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Being The World's Worst Nightmare
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
Hi-Ho-Hello, and how are you? I'm just an otaku with nuthin to do! Yesterday I was sick so I stayed home from school, ugh, I felt like crap T_T But on Hallow's eve I went on my last year of trick-or-treating! It was so sad... Go ahead and laugh all ya want- Least I have FREE CANDEH~!!!! I got a whole shit-load of candeh! I was a black cat (I'll dress up again this weekend and take a picture of me with my sack-o-booty =3) Candeh is so wonderful *plays Candy Man by Aqua* I went with KatieTheKitty and Casandra! It was so cool! I didn't get one weird glance from a single person! The moon was out, as well as the stars, in a clear, clean night sky! Work was a BIG pain in the ass though... I'm gonna get mt pay checks today =D corse I gotta stop by there and yell at David, my manager, for them -_- BEACUSE I NEED MONEY FOR INSURENCE SO THAT I CAN KEEP MY CAR D8!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!! I just remembered that in 23 days I'll be 18~! And I have been part of theotaku for like... 2 or 3 years? Ah! I'm an old fart now WAAAAHHHH!!! *cries her eyes out* oh well... Least I got Halloween candeh to keep me company (Why hello there sugar rush! 8D) God damn I'm an old woman, I look at things, like cartoons these days and I'm all like "Back in my day, our cartoons were the coolest! Todays cartoons suck... they're killing video games for god's sake! I mean look at it! Kirby & Sonic, they turned it into a gay-ass show! Now they're attackig G.I.Joe! Damnit leave our old cartoons and games alone!" And it's true that the 80's and 90's we're the golden years for OUR generations cartoons! We had Eek the Cat, Bobby's World, Spiderman, X-men, Batman Adventures, Superman (Not that I like Superman much), Freakazoid, Pinky and the Brain, Animaniacs, TinyToons, Pokemon, Digimon, etc! We had the BEST cartoons of our time, now they're all about toilet humor, and cheesy-ass jokes! God damn it makes me wanna kill someone!!! Plus it's all crudely drawn and it's so loud and annoying! I mean seriously! Go sit down this saturday and watch KidsWB or FoxBox (Even though they CHAnged their names, again, but you know what I mean -_-) and see if you can watch at least ONE of their dumb shows... Even Yu-Gi-Oh's dying! Their new show absolutely sucks, man! And that says a lot, I prefer the Duelest Kingdom series, myself... Not only is it because of Pegasus, but it's because it was the kick-off of the first season, not the Japanese first season, but the american first season... You all agree with me right? That our generation is WAY better than THIS generation? Just think about it for one minute... Me, I'd give ANYTHING to go back to the 90's and watch our cartoons and get our toys & stuff... Our toys kicked ass! Well I'm not gonna harp on you guys anymore, like an old nag... See ya & live life to the fullest!
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Sunday, October 15, 2006
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What up? With me, there's nuthin much goin on ¬_¬ I got work today from 6pm-9pm... I got to clean the aisles that people dropped their costumes, make up, and other various items. Damn those retards... Can't they clean up after themselves?! I mean, god damn! I hate cleaning up other people's messes. But then again-I like cleaning! I like helping people find the costume they want, so on and so forth! I submitted a PILE of art! Hee hee hee, I hope you'll like it! I gotta get some silly string today for our anime club Hallow's Eve party -^o^- It'll be so cool! I need to buy like five or eight more cans! My boyfriend tried to give me a suprise visit, but I wasn't working last night (Sorry William T_T) But he'll try again tonight... I AM SO CLOSE TO GETTING INSURANCE!!! I just need to get the money to pay for insurance AND the gas... Well, I gotta go! See ya round! TTFN (Tah Tah For Now) Happy Halloween, even though it is NOT Hallow's eve yet ¬_¬ Bye bye!
