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On the moon, watching and wating
Member Since
Living musician. Or just living. Whichever you prefer.
Real Name
Kire-Kun (Mishy calls me this @_@)
Playing the violin, being the best reader!, piano(working on that), annoying people to death, and scaring the crap out of people!!!
Anime Fan Since
Since like I was five or six...
Favorite Anime
Ouran High School Host Club, Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, DN Angel, Alice 19th, Loveless(yes it's yaoi, but it's sooo cool!!!), Ceres, Sailor Moon, Chobits, S-Cry-Ed, Yu YU Hakusho, Card Captor Sakura, Chibi Vampire, Bleach, Trin
Going to the University of Texas, getting my buisness and culinary degree, Open up my own resturaunt and become the best chef, Take over Canada one day! If I told you why, I'd have to kill you. So don't ask.>_>
Reading, music, making videos, world domination.....typical stuff really.
Violin, piano, DDR, assasination
Right now
Feeling: Happy, annoyed, indifferent, totally upbeat
Listening to:
Cold by Crossfade
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I forgot
I kinda forgot to post yesterday so I will post for it.
I went to target and I saw Nikki. I was walking towards the entrance and suddenly this car starts to pass by and Nikki waves at me from it! She said hi and waved and I said hi and waved. Yeah. Then she left. I also got interviewed on what brings me joy. I said my friends, my family, and my dog. But now I wish I had said something different. Those kind of questions can really make you think.
Krystal took my to Mr. Gattis. It was fun 'cause everythings a quarter!!!! But the Pump It machine wasn't working. Though I did get to shoot stuff. Oh, and while we were eating, I got to see the ending of Over the Hedge. But you couldn't hear anything. Just see. And they had brownies!!!! I wanted one, but we were leaving so I didn't get one...but next time I will...
Also found out my cousin is coming for a week. It's going to be fun!! Ashley is awesome, she's like me kinda, but taller and older, and not as hyper/happy. But I still love her.
Ja ne!
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
It's been a while since I last posted anything. I was just being lazy. Or sleeping. Probably both.
Summer is here and it is kinda hot. But since we live in the Valley, that is to be expected.
I is taking tennis with the Parks and Rec again! And I'm in the beginner class. Again! Why, I have no idea, I just am. I get to see Crystal everyday after class and talk to her for a little bit. And lately, I saw Jay, so I got to talk to him. It's been fun.
Been playing DDR. It's fun. Might go to the mall today. Maybe. If we feel like it. Okay, I'm out of things to type. Ja ne!
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Yesterday was fun. I went to go see Shrek the Third with Krystal and Celina. THe movie's very funny. But you know what Krystal pointed out to me?
Prince Charming and Arthur had Nestor's hair! Seiously! It's like Hollywood wants him to be famous!
During lunch, Krystal was cleaning out her Orchestra locker and she had a whole bunch of stuff in there. It was so much fun! Look I have a picture of Ricky and Nikki...that rhymes...

Also got my TAKS results. I got commended on two out of four! All right.
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
Today was good
Yup, it was. We got to go to the new Olive Garden today. It looks like the one in Austin. It was cool! While we were eating, I was reading, and I got to finish my library book. Now I just need to test on it.
Also, I just finished looking up pics for my speech project. I'm doing firemen. I find their job fascinating. It's cool how they can stand being in the fire like that.
Listening to Hypnotize by System of a Down. Relly cool. Also, watched some anime. It's all good.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I'm gonna pass!
Oh yeah! I'm gonna pass my science TAKS test!! I have been studying my foot off, and I figure, if I take my time on each question, I'll get at least 75% right. Oh yeah.
Today in lunch/7th period (seriously, nobody knew it was seventh or lunch. we had people accidentily skip classes) worked on "Cottoneyed Joe". Was fun. Baa-chan and Nii-chan are jealous that I can play fast. They even drew a "show-off line" just for me. Poop heads. At least I can do it. Heh hehe.
Took my reading TAKS today. Was very boring. Very.boring. I'm a very fast reader so I finished fast, and then guess what I did after that. I READ SOME MORE. Seriously. I finished two manga books and an actual book. That boring.
I saw a squirrel earlier! It was so small and fuzzy...but it ran away before I could name it. Probably went to go tell the other squirrels all about the outside world, and discus when they were going to attack...
It's getting late, so I'm just going to go study a bit more before bed.
Ja ne!
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