Birthday 1987-02-02 Gender
Female Location the Netherlands Member Since 2005-10-13 Occupation Student (I study Tourism)/ I sell shoes Real Name Lydia
Achievements erhm..finishing Highschool? Anime Fan Since I guess... 2003, that's when I really got addicted hehe ^_^ Favorite Anime All time: Ranma 1/2. At the moment: Hana Kimi and Sensual Phrase Goals "To one day have everybody stand on one side of the world and flip it upside down." (yeah, I stole Shaggy2Dope's dream, but it's just so good that I have to try it once!!) Hobbies Manga, anime, magic: the gathering (trading card game), reading, watching tv, anything that doesn't involve thinking too much.. @_@ Talents Being a huge clutz, giving useless advice and ranting ^_^' Lytjuh
Monday, December 4, 2006
I loved the way we used to laugh, I loved the way we used to smile. Often I sit down and think of you for a while. Then it passes by me and I think of someone else instead. I guess the love we once had, is officially... DEAD
'No Regrets'-Robbie Williams
sorry the title became so long.. but it truly fits me at the moment.
'One For the Maggots', I don't even want him bothering to come back again. stupid jerk.
sorry guys, this must be confusing (especially for the new guys to my site..)
let me explain, shortly.
had a friend, he abandoned me, I fell apart. I've been sad for a long time..
and now I'm finally at the stage of hating his guts and seeing how much of a jerk he is, or at least is to me ^^
there, now that's out of my system, I can start my post ^^
time: 6.37-7.50 pm CET (I spend some time on the phone with Silver-sama and on WDX in between ^^)
mood: pretty good, spend money today ^^'
physical condition: I've got a cold.. but I'm ignoring it for the time being ^^
manga: I gave up on Pita-Ten for a while, think I'll read some yaoi now.. this cold weather is perfect for some bishie on bishie action ^_~
weather: as said: cold, but finally autumnyish ^^ raging winds and buckets of rain, may all hell break loose!! (weather-wise)
song: We'll be Allright-ICP
hmz, I guess I'll just start with the weekend, eh?
saturday was good, worked a lot and really hard, a lot of people came to buy presents and stuff for Sinterklaas (it's tomorrow, if you don't know what it is, ask and I'll explain in the next post maybe ^^)
I was pretty darn tired at the end of the day, but I did get paid, so that was good hehe ^^
Silver-sama came to pick me up as usual ^^ and when we got to my home, we ate *dun dun dunnnnn* Greek food for a change *laughs* how many of you thought that it would be Chinese? be honest, now!!
and then my parents went out to eat with some friends and my brother went to a party, so Silver-sama and me went to his house ^^
we watched Mars Attacks! and I have to be honest.. the Martians freaked me out!! I truly think that they are scary.. and sadistic too!! though I did like that they put whatshername's head on that dog's body hehe ^^
and after that we watched Clerks, cause I had found it for a few bucks on Thursday ^^
it was a pretty cool movie ^^ I like the way Randal thinks.. I pretty much think the same way he thinks, but I'm afraid I act similar to Dante.. and I loved Silent Bob's one line ^^ he may not say much, but when he does, it's something smart and true ^^
and then, after those two movies and some shots of Flugel (energy drink with red vodka yummmm) it was time to go to bed ^^
and eventually, we even went to sleep *laughs and winks at Silver-sama*
sundaymorning, I got to chat with my little sis some more again and she's thinking about reviving WDX!! it's the first forum I have ever joined and for quite a while, I was addicted to the place.. then some bad things happened, fights were fought and bad memories were made.. but now that those evil people are gone (YAY) and Magnus will be back on there, I'm seriously thinking of joining again..
later on we went back to my place, since our parents had an 'obligatory visit' together.. ^^"
they talked more than usual though and Silver-sama and I were actually able to stay downstairs the whole time ^^ though I did play some Pokemon ^^"
and after Silver's parents left, we erhm.. I can't really remember what we did... oh well, then it was time to eat ^^
after dinner, Silver-sama and I wrapped some Christmas presents together ^^ it was fun hehe
I gave him a necklace he thought was really cool ^^ I had bought it in Finland, though I wasn't very sure what to do with it yet.. at first I wanted to give it to my imooto-chan, then I thought about keeping it myself, but then I saw Silver-sama's face and I decided that he should have it ^^ it made him happy YAY!!!
