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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Monday, November 13, 2006

   It's off to Finland!!!
that's not a song, I know ^^

*hugs every single one of you guys*
I am truly going to miss you all T_T

just had a wonderful day with Silver-sama and I feel better again ^^
man, I sure hope I'm not manic-depressive or bi-polar.. though the thought had crossed my mind a few times already.. ow well, we'll see when I get back ^^ for now, I have the meds that seem to help me, it's just a lot of additional shit that has been getting to me ^^

actually looking forward to the trip for a bit again, even though my dad has managed to make a big deal out of everything I had to do.. he's still not done whining about the meeting point at the airport.. *sigh* I hope my mom can calm him down a bit before we leave.. I actually now wish that Silver-sama could drop me off, but alas, he has to work *pouts*

it took a really long time saying goodbye to him.. *hugs him even more* I wuv you ^^ don't swing around that sword too much! I want you and your room/house/family all in one piece when I get back!! and browse that book *winks* I know reading hurts your brain, but this will do you good *laughs*

I'm all packed or at least, I think I am.. I must be cause I don't think I've forgotten anything.. I wish I could take my laptop with me, but I'm not going to take the risk. besides, there are probably no wireless internet connections I can tap into over there..
also, I'm not bringing a plushie with me this time.. I hope I'll be able to sleep, though I do have some sleeping pills packed.. OH! Painkillers!!! I have to remember to take a strip of those with me too.. lets see.. I've got chewing gum, candy, clothing, bedsheets, towel (you always gotta know where your towel is!!!), two novels (Onegai Twins and the second Love Hina novel, I thought about taking some yaoi with me, but then again, I don't know how the people will react ^^'), camera, batteries for the camera, loading adapter for the batteries for the camera, loading adapter for my phone, hell, why am I even naming everything I put in my bag?!

anywho, a little bit about my personal life (I just can't leave it out hehe ^^') I think my parents are so bothered by me and Silver-sama cuddling/hugging/kissing (and not even full-on French, but just on the cheek) cause they're jealous. yep, I have decided that that's the reason they're acting like this.. they just can't handle the fact that Silver-sama and me still have passion between us or even just touch each other *laughs* parent-bitterness hehe ^^'

alright, I should get some sleep now, cause I'm writing this post on sunday evening (well, it's about 12.15am on monday by now..) but first I'm going to force myself to finish reading Sakura Wars volume 2 (had to read half of it with the light of my phone, cause I got yelled at *laughs* stupid phone kept going dim..), cause that's just something I have to do before I leave ^^

I will see you all in a few days *hugs you all once more*

clown love and I'm outta here.

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