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myOtaku.com: M e d i c a t e d

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sup kids? ^^

You know for once I don't really have anything to say o.O;;

Frightening... I'm aware. So... I'll make something to say! Umm... Random facts about me:

-I'm an insomniac, take pills for it >.>
-I'm claustrophobic
-I talk to myself, rather, people I make up
-I randomly burst out into song
-Tests tell me that if you get 100 people in a room I'm better than 99 of them at grammar... So bite me net slangers ;3
-I dress oddly
-If I saw some random guy dressed as Pyramid Head walking down the street, I'd glomp them, then give them five bucks. Wanna make five bucks...? Do it.
-One of my horses stepped on my right foot today and I have a sprained toe... My foot keeps falling asleep haha

and omg... a friend keeps bugging the hell out of me to get on WoW and I'm sick to death of it... but I JUST logged on while typing this and... I logged right next in to a ?? orc warrior in contested territory.


Bye Rowdy haha. Ummm so yeah... If you play WoW, you should come hang with me on Firetree :]

Me = Samaiel or Rowdyy

-whispers- put me in your friends list or I shall be forced to whine at you through myO if I find out you play haha.

Wow, so I guess I DID have things to say. Well, that aside I'ma get going now...


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