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
Hello there and welsome to party city! How may I help you- Oh! I'm sorry I got into a habbit of that... Sorry.. Yes on Tuesday night I was working from 6pm-9pm at my first day of work at party city. What I do, basically, is help people find the costumes that they want and I report it to the people in the back room of what number the costume is and what size. It was insane! there was a lot of people looking for kids cosumes and I was like "Could I get a #12 in a Newborn?" *huff* -_- And when I got my down time I had to clean the aisles and bring damaged items to the backrrom so someone could fix them. I wish people still had the "You Break It You Buy It!" policy. But oh well... Least I get a 30% discount on all the stuff I buy there -^_^- and 10% off the stuff I buy at the mall, where my work place is located! My car is in need of a few repairs which will cost around $300. Not to mention I need to get insurance so I can actually drive it. I can't wait till I claim that car *___* But until then I have to go (Using the school's computer). Plus I got to go to work tonight from 6pm-9pm. Wish me the best of luck, I just hope it won't be as crazy as last time... Well, TTFN (Tah Tah For Now)!
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Hello there and welsome to party city! How may I help you- Oh! I'm sorry I got into a habbit of that... Sorry.. Yes on Tuesday night I was working from 6pm-9pm at my first day of work at party city. What I do, basically, is help people find the costumes that they want and I report it to the people in the back room of what number the costume is and what size. It was insane! there was a lot of people looking for kids cosumes and I was like "Could I get a #12 in a Newborn?" *huff* -_- And when I got my down time I had to clean the aisles and bring damaged items to the backrrom so someone could fix them. I wish people still had the "You Break It You Buy It!" policy. But oh well... Least I get a 30% discount on all the stuff I buy there -^_^- and 10% off the stuff I buy at the mall, where my work place is located! My car is in need of a few repairs which will cost around $300. Not to mention I need to get insurance so I can actually drive it. I can't wait till I claim that car *___* But until then I have to go (Using the school's computer). Plus I got to go to work tonight from 6pm-9pm. Wish me the best of luck, I just hope it won't be as crazy as last time... Well, TTFN (Tah Tah For Now)!
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
Last night was magical! I went to Home Comming with Will! We had dinner at an Italian restuarant, and shared a Raspberry Sorbete ^o^ It was yummy! I don't have any pictures of him and myself yet, but I'll be sure to post them. The dance was ggod, there was only a few good songs, it was mostly rap (EEEEEEWWWWW!) we slow danced and then we left, because it got boring T__T But anywho... I Start work on Tuesday! 6pm-9pm (Closing time) I get 30% off all the stuff I buy there, and 10% off stuff I get at the very same mall! I'm so happy! Well I have to go... I'm in the middle of watching CATS... Bye bye, Nyah~~!
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Friday, October 6, 2006
GO CLASS OF '07!!!
Hey there! Today's Friday and it's time for us to show our stuff at Interlake High School! It's spirit day and everyone is wearing white and blue to show off our saint pride! I'll be sure to take a picture and submit it! Tonight will be my last home comming game and tomorrow night will be my last home comming dance! I'll miss the good 'ol days! Last night was awesome! I watched BraveHeart for the first time (Yes I have been living under a rock ¬_¬) and I adored it! Scottish people kicked ass back then! And I got a JOB! It's at a Place called Party City! They sell costumes and party stuff... It's probably just gonna be a seasonal job, from now till New Years, but at least I'll have something to put on my other resumes saying that I have had experiance. But who knows, I might stay there for a few years and such... Well, I gotta go I'm using the school's computer (again) so I have to go! Keep it cool! TTFN (Tah Tah For Now!)
+=!!!*GO SAINTS*!!!=+
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Monday, October 2, 2006
Today will be a VERY busy afternoon. I have a dentist appointment after school today, THEN I got to go to the mall to go for some interviews, yes, job interviews! I might FINALLY get a job so I can keep the car that mum bought me. She said that I didn't get a job in six months, she would sell it! Well I'll show HER a thing or two, nyeh heh heh! Ahhhh I are so happy and filled with joy! I might get a job at Party City or Old Navy, either one is good. But I want a secure foundation so I can get enough money to fix my car, get ensurance, and to buy gas ¬_¬ I know it may seem to suck at first, but I want that car! And it's a nice one, it's very fuel efficiant -^o^- Now theres one thing that's just bothering the hell out of me............. WHY AREN'T PEOPLE VOTING FOR OTHER OTAKU'S ART?! I swear man, that's one thing that REALLY irretates the dickens outta me! I posted my art yesterday, and only THREE people have voted. I dislike people who don't vote because they don't wish to support people who pour their heart & souls into what they do best (You ungreatful bastards!) It's really hurtful to see such good art go to waste -T_T- so PLEASE show some respect and kindness and vote and comment on work that people have worked their asses off for! It was never like this when I first came here... I got good votes back then from TONS of people... This new system sux balls, dude. Now that people have a choice to vote or not, people's publicity will go down! Well I gotta go (I'm in my first period class) I gotta get ready for my interview this afternoon, wish me luck, and PLEASE have a gander at my art & vote and comment on it, it's all I ask of you... TTFN (Tah Tah For Now)!
