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myOtaku.com: Lytjuh

Friday, December 1, 2006

   In the morning, you know we won't remember a thing...
'In the Morning'-Razorlight
well, I'm listening to it right now, so it's pretty much the only quote that came to my head ^^"

time: 11.06-11.46 am CET
mood: shifty, I think I've pretty much had every mood possible already this morning..
physical condition: feels like a hangover, man did that one beer ever fall the wrong way -_-
manga: *afraid to say* still Pita-Ten 2.. I'm not getting anywhere this week *sigh*
song: I don't really have a song in my head today.. it's crappy, I know.. can't help it though..
weather: cold, but sunny and dry

well, the last few days have been quiet.
wednesday was spend doing a lot of nothing ^^ cleaned up my room a bit and then just fell asleep in the sun again ^^" I've been reading some more Grifter comics, but I really need to find some more volumes.. plus, I think I want to read WildC.A.Ts too.. it's so hard to find comics over here.. almost harder than manga!
in the evening I watched 'Love Actually'. I first thought that it would be a standard rom-com. ya know: guy meets girl, they have a fun time, halfway through the movie the guy messes up and spends the rest of the movie getting the girl back and of course in the end, they live happily ever after.
but this one was so much better ^^ first off, I was delighted by the cast ^^ I mean, I didn't even know that the guy that played Arthur Dent in the Hitchhiker's Guide had played in anything else before! also, a nice and pure Keira Knightly and a puppy-eyed Hugh Grant as ever ^^ I just loved it. but the thing about it that I liked most, was just the fact that it's a story about a lot of people who seem to have nothing in common, but in the end, you start to see the connection between them all. I just love the fact that they kinda show the theory of however it is called (the one that says that everyone is connected through so many different links.. I forgot >_< somebody help me.. Yensid-sensei?)
and I adored the narration at the start ^^
anywho, in the end, I wasn't feeling annoyed by the complete clichéness of it all, but I was feeling warm and fuzzy inside cause of seeing a lovely made romantic movie ^^

thursday. didn't do much at the start of this day either. I had hardly slept all night but still managed to get out of bed at ten am and take a shower. spend half the day annoying my mom by walking around in jeans and just a normal t-shirt (hardly any sleeve hehe) she kept telling me to put some clothes on, cause she got cold by just looking at me hehe ^^
what can I say, I felt nice and warm cause of the shower ^^
slept in the sun for some time, while hugging my cat. then watched this new show on Discovery called Men in White. it was fun to see. at first, when I saw some promotional clips for the show, I thought it would be a cheap rip-off from Mythbusters.. but they actually had a nice angle on things and it was different enough to be pretty cool ^^
after that, I went on my way to Silver-sama ^^
got lucky with my bus-train connection (usually, I have to wait over half an hour cause I can see the train moving away from the station from the bus) and I only had to wait for Silver-sama for about five to ten minutes ^^
when we came to his house, it turned out that we would be eating a 'nice' leek-oven-dish. when it comes to leeks, I'm still like Kyo-kun, I WON'T eat them! but I felt really bad for his mom, cause apparently, she had texted to my old number to ask what I wanted to eat.. and of course, that text never got to me, cause I can't turn that phone on anymore..
so due to miscommunication, she had been doing her best in the kitchen and I refused to eat it *sigh*
but in the end, we got to an agreement ^^ Silver-sama and I got to eat Chinese food and I would make a list of meals that I do like to eat for his mom ^^
the lady from the Chinese restaurant is sooooo sweet ^^ she's getting used to us coming there almost every week, I think hehe ^^"
anywho, she gave me a compliment on my make-up *proud* (I keep getting those, except from my mom *laughs* she hates the red lipstick hehe. so of course, I wear it to annoy her tee-hee) but that lady told me that it looked like I had Chinese eyes the way I did them ^^ *blushers* it was really nice of her ^^
anywho, after dinner, Silver-sama and I went on our way to do Christmas shopping.. didn't quite turn into Christmas shopping, but it was fun all the same ^^ I ended up borrowing more money from Silver-sama, going completely broke myself and still not having anything to give his mom and her boyfriend *sigh*
I did buy some things though hehe ^^"
-cd of Razorlight, I'd never heard of them, but they sound pretty good ^^ they were 'artist of the week' at the music store..
-cd Twentysomething of Jamie Cullum, I just like to get some jazzy sounds in between the ICP and rock songs hehe ^^' I'm very diverse ^^
-dvd of Clerks, it was impossible to find at first when I tried and just when I almost forgot, I saw it in the music store for just three bucks ^^ so I thought: what the heck, why not? ^^
-dvd of Vampire Princess Myu (*hope I spelled it right*) it's the first volume and it looked pretty good.
-figurine of.. ugh what'shername from Ikki Tousen ^^ the evil one.. ugh, I can't stand this.. I had to leave most of my stuff at Silver-sama's cause I kinda promised my mom not to buy anything anymore.. give me a sec.. *goes to IMDB* ah yes, Shimei.. the one with the eye-patch.
remember kids: for random sites: Google, for facts: Wikipedia and for anything movie or series related: IMDB ^_~
ah yes, we also visited the tattoo-shop ^^"
and as usual, once I stepped in there, I was no longer the big-mouthed, strong nineteen year old I usually am, but I turned into the tiny, shy girl who is too scared to ask anything.. so I spend some time looking the guy from the shop straight in the eye until Silver-sama kinda pushed me forward going like: 'well go on! you want one!'
turns out, the costs will be between 100 and 150 euros, which isn't too bad ^^ and Silver-sama said that he might want to pay for half of it for my birthday ^^ so yep, I'm really going through with it, but only once I have some money again.. so that should be around februari, after my birthday ^^"

by the way, on the way to the city, I had my usual traffic-light-fun hehe ^^
there was this guy who was just yawning really big and I thought: he needs a smile in his day ^^ so at first I just looked at him normally and as soon as he turned away, I put on my biggest smile. so at first he just got a bit nervous. and after a while, he started smiling too, but shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head like: 'what?!' and I did the same, looking like: 'nothing, just smile ^^'
it was fun for me, but I think I kinda freaked him out *laughs*

before we went back home, I treated Silver-sama to a beer and then we headed back. he gave me a well-needed massage.. my back has been killing me.. and then we both fell asleep..
he didn't want to fall asleep, but he still did and of course, I thought it was uber-cute that he did, but he wasn't too happy with it hehe ^^"
but it all turned out ok, I just got home a bit later than planned.. and Silver-sama got stuck in a traffic-jam on the way back.. *hugs him* poor honey..

well, I've ranted enough for today. today will be quiet I hope, lots of naps and a bit of work in the evening ^^
speaking of naps, it's time for one I recon ^^

I'm outta here, much clown love

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