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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

   You'll never con an Honest John, an Honest John you can't drag down. Condolee get conned when they think they're the conning one...
"Can't con an Honest John"-The Streets
Using the following, I'm going to show you:

A) How to con someone using their own greed,
B) That you won't feel bad 'cos they're trying to con you anyway, and


How does that work? Cos' everytime it's based around someone who thinks they're conning you.
They'll never imagine the whole scenario is prepared solely for him
Why should he?
That sort of paranoia can get you in the loony bin!

this song just fits perfectly (kinda) with the movie I watched yesterday ^^ I'll get back on that ^^

time: 9.42 CET
mood: ok, kinda lonely and sick of my mom's whining..
physical condition: my stomach is completely empty.. but at least I stopped throwing up ^^ (I was sick last night..)
weather: sunny, but it seems cold..
manga: still Pita-Ten volume 2.. *ashamed of herself*
song: DOA-Foo Fighters

ok time, for the real post ^^

monday morning was spend talking to my imooto-chan ^^ I was really glad that I could be there for her, though for a while I was worried as hell.. thank goodness it was only her laptop dieing *laughs* it's fixed now ^^
now I'm just worried about her *massive hugs to my imooto-chan* I wish I could be there for her in real life.. but for now, this is all I can do..

the rest of the day I didn't do much of anything.. spend my day reading Grifter comics (yep, I decided to start reading them anyway.. but they're just so cool ^^ I really like the artwork, it's a nice break from all the manga/anime ^^)
and I played some Pokemon ^^ it's still fun to see that little Eevee hopping around ^^ and I got a little Mudkip as a partner and it's named after my beloved *laughs*
in the evening, I watched the first episode of Galaxy Angel, which is just insanely CUTE ^^ but then again, it might have just been because of the kitties ^^
ow and of course I didn't miss the new ep of CSI ^^ it was good but a bit vague and I'm scared that they're going to butcher it like they did with CSI Miami.. *sigh* ow well, we'll see ^^
but in the meantime, it looks like Bones is steadily taking over the first place in my favorite series list.. when are the DVDs coming out?!
took two sleeping pills to try and get some well deserved rest.. and still spend half the night awake.. *sigh* don't worry, I'm not going to start trying three pills, cause it says on the box that two is pretty much the maximum ^^ besides, if two work just as crappy as one, I might as well just take one at a time again ^^

tuesday ^^ YAY this day I get to see Silver-sama hehe ^^ but I'm not at that point yet tee-hee ^^
the morning was spend mostly sleeping and doing grocery shopping for my mom (who is now more than ever complaining about her leg.. I keep telling her to take some rest but that only gets her angry.. so now I'm just avoiding her.. it sounds evil, but it's best for my mental condition ^^)
in the afternoon I took a nice nap in the sun ^^ yep, it's becoming winter again and I'm starting to live a cat's life again ^^" I just love to find that last spot in the sun to curl up in and fall asleep ^^
and after that, I played some more Pokemon and watched two more episodes of Galaxy Angel ^^ it's still cute and I loved the episode with the millitary missile *laughs* it was so philosophical or however you people spell that ^_~
and early in the evening (before dinner) Silver-sama arrived YAY *glomps him* I love it that I get to see him during the week too now ^^
we watched "Lucky Number Slevin" and I have to say, for everyone who likes a GOOD (and I mean perfectly unexpected, cause even I didn't see it coming!! Silver did though...) plot-twist, it's a MUST-WATCH!!!! and that's where my title comes in, but I will not explain it, cause the people who have seen the movie will understand and the others will just have to watch the movie ^^ but man, THAT my friend, is one hell of a 'Kansas City Shuffle' *laughs*
I just completely loved it ^^
like I said to Silver-sama yesterday: I know how to pick good movies ^^
like that time I dragged him and his friend Sander to 'Lord of War' damn, that was a good one too ^^
though I have my bad days, like with 'The Sound of Thunder' *laughs*

as long as we're talking about movies anyway, I've got a question for you all: is there a movie that never fails to get you emotional, no matter how many times you watch it?
I've got one. it never fails to get me in tears.. it's 'City of Angels'. the end just always gets to me.. and I end up crying.. it's so sad.. but I won't go on about it, cause as usual, I don't want to ruin it for people who want to watch it now ^^

