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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Friday, November 24, 2006

   Are you afraid of being alone? Cause I am, I'm lost without you..
"Lost Without You"-Blink-182

time: about 9.30 am
mood: sleepy and crappy, I'm going back to sleep after this ^^
physical condition: still sniffling and having trouble breathing again.. it hurts so fucking much T_T
manga: Pita-Ten volume 2, it's so cute, it really is work of Koge-Donbo!!
song: I need some sleep-Eels
weather: beats me, haven't opened my curtains yet, but it seems to be dry ^^

ah, how lovely is it to have some time off ^^
I can hardly remember what I did the last couple of days.. stupid sleeping pills.. (they make you have slight memory-loss, YAYness *sarcasm* my memory wasn't all that good to begin with *sigh* ow well, at least I'm getting some well needed sleep ^^
speaking of sleep, here's a wonderful lyric that pretty much reflects me at the moment..

Eels: I need some sleep:

I need some sleep
It can’t go on like this
I try counting sheep
But there’s one I always miss

Everyone says I’m getting down to low
Everyone says, “You just gotta let it go”
You just gotta let it go
You just gotta let it go

I need some sleep time to put the old horse down
I’m in too deep and the wheels keep spinning round

Everyone says I’m getting down to low
Everyone says, “You just gotta let it go”
You just gotta let it go...

yeah.. I love that song..
I've been taking sleeping pills for the last three nights already and they work like shit.. I've been awake two nights.. thank goodness I took two pills on wednesday, so I had a good sleep then.. but just one pill doesn't work anymore..

funny thing happened..
apparently, there's a rumor going around in the school.. about yours truly *laughs*
sorry, it's just too funny hehe ^^
I seem to have kissed some guy on the trip to Helsinki and Stockholm *giggles*
now, I think I'd remember if I did that, cause I swear, I might have been tipsy, but there's no way in hell I was THAT drunk!! especially not drunk enough to kiss THAT guy *shudders* he's like, the biggest creep in the whole school hehe ^^"
it came to my ears when Louisanne, my personal coach thingy, asked me what I had done in Finland. and I was like, what do you mean? so she says: just be honest, what did you do?
so I thought she was referring to the guy I danced with on the boat and the fact that I explored Stockholm on my own.. so I told her about that and then she asked: so you didn't kiss anyone?!
What the Fuck?! Hell no!!!
and then she told me that she had been hearing things in the hallways like: 'that Lydia has had a boyfriend for that long, right?...' 'she kissed with Ruud (*shudders*)'
it's just sooooo funny ^^ I mean, even if I was drunk enough to kiss someone who isn't my boyfriend, I would still pick someone else than Ruud!!!
so I fished around at my friends and my friend Dana told me that she hadn't heard anything, but that she would fish for a bit in school. turns out, my other friend, Ellen, had already heard the story. and her reaction was: 'you've probably got the wrong person in mind, cause Lydia would never do something like that!!'
I'm glad my friends are backing me up on this too ^^
Silver-sama said it was probably 'wishful thinking' of Ruud *laughs*
Dana told me that it's probably just something someone understood wrong, especially since most of the people on the trip didn't really know who I was hehe ^^" yep, I'm the mysterious one ^^ finally, I have achieved my goal hehe ^^

speaking of achieving goals, yesterday was the official ceremony for getting my Propedeuse ^^ I'm so freaking proud ^^ (let me explain once again: the Propedeuse is proof that you got all possible points from year one and that you can continue with your study. you can either achieve it in year one (which is REALLY difficult, so it seems) or in year two, with the help of make-up tests. if you don't get it within these two years, you can't go on with your study)
out of all the first years (from last year, DER) only TWENTYONE managed to get it!! and there were TEN out of my class ^^ including ME ^______^
and at first, I didn't think it was such a big deal, but after hearing that so many people didn't get it and that it actually IS quite an impressive thing, I just became so proud ^^
here's a pic of me signing it ^^

the blonde on the left (the young one) is Louisanne and she's such a great person ^^
here's another pic of her speeching about me.. *blushers* she said that I am really driven and sometimes maybe a bit too determined.. but that I got there that evening because of that ^^

and after the ceremony, there was a drink. but everyone was gone so quickly.. and there I stood, still with half a beer, leaning on a table, just chatting for a bit with a guy from another class hehe ^^' my parents already had their coats on and eventually my mom actually handed me my coat, looking at me like: I wanna go home!! *laughs* it was a fun event ^^

on a complete other note.. I want to get a tattoo.. and I had a lot of fun discussing about it with my mom *snickers*
remember kids: everything your parents say to you, you can and should use against them!!
me: mom, I wanna get a tattoo.
mom: no way.
me: but I really want one and it's my body.
mom: but then why did you register yourself with the bloodbank, if you'd known that you would get your ears pierced again and that you were going to take a tattoo?
me: well mom, you always told us that if we wanted to get a tattoo, we also had to start giving blood, cause we would be brave enough to do that too. I just turned it around and started with giving blood *huge friendly smile*
mom:*silence*.... well, you have to get one in a place you can always cover up!
me: yep! my lower back ^^ it's not like I'll get a job where I have to wear a belly-button-shirt..*TOUCHÉ!*
mom: *more silence* well, if you have the money for it...

