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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Feel the burn!
i just got up from a nap i've been waking up at six and going to the gym with my mom so i come home and take a shower and then wach some tv then i just fall out. but i'm sitting on babies i did it yesterday and it's not over my sister wants her friend to stay over so i'll end up waching them tomorrow.
here's xita's part
“I heard that” Kina whispered back, a little louder so that Leya can hear it. “I was only joking, yes, just jest” Leya said with a nervous laugh, as Kina eyeballed her, and then turned her attention back to the map. “Off with you child, Kina need quality time with Kina” Kina said to Leya. “What do you mean child, I’m a grown woman” Leya said, Kina turned towards Leya, her face red as a tomato. Leya slammed the door, leaving the compartment angrily, still hearing Kina’s laughter. “pff, that old hag” Leya mumbled under her breath.
Duncan walked through the forest tiredly. His walk from Demetrii’s keep was a long one. *only she can help me now. I must track her down and gain her trust, for she maybe the only one who can finally put an end to that monster’s terror* Duncan thought to himself as he sat down and leaned his back up against a thick tree trunk. “Correct thinking there, Duncan” came a voice, from out of nowhere. “Who’s there? How do you know my name? What do you want?” Duncan questioned, as he only saw pitch black, for it was in the middle of the night. “I’m someone who can help you. I’ll help you, if you help me” the voice came once more. The voice was soft, and one of a woman. It was unusual though, every time Duncan heard this voice, the forest grew cold, his teeth chattered. He knew not if it was fear, a hallucination or just the nature of what was really speaking to him. *it must be pure evil* he thought to himself. “No Duncan I’m not pure evil. You are no longer safe from Demetrii nor are you from me. Your thoughts are clear as day, I want revenge as much as you do. Now all you have to do is tell me how I can get into Demetrii’s keep, and I’ll tell you where Kina is going, although, by the time I’m finished with Demetrii, you won’t need Kina’s assistance”. The chilling voice protested as a face finally appeared in front of Duncan.
here's mine
How dare she call me a child i am 17, back home my family would be trying to marry me off or if i was already married my husband would be trying to yuck i dont even want to think about that! I really shouldn't have been so dramatic but i do have a quick temper, Leya thought. Oh well i'll tell her i'm sorry when i get back. with that she dissmissed the thought from her mind.
The train really was amazing but it was too crowded. Leya must have bumped into every one on the train. Leya had been walking for hours. Then she opened a door that led to a food compartment looking thing. I've heard of this it's like a restrant. Leya sat down at a table. i wont order much and this food can't cost alot since this isn't the nicest train made for the rich. Leya ordered and ate when she was finished Leya noticed she needed a bath and to wash the clothes Kina gave her. The only things she had was her money from Mrs.Howe. Her village seemed far in her past with it went everything in it. Now she had something more of some one harder to figure out. Kina may have invited Leya but Kina thought of Leya as a child and wouldn't tell her more than she needed to know. Kina also underestimated Leya. Leya was going to find about Kina wheather Kina liked it or not.
P.S i did shave my other leg
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Monday, July 18, 2005
The party was so much fun! the first thing we did was bowl which i haven't done since i was 7 or so but i didn't do all that bad i did pretty good if i do say so myself then we did laser tag which was FUN!! that was the first time i had done it oh by the way we were at a gaming center thingy i don't know what they call it. After that we went to one of the birthday rooms ate pizza and cake opened presents. She liked the card i made her. oh and she got a PS2 and with it she got DDR. she also got some FBs manga. Then we went to all the games we played all kinds it was kinda funny waching every one doing the DDR thay had up there.
ok here something random it's too funny not to tell i just realized that i only shaved one leg last night the other is just a mess sorry if that offened anyone it just could stop laughing when i relized it. this post is geting long so i'm going to post the story tomorrow but xita's is up on her site if you want a head start.
got to vist sites
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Friday, July 15, 2005
well nothing much is going on to day going to my friends party tommorrow should be fun.umm... well i don't know what else to say so i'm going to vist sites.
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Thank you guys so much for understanding i was just out of it
well another note Happy B-day Amberpixydust!!! oh my next theme will be drum roll please Fooly cooly! i don't see that theme around much.
well here is xita's part of the story
“finally, the last one, okay we have like fifteen minutes to get to the train before it leaves. But on our way don’t look back, and if I tell you to run, you run and keep going until you can’t see this place anymore. There’s just something about the air, something isn’t right, I don’t know what it is, but I’m scared and I don’t scare easily” Kina said to Leya as they walked towards the carriage that awaited them in front of the hotel. “Kina, I don’t think I’ve asked you this before yet, but why are you running?” Leya asked, surprised by the question, Kina stopped and turned towards Leya “I’m not running, I’m just trying to make things even on both ends, I can’t fight an army alone can I? I mean I’m only human, I may not be the smartest woman, but I’m smart enough to know when I’ve got to lay low, you know?” Kina said to Leya. Leya not looking at Kina, did not reply, but she slowly leaned in towards her, and hugged her. “I don’t think I thanked you for helping me back there”.
“it was nothing, we’re going to be helping each other out more often now” Kina said as she opened the carriage door. “get in and wait, I’ll go get the bags an stuff fr-” cutting Kina of Leya said in a worried voice “but I don’t have my things”. Kina slightly brushed the hair out of her face and sighed. “don’t worry so much, we can get you some new clothes, god knows you need some” Kina said. Then she walked off into the hotel and got the luggage. Kina packed the luggage into the back and got inside the carriage, closing the door, she ordered the man in the front to go. “you’d think, living in a town with such “ancient” ways, there’d be chivalry” she said to Leya as the carriage moved towards the train station.