anywho, after the movie, Silver had to leave *sad* it was so hard for him to leave *laughs* it's still hard for me to watch him leave too.. *sigh* I really wish we had our own little place..
is it weird for a nineteen year old to think about getting married and living together? cause people keep giving me strange looks whenever I say that if Silver-sama and I had the money, I wouldn't doubt for a second.. I'd marry him right away ^^
anywho, after he had left, I got ready to go to bed.. and I all of a sudden felt really really sick.. so I pretty much lost everything that was in my tummy in a very unpleasant manner *sigh* I was shaking all over.. I think it was because of the juice I had been drinking.. (it was past it's expiration date with about eleven days..) but my mom doesn't believe me and now of course thinks I've got an eating disorder *big sigh*
but after that, I was able to sleep thank goodness ^^

nothing much planned for today.. I should do some homework.. naaaawww *grins* though I might read a bit of that book my boss gave me to read..
and I think I'll have to start a new letter to my imooto-chan ^^
I'll just see how my day goes. and I'll do whatever I want to hehe ^^

tomorrow I'll go to Silver-sama again ^^ we're going to do some more Christmas Shopping ^^ I still have to buy some stuff for his mom and her boyfriend.. problem is, I'm pretty much broke, cause I think I owe my mom more than I've got on my bank account and I have to pay her this week.. ow well, it'll probably work out ok ^^

OW!!! I know something fun ^^ comments on comments ^^ though I'm not going to comment on the one-liners or the just plain weird ones ^^' sorry guys, read my post and write something that makes sense please ^^

I'm not that much of a party girl.. actually, I prefer sitting on the couch with Silver-sama, a good movie or comedian and a beer.. but sometimes, I just want to have fun and in big groups of people I don't really know or fit in with, this means booze..
over here, the stars can be seen pretty well thank goodness ^^ but I miss my summer weeks in France. man, you could see every star out there ^^ and the sky was so clear over there ^^
I actually only know two constellations: Orion and the Big (or is it Great?) Bear ^^ it's mainly because I've seen and heard the most about them and because during the summer, my window gives a lovely view of the Big Bear and during the wintery months, I've got Orion looking down on me ^^
I hope that headache lifts up and we seemed to both get interrupted while commenting *laughs*

how can I not forgive someone who can do the puppy eyes?! *pats head* it's ok ^^ just don't get distracted next time ^^ *winks*

it IS my favorite song of theirs ^^
as for thinking of my beloved when the day sucks.. Dido really put that down in words with her song 'Thank You'. and even if I'm there, they'll all imply that I might not last the day. and then you call me and it's not so bad, it's not so bad..
and to me, being jaded is no reason to do away with love.. but then again, love is really important in my life and I've never been really jaded.. yeah, it's always nice to meet kindred spirits ^^
darnit, I really thought I got it right.. ow well, now it's my own term hehe ^^
*blushers* well, it's great to be your friend too ^^ *glomps*

aw come on, do I have to comment on your comment? you've heard everything I had to say already.. *glomps and kisses* there, that ought to show you ^^ I'm not sure what yet, but it will!! ow, that's right, you're going to have to loan me money for at least thursday evening *puppy eyes* ^^'

NO ONE WILL EVER BEAT ME *evil laughter* I am the queen of long posts!!!
hehe.. erhem, what I meant to say was: good luck with that, sweetie ^_~
and yeah, I do understand and it's ok ^^ I don't always come round your site either..

hrmz.. that's weird indeed.. glad that your laptop is fixed already ^^
and I already told you, it's ok, it's what sisters do and I want you to be happy ^^ I wonder what ~os~ means though.. might just have been that keyboard acting up *laughs*
and don't blame your spelling to that computer!! it isn't any different from when you use your laptop *sticks out tongue*
ow and my week off is fantastic *sticks out tongue again* nyaaa tee-hee ^^

in other news.. I picked a design for a tattoo..
*dun dun dunnnnn*
here it is:

*laughs* yep, it's none of the other ones I posted earlier, but I found this one yesterday and immediately fell in love with it ^^
so tomorrow evening, Silver and I are going to a tattoo shop in order to find out some things about prices, availability and such ^^

I think that's it for today.. yepyep, this insanely long post is done ^^

I'm outta here, much clown love and remember: it's all one big con.

and for anyone wondering: yep that's me in the picture ^^ *points down*

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