muahahahahaha!!! I've already found some really cool designs ^^ and Silver-sama is also quite.. happy, about the idea *winks*
ow, let me just show you all the designs to which I narrowed the selection down (they might be a bit big for this box though... some scrolling will be needed ^_~)(EDIT: Silver-sama told me they didn't work, so I put them on Photobucket and reduced their size, I hope everyone can see them now ^^):

I completely fell in love with this one, so it's on top of my want-list ^^

but then again, I also adore this one.. it's simpler and still very gracefull.. more girly too..

this one is pretty cool, though it might be a bit too rough for me.. I don't know...

Silver-sama really likes these last two, though I like the last one better than the other one...
I'm thinking of either asking for one for my birthday (from Silver-sama, but he said he has to think about that..) or I'll just ask for money for my birthday and finance it that way ^^

what do you guys think? which one would you pick and why?

ow and speaking of questions.. I'm still supposed to give you all my answer to which anime/manga character is my favorite.. it's too hard indeed.. Cati-chan was right, I'm a meanie for asking such difficult questions *laughs*
though here are some characters I adore:
-Saotome Ranma (Ranma 1/2)
-Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo)
-Mido Ban (Get Backers)
-Momomya Ichigo (if I got her last name right.. from Tokyo Mew Mew)
-Asato Tsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei)
-Kaname Chidori (Full Metal Panic)
-Sagara Sousuke (Full Metal Panic)
-Kurt (Full Metal Panic)
and the list goes on and on hehe ^^'

as for the challenge.. there were five people who succeeded ^^
in order of difference:
LostChild: 243 words
Cati0vz: 194 words
Destinyssweetman: 167 words
JD Person: 62 words
Silvereagle: 19 words
congratulations to you all ^^ you've all gotten a little prize hehe ^^
but of course, the challenge was a trick *snickers* I love getting long comments and reading what you guys think and I just wanted you all to write some more ^^
so thank you all *hugs everyone*

let me see, anything else.. ah yes, it will be a busy weekend for me..
Silver-sama's friend is having his birthday party this saturday and at first I thought that everything was fine, no problem, just a fun night..
turns out, my brother is also having his birthday for the family and his friends this saturday and my parents feel like I should be there too.. but we've accomplished a compromis ^^ Silver-sama and me will eat over here, stay till around nine pm and then head over to Frank and stay there for the rest of the evening ^^ so I get to enjoy two parties after working a full day hehe YAY ^^ it's going to be fun I'm sure ^^
and I get to sleep over at Silver-sama's again, so that should prove to be a wonderful night of good sleep ^^ although.. that depends on how drunk I get *winks to Silver* ow well, if I don't sleep, I can stay in bed all day sunday hehe ^^

my mom thinks that I'm going in the wrong direction.. she said that she's scared I'll come home one day with a statue of a dragon eating the Ichtus.. I really wonder where she gets those ideas.. *plays with nail-piercing while thinking* she's scared that I don't believe in God anymore.. but I do.. I just don't think that going to church and sitting there waiting till the preacher is done is a good way of honoring Him.. I only offend Him with that.. it's just so hard to explain to my mom that it's possible to have faith without going to church and WITH having four earrings in each ear and WITH having a tattoo.. I told her that I'm growing up, that I can't stay that cute little girl forever and that I'm making my own choices in life.. and I know it's hard for her to deal with it.. but I wish she would at least support me in my choices a little more.. ow well, with time it will get better, I suppose ^^ (sorry for this serious part...)

I think that was all I had to say.. today will be a quiet day with just three hours of work this evening ^^ I think I'll go take that nap now ^^
ow and wednesday, I bought Saikano volume 2 and 3, it just looks so good, but I still have to read it hehe ^^"
*hugs you all* much clown love

I'm outta here

ps: HA! now I could challenge you all to outcomment this post.. but I'd need over a year to read all the comments if anyone actually succeeds *laughs*

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