HIYA Mina-san !! This is Mei known as m3ia in the theOtaku I love to sketch things and I also love to browse around site for other artist's creations. Exploring other peoples art might sound boring to some but to me it is something that I could never get bored of I am always looking for more!
Just as a reminder, taking graphics from this page or my portfolio without permission is prohibited. Although my stuff are not the best, I still do not appreciate thieves. All drawings on this site that belongs to me will be marked with my alias, Meia or m3ia, or it will contain my signature somewhere on the images.

This is my signature. =)
The loss of my pet Tori results in this :

Practice =D

Contest entry for Kaijin Kinuma:

Keya's Contest entry:

I found out that someone copied one of my drawings and I feel very upset about it...
I am now going to tell everyone, If I find out anymore of my drawings are being copied. I will quit My Otaku. I know none of you might care weather I quit my otaku or not. But It completely ruins my mood and makes me very angry. I feel that I would no longer co'op with My otaku, If anymore copying of my drawings appear.
Even if anyone wants to take my drawing and use it as something to practice drawing from, at least ask for my permission first and give me a little credit for it when you post it.
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