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
Change of Mind
Okay so my shedual wasn't as bad as I thought... I mean sure I wish I had my metal tech class, but I have my fifth period with my boyfriend as well :D I FINALLY put up some new art ('Bout flippin time!) So go have a look, and I still have first lunch with my boyfriend as well... Oh! I might get a job at Old Navy! I have to go talk to the manager tomorrow, I hope I get the job! If not, then oh well, I'll just have to keep looking won't I? Gah I'm so sleepy, I can't stay long... I have to help me mum with an estate sale then I have to go clean my aunt's house... I'm probably gonna have to mop again, since her two dogs have been there T_T It's a real PAIN working with me mum. She yell's at me igf I do something wrong at the drop of the hat! I just have to hold my head high & work hard. I just hope that I'm not too tired for it-
Lyserg: Olina! Come on, darling, it's time for morning tea & biscuts!
Me: Comming, love!!!
Lyserg: Who you talking to???
Me: My Otaku friends!
Lyserg: Good morning to you all!
Me: *Hurries over* What kind of tea?
Lyserg: Orange spice.
Me: My favortie!
Lyserg: I know it is, that's why I picked it ^ ^
Me: *walks in the house to have tea with her husband*
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
I am so frusterated right now it's not even funny. There wasn't enough students in my study skills class so I got my shedual changed so that I would have Office TA first semester and then Floral design second semester. Well today I found out that all THAT is a total lie... Nearly my whole shedual changed, god damnit! It used to be:
1. Raquet Sports
2. Metal Tech
4. Comp Lit
5. STDY Skills
6. PRAC Math
7. PRAC Senior Lit
I was fine with that... but NO~!!! Now it has to be:
1. STDY Skills
2. Raquet Sports
4. Comp Lit
5. PRAC Math
6. Theater WRKSHP
7. Prac Senior English
I mean seriously- WHAT THE FUCK?! All I wanted was for my god damn 5th period to change! Not my whole damn shedual I WANNA KILL THE FUCKIN SCHOOL PEOPLE!!! I wanna just have my 5th period to change... That's all-nothing more an nothing less.... I'm gonna chat with my consulor tomorrow and give him a piece of my mind! I got myself into a nice lil rut and I dun wanna change all of it! Enough about that... I hope all your days went well... -sigh- Well I got to go... I want my punching bag damnit! TTFN (Tah Tah For Now) See ya tomorrow...
Hey MilkyCat? I hope my request of me, Sora and Axel isn't too big of an assignment for you... Lemme know when it's done, okay? And Chels... Get your computer fixed soon so that I may talk to you again, I miss you so much! I'll see if I can call you! Bye bye!
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Feel the Love
The past few days have been going very well for me, actually. On the 24th (2 days ago) was me and William's sixth year anniversary (you all BETTER have gifts for us- Just Kidding XD)! He gaves REALLY pretty bracelets and I gave him a home made keychain with his name on it. Today was Okay I guess... William got sick, and now here I am all alone with no one to cuddle with *teary eyes* (And yes I am using the school's computers to type this so I better wrap it up soon)... Oh well, he should be fine by tomorrow. I think I'll bake a cake for him ^ ^ Today is the day for our first anime club of this year, which we started the club last year and now we're doing it again, hopefully bringing more people of our school together! I wonder what we'll be doing today, the kids better not be a bunch of retards and not respecting the club director's orders... Well I gotta go! TTFN(Tah Tah For Now!) Keep it cool!!!
I'll be sure to post new fanart this weekend (yeah buissness has been VERY slow TT_TT) So yeah expect new work this weekend! Bye bye until then!
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