HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.

This is my signature. =)
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :

Practice =D

Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:

Keya's Contest entry:

OMFG!!!! (please exuse my vulgarness) IT WONT UPLOAD THAT STUPID ALLEN WALKER !!! RAOR!!!
Comments (2) | Permalink
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Re-uploaded D.gray man
HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.
This is my signature. =)Please DO NOT press Archives at the top right corner XD SPAMMING CORNER
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :
Practice =D
Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:
Keya's Contest entry:
The last time I upload Allen Walker it didnt work so this time i hope it works...
Comments (1) | PermalinkFriday, November 17, 2006
Double Team up!
HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.
This is my signature. =)Please DO NOT press Archives at the top right corner XD SPAMMING CORNER
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :
Practice =D
Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:
Keya's Contest entry:
Have been really really lately, I have a whole bunch of projects and research papers to do>_<. so i havent uploaded in a while. well, I have uploaded a piece today. It is drawn by my brother using a reference from the manga D. Gray-man, and i colored it for him.
I hope you all like it, please give me comments on my brother's drawing. Im sure he'll like to hear what others have to say about his somewhat first piece of art that he really tried on lol.
Comments (3) | PermalinkFriday, November 10, 2006
Added OC!!
HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.
This is my signature. =)Please DO NOT press Archives at the top right corner XD SPAMMING CORNER
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :
Practice =D
Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:
Keya's Contest entry:
I made another oc, she was inspired by the game disgaea 2 lol. I have a godly gunner in there XD, not rozalin she's bullshet =_=. my opinion... im not the type that favors a character simply cause they are the main character or they look hot ^_^
Comments (1) | PermalinkMonday, October 23, 2006
The Fon Fabre Duo!
HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.
This is my signature. =)Please DO NOT press Archives at the top right corner XD SPAMMING CORNER
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :
Practice =D
Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:
Keya's Contest entry:
I am still obsessed with Tales of the Abyss, the character design for the game is just superb, one of the best tales series yet ^_^, no offense to anyone but symphonia is like the beta test for Abyss.Dont get me wrong though, i still love symphonia as much, its just that the characters in abyss are way sexier, lol... mmmmmmmm kratos still is hawt , even if he is a 4000 year old mummy XP
Comments (2) | PermalinkThursday, October 19, 2006
Tales of the Abyss love
HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.
This is my signature. =)Please DO NOT press Archives at the top right corner XD SPAMMING CORNER
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :
Practice =D
Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:
Keya's Contest entry:
Submitted 2 of my tales of the abyss fanarts. Been busy playing the game lately, I just love the game so much i think ima replay it several times like i did with tales of symphonia... but abyss is just way better. The battle system is just completely better then symphonia's 3D feild and 2D battling.... not to mention the girls are more pretty, lol, however i still love sheena from Symphonia!! ^_^ dont worry guy and gals ... im not a homo =_+
Comments (5) | PermalinkWednesday, October 11, 2006
Request from Wakusei Aoshi DONE!!!
HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.
This is my signature. =)Please DO NOT press Archives at the top right corner XD SPAMMING CORNER
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :
Practice =D
Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:
Keya's Contest entry:
Aoshi's request had been completly , it should be uploaded into my fanart portfolio shortly after this post >_< enjoy!!!
Comments (3) | PermalinkWednesday, September 27, 2006
Yukino Tokisaka's Request done!
HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.
This is my signature. =)Please DO NOT press Archives at the top right corner XD SPAMMING CORNER
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :
Practice =D
Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:
Keya's Contest entry:
Sorry yukino!! I finally finished your request! yours was the easiest so I decided to finish yours first! If you waited Thanks for the patience!!
For the other people who have requested,... I am very sorrrry for making you all wait!!, I am get to through all of your request as soon as possible, as i am experimenting new ways to color my drawings on photoshop XD
Comments (2) | PermalinkFriday, September 15, 2006
HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.
This is my signature. =)Please DO NOT press Archives at the top right corner XD SPAMMING CORNER
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :
Practice =D
Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:
Keya's Contest entry:
WEll... im back?? lol I just uploaded i believe 3 new drawings but... for some reason one or 2 of them are not coming out >_<
Comments (1) | PermalinkTuesday, September 12, 2006
2 New CG's
HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.
This is my signature. =)Please DO NOT press Archives at the top right corner XD SPAMMING CORNER
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :
Practice =D
Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:
Keya's Contest entry:
I have a new style of coloring now !! I used that technique on to two I have uploaded today... enjoy!!
Oh yeah bought the request... since I have almost no classes in school... since im a senior... I can REALLY get to work on those request... sorry for the HUGE delay!!
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