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Being The World's Worst Nightmare
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Yu-Gi-Oh!, ShamanKing, Saber Marionette J, Saiyuki, Ah! My Goddess!, Slayers, Lost Universe, Outlaw Star, Excel Saga, Hikaru no Go!, Chobits, Magic Knight Rayearth, Gravitaion, Peach Girl, I.D.enity, Ragnarok
To become a famous manga/ anime artist... Like CLAMP! AND to wed my boyfriend in the not so far future!
Collecting Anime/ manga, cards, wallscrolls, Anime/ game soundtracks, and posters, sleep, cook, and chatting on AIM
Drawing anime/ manga, Singing, and writting poems
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Light And Darkness Are Eternal
What is there to say about what's been going on over my summer??? Nuthin much... I'm almost finished with Kingdom Hearts II (Thus explaining the Organization XIII theme I got goin on) I hope the ending's not sad like the first one, I cried SO HARD during that... First time I ever cried during the ending of a game ¬___¬ But the second one is REALLY good... except for the singing part in Atlantica... THAT was a big dosapointment... Yeah it had it's ups & downs... I've heard rumors of a 3rd Kingdom Hearts... I hope that's true... I love Sora~! His smile & EVERYTHING about him drives me nuts Ukyu~! Well I also went to WildWaves for a Comcast company picnic that I was invited to... I went on almost EVERY FRICKIN' RIDE!!!! So much fun >8D the water was really great too~! the Timber Hawk Roller Coaster kicked major ass! And what else is there.... Nothin else... Well I got to go.... Later... *Disappears into darkness*
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
You Gotta Fight! For Your Right! TO PAAAAARDAY~!!!!
Man... What a way to kick off the summer last night! I got out of school on tuesday, and last night we had a end of the year anime club party! Dude! It was better than the first one for schirstmas! WAY better! We did DDR, which I can't dance on that game worth sh*t TT^TT so I wantch my boyfriend and MAN can he dance, Ukyu~! Then we did Karaoke, which was MY specialty~ I sang American Woman! W00+!!! I luff that song sooo hard >8D We did an Anime Blind Date Game, as such I was Bachlorette #3, Naga, Ukyu~! THEN we did an anime Jerry Springer XD I was Irvine Kinneas, Roy Mustangs secret lover, in which I was cheating on HIM with Squall, then Squall left me for Rinoa, which left me in such a slump that I reduced to beastality raping a JigglyPuff XD It was WEIRD, Ukyu~! We even danced the Makarena XD Man I moved my bootie good! Then we had a Raffle.. I got an Inuyasha postcard booklet TT^TT I USE to like Inuyasha, but now it's just WAY too popular and over used for my taste... People are like "Omigawd Seshoumaru is so hot!" or "I hate Kikyo with a passion" OR "I think Inuyasha and Kagome are so cute together~!" It makes me sick XP It's friggin Dragon Ball Z FOR GIRLZ, UKYU~!!!!! We got Anime Club Headbands!!! I'll take photos of me wearing my headband and post it.. Then you all can see my new hair color >=3.... Well I have to go... Have a great summer all of you~! Bye bye! Ukyu~!!!!!
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Friday, June 16, 2006
It's The End Of The World As We Know It! And I Feel Fine~!
Dude! The end of the year is comming and I couldn't be anymore excited about the whole thing, next year I shall be a senior, ukyu~! Ho Manz I r so excited for it!!! We'll have an anime club party on the last day! We'll have Karaoke, DDR, and we'll be dressed as the people we went as to Sakuracon, Ukyu~! This'll be so much fun! And I Can FINALLY draw what I wanna draw.... Man this year went by fast O___o I was kind of hoping that it would last MUCH longer than it did, cuz it feels like it should be half way over.... I'M GONNA BE A SENIOR, UKYU~! Well I should go, once again I r using school's computer, ukyu~.... Well I got to go, I'll see ya this weekend when I have new art posted >8D Bye bye, Ukyu~!
