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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/25/07:
You're a MASSIE
You're the leader of the pack, the trendsetter, the girl everyone takes their cues from. Girls are always checking out your outfit-of-tod
Which Member Of THE CLIQUE Are You Most Like?
You're a MASSIE |
You're the leader of the pack, the trendsetter, the girl everyone takes their cues from. |
Result Posted on 07/24/07:
true true
What Does The Color Of Your Eyes Mean? (Details and Pics!)

Your eye color is: brown.
You've got a warm and trusting nature. You're very mature and people tend to come to you with their problems. You're very caring as well when it comes to other people and you've got a great personality. You like to have fun, and don't really mind getting in a little bit of trouble. You say what you think and everybody appreciates your honesty. Learn when too much is too much and when to be quiet. Silence is the most powerful tool there is and speaks in volumes. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/24/07:
:(!!! i'm romantic arent i?
Whats Your Love Profile?
 VirgoYour positive traits:You're incredibly thoughtful and able to give your partner what they need most.You are totally logical. You can deal with problems without involving your emotions.A good work ethic. You'll do whatever it takes (within reason) to make your relationship work.Your negative traits:Sometimes you are so focused on your goals that you let your relationships sufferYou tend to be a perfectionist - and expect perfection from your mate as wellYou are picky. So picky that you rather be single than with someone who has a few minor faults.Your ideal partner:Values success in life as much as you doFits a checklist of qualities you've been looking for since childhoodLike you, is more practical and realistic than romanticYour dating style:Active. You're a bit hyper, so you'd prefer a date that involved rollerblading in the park or hiking.Your seduction style:You may seem a bit shy, but once you open up to someone - you're totally uninhibitedYou like to set the scene first - candles, music, nice sheetsA bit obsessed with cleanliness, you may want to shower first with your loveTips for the future:Soften up a little. Vulnerability is sexy - and feels great over time.Lower your standards a little. Look past a messy desk or someone being five minutes late.Praise your partner more. You make expect them to be successful, but complements are still appreciated.Best color to attract mate: Navy blueBest day for a date: Wednesday Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/23/07:
Are you a more right-brained or left-brained thinker?
 You are a right-brained thinker! You are very creative and artistic. You always think outside of the box and know how to have fun. You express yourself best through things like poetry, music, and drawing. You are very easy going and have many friends. You don't like to stick to instructions or follow a schedule and are open-minded. Because you are free flowing, you're often late. Overall, you're a fun person. Good for you! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/23/07:
What Character from Wicked are You?
Result Posted on 06/23/07:
party like a rock star
What passion is in your eyes?(with pics)
 You have the eye of an artist. You see things differently. You probably like to write draw play and instrument or something artsy. You different and thats cool dont change Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/23/07:
which guy will you fall for?(pics!)
Result Posted on 06/23/07:
This quiz is rigged! I'm not nice at all!
How mean are you? (For girls only!)
Result Posted on 06/23/07:
What goddess are you?
 Goddess of beauty,You bestow upon people the gift of beauty, you share with them something that you yourself have very deeply, sometimes you choose wrongly in people but never the less you keep faith.You are a stunning person, inside and out, you are constantly prayed to by those who wish to change themselves but being the kind soul that you are you bestow upon each and every living creature beauty, whether they see it or not.Your name would be belle, italian for beautiful, your symbol would be a white lily, pure and beautiful, and your favourite time of day would be sundown when the sky is most magnificent. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 05/11/07:
what does your birthday month say about you?(for girls!)
 AUGUST:You love to joke and are an attractive person. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless, firm and have good leadership qualities. You know how to console others but you are too generous and egoistic. You take high pride in yourself and are thirsty for praises. You have an extraordinary spirit and so recieve them often. You are easily angered, especially when provoked. Easily jealous but observant. Careful and cautious, you think quickly and independantly. You Love to lead and to be led. You also love to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax easily. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends! Take this quiz!
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