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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Hey everyone!! sorry yet agian for not updating or coming to visit sites. But i think i'm going to start updating every friday that way i wont have to worry about hw. i'm changing my site don't know when maybe now.]
cya later!
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Friday, September 23, 2005
It's been forever since i've been here!! I'm so sorry school has been a mess i have three hours of homework every night!!! But i still feel so bad for not coming and updating please fogive me!!!
i hope everyone is doing ok!!
I'm so hyper right know i just don't know what to do!! well i'll be going to a football game in a couple of hours. oh and i have the third inuyasha movie go me!!! and i've been reading Fruit baskets manga it's sooooo good! well i'm going to go vist some of ya'lls sights
P.S. I've missed ya'll so much!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
First day of school!
Hey everyone today was the first day of school! it wasn't all that bad every class i went to i knew some one so yay! but man it was confusing we're in a school by our self and it's huge!! but i got the hung of it go me. You know what they did though? They put me in pre-AP math ireally didn't sing up for that but i'll give it a try i have that every day! Then there's only 5 people in my study hall class! That's so weird. Well most of my teachers are nice i still have 3 more teachers to meet.
For a couple of weeks i wont be going to sites i need the figure my time out but i might come by a couple just don't expect me.
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Last day!
It's my last day of summer! i have to go to school tomorrow i don't wanna go!
oh well i can get over that.
Well my weekend was very...
i don't know what to call it. On friday we had a car wreck our car is messed up but no one was hurt. My sister had a bump on her head my back and my mom's back is really sore. The guy who we hit didn't seem hurt but he got really mad and banged is head on the hood of is car and then his hands on the roof. So any ways it's been a mess the good thing is our car will get fixed because it wasn't my moms fult it was the guys. What's funny is all four of us have to squeeze into my dads Ford Ranger.
It's my mom's B-day!
she's turning 21 *wink*wink*
well got to got vist sites
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
well on my post yesterday everyone was like maybe something will happen. yeah something happend alright this old lady was walking down my street with her butt hanging out in these short shorts and i went to the mall and got stalked by this group of boys i mean they followed us down the stairs across the mall and waited outside the shoe store but we took to long so they left. i know they were following us cause me i was the only one close to their age i was with a 30,8 and 3 year old and besides they pointed at me. But it's kinda nice to be noticed once in a while it was creepy but nice.
well got to go
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I'm sorry i didn't post yesterday there wasn't much to say so i didn't post but i did go to everyones sites. There's nothing much to talk about today either.
so hahaha i made you guys come here for nothing. I'm not even bored it's just one of those day that nothing happens ya know?
ok well got to go to sites
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Monday, August 8, 2005
One more week!
i only have one more week till i start school and i'm going to take full advantage of it i'm going to be extra lazy this week lol! this summer went by fast.
i hope everyones weekend was good mine was. I went to the mall on fri. and sat. got some clothes mainly shirts and two pairs of shoes. I talked to my friend Anna again she has a new boyfriend that's just like her. She's had so many boyfriends since she moved that i haven't even met one!
well i got to go vist sites
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Yesterday was so much fun! Foreverlost00 came over agian and we had lot's of fun. we were surfing the net and found this site were you could talk to this AI it was so funny she has asking all these questions. And it would talk about its bot master and it's bot lover! It was so funny!! Then we went to this other site and you put in your friends name and other things and it would make a fake artical about something like one was about a jock-strap thief and joining a club called the nose pickers then you send it to your friend. Well we sent one to my other friend on here that i go to school with Amberpixydust. Then my mom. ok this is the fun part i have a sheet from student council with everyones numbers and E-mails well what we did is sent one to a person named Mason and said it was from someone named Garrett. what's funny is they won't have any idea that we sent it oh we also sent one to Garrettt from Mason. As you can see we had fun. oh if any one wants the site it's it has the links to these sites and others.
well got to go vist sites
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
i didn't do much yesterday. well i went to walmart and did some school supply shopping for my sister. Man do they need alot of stuff. She's only going into the first grade. It was kinda fun searching for stuff trying to get that last orange folder before that other lady.
oh yeah i haven't told ya'll i got an xanga well i was forced to get one my friend (foreverlost00) was over and was like i'm going to make you a xanga she made up the name and everything. it's ok everyone from my school has one i just haven't looked for them yet. You know what's funny she did the exact same thing with Myo. Ne ways here's my user name fizzlexfun like i said she made it up. i'm not even on there that much but i'll use it
ok i got this pic from che lee i hope that no one is offended but it's too fuuny not to show

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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
well i went to registration today. it took us about an hour to get finished we had to wait in this huge line!!i had to take picture for my ID which i got a minute later then i had to get a planner and after that i bought a sweat shirt with my high school's name which will come in handy since we have to tuck in our shirts. it's lame i know.
my site turned out really good! i'm very happy with it my favorite part is the music! it's darker than the themes in the past which is ok i don't mind if it's light or dark as long as it looks good
well i got to go vist sites!
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