probably have to be a small ^^) there, now I'm covered ^^

I'll let you guys go now ^^ maybe I should start asking for ransom.. muahahaha!!!
this post won't stop until I have 2 milion dollar in my account!
hey, you guys don't want to donate money for my USA-trip and I have to get it some way!

I'm outta here

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