and when that was done, we watched some Rune Soldier, which will probably stay funny no matter what ^^ it's a really cool series YAY ^^
and then of course it was time for Bones!!! I don't know why, but I didn't quite like the episode (a pirate's skeleton, BlackBeard's treasure and Hodgins in life-danger..) ow well, next week will probably be good again ^^
then it was time for Silver-sama to go home again *sigh* he has the late-shift this week, so we probably won't get to talk or see each other much.. though I did call with him a lot today hehe ^^ and maybe we'll see each other on thursday morning ^^ that would be good ^^
I popped a sleeping pill and tried to get some rest.. didn't really get it though, I couldn't fall asleep and when I finally did, I kept waking up *sigh* ow well..
it's so cold *shivers* during the day it was nice and sunny, though it was windy.. and now it's just cooling down pretty fast.. and of course, the heater won't go on.. *kicks it and hurts own foot in the process*
I had some fun today though ^^
this morning, I got to talk to my imooto-chan, which is always a great thing ^^
and I skipped one and a half hour of school.. yeah.. I decided to get out halfway through Business Economics.. I had a similar class in high school and it seems to me that that class was higher in level than what we are getting now.. and I did bring my books, but two other girls didn't have any with them, so I let them borrow mine and decided that I would check in my neighbor's book every now and again.. plus, I didn't really make any sums in advance, cause we've already had the same topic last year PLUS I still know pretty much everything from high school. not to mention that I seem to have some sort of Economical insight..
but anywho, halfway his talk, the teacher just all of a sudden starts to bitch about people who haven't prepared anything and who didn't bring their stuff and so on and so forth, and he just kept on looking my way during that speech *sigh* and I'm like: they've got my books and these sums are worthless..
so during the little break I decided it was time for me to get out and learn some stuff in this 'real world' some people keep talking about.
so I did some more Christmas shopping YAY!!!
well, I meant to anyway, but I ended up buying some stuff for myself after all..
like Arjuna volume 4, the illusive last DVD of the Arjuna (Earth Maiden) series.. it was impossible to find anywhere and today I just almost walked up against it in the store where they first asked me if 'Anime' was a title or actor or something!! they had so many anime-goodness all of a sudden!!! like Hellsing and a lot of Gundam.. I wonder when Gedo Senki will come out on DVD...
anywho.. oh and I bought some buttons ^^ I just liked them hehe ^^
plus, and this is where some of my friends will get curious, I finished my Christmas shopping for Cat, my imooto-chan Magnus and Yensid-sensei ^^ though I still want to get something for Yensid-sensei's DH/Bunraku... ow and I think I'm done shopping for Silver-sama now too *snickers*
oh and I couldn't believe my eyes when I got out of the subway this morning...
just look for yourself:
not sure if you guys can see that very well, but it's a pair of RED, GLITTERY SHOES!!! I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto...
couldn't find her little black dog though.. and thank goodness I resisted the urge to ask her where she put the Tin-man, Scarecrow and Lion..
good thing though: there weren't any flying monkeys around, so she wasn't the wicked witch either *laughs*
the picture was taken while walking behind her and trying not to let her or her clique notice what I was doing hehe ^^"
let's see... any other weird things happen to me today.. naw, not really.. walked a few miles trying to find a comicbook store I was sure was around there somewhere.. guess it isn't anymore.. ow well, I could use the exercise *laughs*
and while waiting for the bus after all that walking, this old lady wouldn't stop talking to me.. *sigh* I mean, she was very nice and all, but I'm not really a very nice person when I've walked through half of Rotterdam without succeeding in my mission, with a heavy schoolbag, icky looks from even ickier old men and an icy cold wind.. I just thought that she would get the message once I kept both the plugs from my mp3 in, but she just wouldn't stop yapping.. ow well, I stayed nice and friendly and respectful and stuff, so no harm was done ^^
well guys, it's time for a nice cup of tea to warm up my hands a bit before packing the new presents tee-hee ^^ I love giving stuff away!!! I love making people happy, though there are some things in the stack that I would love to keep for myself too hehe ^^" don't worry guys, you'll all get your presents *hugs Cat, Magnus, Yensid-sensei and Silver-sama* now I just need to find something for Silver-sama's mom and her boyfriend *sigh* they're a lot more difficult..
and then it's CSI time again ^^ they showed reruns for like, three weeks and then all of a sudden, they're showing new ones again!! ow well.. it's a sequel to last week's and it was pretty exciting, so I can't wait hehe ^^
I'll let you guys go for now ^_~
much clown love and remember there's no place like home *clicks heals together three times*
I'm outta here