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La-la land
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Highschool student
Writing....thats about it......
Anime Fan Since
since I was 8 yrs old.
To read all of Stephen King's books before I'm out of high school
Reading, writing
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
so true, so true....

What Personality Do You Have?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
so so so so so so so so so so so so so
ssssssssoooooooooooooo bored. i have so much homework to do and i'll give u any money it wont get done. things at school aren't as good as i'd like them to be, but hey u get what u get. i need to get my thumbtack. but last time i went to deep and now i have the extremly ugly (yet noticable) scar. god knows i'll end up doing it anyway. oh well thats just the way the ball bonces. so anyway i am crush and boyfriend free and thats the way i want it to stay. it was a huge mistake going out with nathan. besides he likes Mat more, well i guess he has too.(Mat and Nathan are now together). i just got back from my best friends house (stephi) its all good. we needed some hang out time, even if all we did was watch a movie. my mom still thinks i'm depressed. i still dont know why im rambling.... Stephi wants to bring some people to the teen center this friday. its all good, 'cept i dont know if these people will extactly fit in. on the other hand i know they'll get along with patti, and if you can get along with patti, your in.
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
depressing poem of the day
Daddy says I'm a whore
Mommy says I'm a sin
I don't know what to think
Seems like I can't win
Smartest thing I've done in a while,
picking up that knife
Finally being in control
Of everything in my life
the pain seems to last forever
as i always said
i'll be the one to say
when i'm finaly dead
i thought you would have cared for me
i thought you would have known
all the thoughts i held inside
the feelings never shone
i lie here in a pool of blood
in the open so everyone can see
how much i hate this fucking world
how much i just hate me
death was always on option
i've avoided for a while
but in my final moments
all i could do was smile
to leave this vile world
doing it my way
not giving a fuck how you feel
or what you have to say
let me die in peace
as the sun peaks to dawn
finally alone in this world
i'm finally fully gone
by: me, happy now?
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Friday, April 29, 2005
well, last night i went to the best kick ass concert EVER! for those of u that don't know, Garbage is a band that came out of Madison, WI. rock/punk/goth type of band. like i said the concert KICKED ASS! alot of people where i live don't know about Garbage so i'm not sure if any of u do, but who cares, i still had a great time!
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Monday, April 18, 2005
hell and back
things have been so wierd latly. first of all, i have a boyfriend. big thing for me. on another note i haven't been updating anything latly, my stories or these posts. my insomia is back to. great, long school days on four hours of sleep. im suprised i haven't pick up the thumb tact (hopfully my friends will get that). but on another positive note, Sir Paul MaCartney is coming to town and if i raise enough money, im going! going to be awsome, i love SPMC. thats all that really new.
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
and the survey says....
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
i need opions for the poem below
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Deeper emotion to Suicide
when reality is lost
when madness is laid down
when seeking unknown knowledge
when things can't be found
when forgotten emotions surface
when your losing grip
when time disappears
when blood is dropped
when pain is released
when the soul no longer exists
when "I love you” worsens reasoning
when all you want to do is be rid of everything
when all these things happen
Is when you want to die.
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Friday, March 4, 2005
Pep rally
the evil pep rally was today so my friends and I cheered for the rival school! it was sooo boring i started sleeping!
well im gonna chat with stephi now...
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Another poem, untitled, what do u think?
another part of life
but people ignore
the birght light
at the end of the tunnel.
i ask why every day
while i walk down the hall,
or onto a bus.
do you know why?
the answer is lost in me,
as much as it is lost in you.
but then if it is lost,
why do we go searching?
we search for the question,
as old as time it self.
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