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Jess - but Maarii to everyone here!
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to one day save the world and fall in love
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Chapter 2 - Beginning
Chapter 2
Fee struggled to pull herself out of the mess she had fallen into. “Excuse me, sir,” she said between tightly clenched teeth, “We must have fallen off course.”
“We have fallen into a dirty pond.” Rusty observed, dodging Fee’s deadly glare. He helped Melek up, and they both climbed out of the mud. Lately, a lot of strange things had been happening. Rusty found that oddly coincidental, but he became distracted before any coherent thoughts could run their course. The man who had made the odd exclamation took two cautious steps forward and caught Fee’s arm.
“Now, don’t you try anything, you.” He gripped her hard and tugged her away from the pool. “The signs should have warned you, they must have, but you witches don’t pay attention much, I’ve heard.”
“Is he calling her a witch?” Melek asked Rusty as they both drew closer to the man. Mel cocked his head, curious as to why this farmer would call his sister something so absurd. “Fee... a witch,” he mumbled to himself.
Fee was almost too appalled to take action, almost but not quite. “Excuse me!” She pulled her arm away while wiping the mud from her face. “I do believe that is quite inappropriate,” she backed up next to her brother and Rusty.
“You don’t try nothing. I saw just now, and I won’t fall for no tricks.” The man actually seemed afraid, but of what, Fee had no idea. She looked at him more closely. He obviously hadn’t taken a bath recently, and his clothes were mismatched. He wore a hanging and worn pair of trousers, a poorly made cotton shirt, and he carried in one hand what looked to be some sort of farming tool. All in all, he was a total vagabond, and Fee would have none of his ignorant rantings.
“I’m sorry, sir. I have no business with you. We will move along now, thank you.” Even when she was dreadfully angry, Fee’s cordial side shined.
“Oh no, I’ve got to keep you in my sites. The signs are all wrong today for me, and I won’t be returning to work missing a hand or foot.” The farmer only seemed to become more frightened the longer he stood looking at the three children.
“What signs?” Rusty asked. He felt that the word had a peculiar meaning for this man, and Fee was never one to notice peculiarities.
“Rusty!” Fee scolded him but stood protectively in front of both of her charges, ready for anything.
The vagabond stared ever harder. Rusty repeated his question. “Signs ...” the man’s eyes were wild, his mouth trying to form the rest of the sentence. After a long pause, he finally shook his head, “You didn’t see the signs?” He asked quickly.
“Of course not, there were no signs.” Fee kept hold of herself enough not to tremble at his very frightened tone.
“But . . . but ... but . . . you must have! There are signs everywhere!” He was almost hysterical now.
“We didn’t see any signs!” Melek shouted. He didn’t like losing his temper, but this dirty farmer kept repeating himself, and that wasn’t getting him anywhere. Fee was scared, he could tell, and Rusty must have been too, but Melek would not let any stupid man frighten him. “Fee, let’s just go find Mum and Daddy, okay?”
“Mel ...” Fee started, but caught her breath a she finally took a good look at her surroundings. “Mel,” she whispered, staring out at the vast brown fields just beyond the small grove of trees, for the ocean was no where in site, “I don’t think that’s possible.”
So, that's that. Not so long today now is it?
Even in the chance of repetion, I'll say this again. Please leave, questions, comments, concerns or just one of these " ^_^ " . or these for that matter " -_- "
So, there it is.
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