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
AAARGH!!!! My frustration is taking over, Ukyu~!!! I want out of my school damn it..! I wanna get out of school so I could draw my brains out, Talk to chels in the dead of night and write stuff that doesn't make ANY SENSE, UKYU~!!!!! GAH! My frustraion is just so- ARGH!!! >.< I hate myself!!! I wanna Role Play late at night with chels every day one... But NO~! I have to wait a whole week for that to happen, Ukyu~! >< YES I am using the school's computer again... DUDE I NEED SOMETHING TO DO!!! SOMEONE GIVE ME REQUESTS SO THAT I CAN BE BUSY!!!!! UKYU~!!!!!!! GOD I juat wanna draw stuff for the rest of my life.... Ukyu~...... Well I should go... I had to release my anger.... Well bye bye I'll \have more drawings soon... I posted SEVERAL new ones yesterday so have fun looking at them... and please, for my sanity, vote AND comment... I hate it when people vote and don't comment... GRAGH IT MAKE ME MAD, Ukyu~... Bye bye...
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Ho Manz it's been a while... Last night was KRAZY~! Me and Chels had the most AWESOME ROLE PLAY!!! I already did some pics for it, but I have to post it later this afternoon T3T... Cuz right now I'm on the school's computer... The rp was so... GUH! It was awesome! Hee hee I think Chels might fill you in on it... My other friend, Megan sent me the COOLEST picture! It's a screen cap of Vincent from the Final Fantasy Advent Children movie, and I get to see Vincen't rump! THANK YOU MEGAN, UKYU~! Ho yeah.... My Anime club nominated who was gonna take over next year, tuesday, and it had to be a junior and I had a 1 of 3 chances... And it wasn't me... I admit I was a little shocked/disapointed, but I can understand, I'm not ready for that kind of responcebility, man handling over active freshmen... Plus I'd have to do ALL the planning and stuff like that, so in a way I am kind of happy, Ukyu~... But yeah... Today's been good so far... I just hope I don't end up crashing in class, Ukyu~... I'm all random and hyper... Yeah I get REALLY weird when I don't sleep.... Soon I'll put up a picture of me and my new red hair color and hair style... It's so cute, Ukyu~! School's gonna end on the 20th of June, and I'll be excited for our end of the year anime party... We're gonna have karaoke, DDR, games, movies, and we're gonna get Anime Club headbands!!! They say Anime Club 2006, have a picture of our favorite character in the middle, mine is Irvine Kinneas, and our names, and the character's name on the end of the headband...I'm so ecited, Ukyu~! I dunno why, but I'm getting into the habbit of writing "Ukyu~" in my sentances.... I sent the COOLEST song to chels last night "Stuck in the Middle with you" from Stealers Wheels, which it SO reminds me of Reno, and "Lock and Load" from Devil May Cry... MANZ I got so much to type to you guys.. I sent other song to chels too "Zanarkand Ruins" Final Fantasy X-2, "Dearly Beloved" Kingdom Hearts 2, "Battle of the Forbidden City" Final Fantasy Advent Children, "Chase of Highway" Final Fantasy Advent Children, "Let's Get it On" Marvin Gaye, and "Labiryth of Moonlight" Soul Caliburs 2 & 3... Well That- OH!!!! I ALMOST FORGOT!!! I was looking in my portfolio changed! I am no longer a "Senior Artist" I am now "Otaku Legend" W00T!!! I R SO HAPPY, UKYU~!!! I AM A LEGEND!!!! *Hops around ina circle* Well I have to go before my teacher yells at me for "Improper of School Property" Bye bye!!!!!
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Okay... I'm REALLY tired of this s***.... People must STOP flamming... I mean seriously? What's the f***in point?! You're not really getting your point across, which send ya where? NOWHERE YA A**HOLES!!! 2 days in a row I got NASTY comment.... WolfDeamon, or whatever the f*** her name is, says I'd make an ugly looking guy, that is if I WAS a man... Well you know what?! F*** YOU!!! You wouldn't know what a hot guy would look like if he drove down the street at top speed and ran ya over! Then last night HyperKitty said that I'm a total perv and I needed a life... So what if I'm a pervert? What's the fuckin deal if you have a healthy attraction to the opposite sex? May they be real or fantasy.... Besides, if ya wanna see somethign REAL perverted, look at cerm's stuff, you just can't supress people like us >8P... God you people make me sick.... Flammers just make me-GUH!!! I MUST EVOKE OTAKU JUSTICE ON THESE MORONS!!!! For there's is a proper way and an IMproper way to comment & still be friendly... Here lemme show you...
Example of poor commenting:
"You're drawings suck! HA HA HA!!!"
Example for the proper way of commenting:
"It's not bad, but it could use some work, good try ^ ^"
See? THOSE are the proper ways to comment & not get nasty... Now that I have educated you flamming jerka**es, I can continue my lecture... And I'd just like to ask you something.... WHAT THE HELL HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU TO DESIRVE THIS KIND OF TREATMENT?! I mean seriously! I have NEVER flammed anyone, unless it is for Massive Retaliation (Incase you flammers, who are total dumba**es, don't know... It's when you hit me, I hit YOU back with 10x's as much force)... I'm not gonna ask you flammers nicely anymore, I'm TELLING you... Leave me & my drawing the f*** alone, okay? -whew- I feel much better now that I've gotten all that out... I just sick you people... But you're flamming won't stop me... I'll still keeping drawing what I want to draw not what YOU want me to draw... and if ya flame me again... I'll just not give two s*** & delete it or I'll do the right thing & report you... So take that........ You Bunch of Jerks...
*sigh* anyway... My day was alright... except for me not sleepin right... Man I'm tired... But don't worry, I just had to get all THAT up top out of my system, I still love my TRUE otaku friends ^ ^... I almost fell asleep in class >8D I also got a new drawing done for cerm (YA OWE ME BIG TIME CHELS! Cuz including my recent posting, I made TWO new arts for ya!) well I gotta go take a nap or something... Well Bye bye.. I'll still do fun/dirty drawings! MAN this posting was L...O...N...G...
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Monday, May 22, 2006
![Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting](
There have been MANY stories about Irvine kinneas.... Some say he's gay(YAY IRVINExSQUALL), other say he's bisexual(YUMMM!!!!), and the rest say he's straight( HE'S SEXY ALL AROUND!!!!)... But what does this have to do with an article/posting??? I dunno... But I've had with people not liking him... He's cyute, sweet, flirty, strong, and an important member to the Final Fantasy 8 hero group!!! I think this cowboy is a great asset to the team PLUS he's very VERY cute... Not to mention that HE is my fictional equivelant! Oh I could just huggle him all day!!!!!
Enough about that.... My day went well... Except for my hitting my head on the door frame, and spilling peach juice on my favorite pants... MAN it got REALLY sticky... and I hit my hand on the door handle, now I got a bruse.... JEEZ! WHAT IS IT ABOUT ME HURTING MYSELF ALL THE TIME?!?!?! It's drivin' me crazy!!! Cuz this is not the first time I've hurt myself.... I remember I hit my head on the car door when I was getting in the passanger seat & i got as small cut from it... I fell down the stairs last year at school & twisted my ankle.... GAWD I am clumsy... I must be wrapped in bubble-wrap or SOMETHIN!!!!!!!! I need help... well... see ya later..... Bye *wearing a safety helmet*
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
HI ALL!!!! *Glomps*
I know it's been a few days since I posted new artwork, but I did... And for those of you who haven't otten it yet, forgive me for saying this... The day after it came out i got *drum role* FINAL FANTASY VII: ADVENT CHILDREN!!! AND OMIGAWD THAT WAT THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!! on a scale of 1-10 (10 bein the highest) It gets a 10.5!!!! The graphics were AMAZING!!! I wouldn't shut up about it afor 2 or 3 days!!! Man I gotta tell ya... Vincent & Reno are THE BEST characters in that movie!!! I wish I could explain it to ya, but I'm still excited about it!!! Ever since I saw it I planned on changing my web page & so I did... And here's one quiz of many that I took... I usually got Vincent Valentine or Reno the Turk... so here's one of my MANY results... Enjoy!!! Bye bye for now!!!
Which Final Fantasy VII man will you go after? (pictures)
Here's another odd quiz...
It is oh so true about my boobs!
Oh! Before I forget... I have something for you guys...
![Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting](
I made this icon for all the Vincent Valentine fans and now it is up for grabs... Enjoy It!
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
HI ALL!!!!
Hi everyone how's it goin??? My life has been goin good... I've been watching TONS of anime & stuff like that... So yeah I've been boring lately... Sorry for not having any new sbmissions... I've been a lil busy with school & stuff... Plus I mainly forgot, cuz I was catchin up on anime that I hadn't watched... so please forgive me... sometime doing this week I promise I'll put some up... until then... bye bye & have fun in the sun~!
Here's a quiz that I found on CERM's page.... My result are WEIRD!!!
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Just posting somethiong I got froma quiz ^ ^ I'M LYSERG'S SHAMAN QUEEN! And no I did not cheat.. I was being honest...
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