“boss, we couldn’t get a hold of her, we……well, boss we were out numbered” came a very coarse voice. The man stood behind a marble door of a dark room. “step inside and explain it to me” came a very cold voice. “matter of fact, just stay there, because I find it really hard to comprehend how one woman, ONE WOMAN! Can beat up four bulky men, do you mind explaining that to me?!” came the very cold voice again, even colder, striking fear into the man that stood behind the door. “but boss……she can really fight, I mean, she moved so fast-” “I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT!” came the voice again, cutting the shaken man off. “you have one minute to get out of this building, if you wish to live” the cold voice once again protested. “but boss, Demetrii please, I won’t fail you next time” the man behind the door stepped aside as he begged for his life. “59 seconds Duncan” came the cold voice of Demetrii.
My part
Leya and Kina got on the train. It was a strange thing and very noise too.*i can't wait to look around this thing Leya thought*Leya and Kina put up their bags in the room where they were going to stay untill they came to the next city. The room was very small it had bunk beds, a small window and that was it. The room was poorly lit. There was no way Leya was going to stay here the whole trip! "I'm going to check out this thing out," Leya said on her way out the door.
"Wait,don't go untill the train starts moving,"said Kina.
"ok". Leya passed the time looking out the window. Tons of people were getting on this train.*Oh he's cute i'll find him in a minute Leya thought* knowing she was too shy for guys. Leya kept looking out the window. Soon there was nothing else to look at, the train was about to start moving. With a great jerk the train started moving faster and faster. Leya got up she was ready to go exploring. She walked to the door. "I'm leaving", she said. Kina looked up from the map she was studying. "Don't get into trouble", she said. Leya couldn't figure out if that was a comand or a suggestion so she just said plainly"I'll try not to." Leya turned her back and whispered "too much."
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
i'm not geting to sites or doing the story today. i'm too tired but i'll do it tomorrow. sorry xita to cancel the story on you. i don't have the creative mojo today
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
ok i want to change my site right before school or right after and i don't know what to change it to! Do ya'll have any ideas?
I'm so proud of my self i finished a video game! i know it's shameful i've played alot of differnt games but i always quit cause i got bored or couldn't get over a level there's a first time for every thing!
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Monday, July 11, 2005
well i went to see the Fantastic 4 it was good i liked it! My favorite of the four was the Human Torch i liked him best cause he was the silly one. Then after the movie we were go to the car and in the parking lot these guys were runing and jumping saying Flame on! i just busted out laughing!
i'm worn out this weekend i sat on babies,swam and cleaned. i got $50 out of it!
ok well here is xita's part of the story!
“Ah hope I’m not interrupting anything here” Kina said as she slowly began to advance to the two men and her new acquaintance being dragged off the ground. Kina walked over to where the boxes layed on the ground and slowly picked them up. Stacking them on top of each other, she lightly sat on them and looked at the three people in front of her. “I’m guessing you’re related” she said as she looked at Leya. “heh heh, well, is it that obvious” Leya said with a nervous laugh. “Mind your tongue! You will say no more, you have already caused this family too much” said the older man, whose grip on Leya tightens. “Who are you?” came the voice of the younger man, his eyes locked hard on Kina. “Well, I’m glad you asked that, I’m…..I’m what’s going to make you forget how sweet a woman’s supposed to be” Kina said. “What?” came the young man again. “For someone who looks mature, you’re not very smart are you, let me demonstrate” Kina said as she swiftly move from the boxes, and launched her assault towards the young man. “Kina don’t hurt him…too badly” Leya said as the older man began to pull her away. Respecting Leya’s wishes, Kina subdued her attack, and smiled at the young man, “this might hurt a bit she said, but when u wake, your headache will be gone” kina said, as her leg lifted and slammed against the left side of the young man’s head. As the young man’s body hit the ground, Kina sprinted towards the mere shadow of the two figures ahead of her. *I’m getting too old for this now, just what I need, another life to worry about* Kina thought to herself as she looked around, and found a detour, that landed her in front of her new found enemy.
ok here is my part
There stood Kina in the entrance of the alley. Leya would have asked how she had goten there so fast but Leya was being held in mid air by her arm and if she dared speak Papa would slap her.
"I'm tired of you being in the way woman!"Papa yelled. i'm taking my daughter and there's nothing you can do!
"First of all there's plenty i can do second i don't think your daughter wants to go with you!"
"Yeah i don't want to go with you and if you take me back i'll just leave again!" Leya didn't know what had goten in to her maybe it was the fact that some one was fighting for her so it made her want to fight for herself.
"No one asked you to speak!" yelled Papa.
"I don't care i'm not at home and i'm not going back,"Leya yelled. Now let go of me there is nothing you can do!
"No!" her father growled.
"Kina can you help me my arm is numb!"asked Leya.
Kina came swift and hard. Before Leya could blink there layed Papa on the ground.
"Come on he'll wake up in 30 minutes we have to leave now!"said Kina pulling Leya at the same time.
"Wait i have to deliver those packages,"said Leya.
"Fine i'll help so it won't take as long",said Kina.
well i have to go vist sites
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Friday, July 8, 2005
i forgot what i was going to post about!! man that sucks! oh yeah i might be going to see the fantastic 4 when my dad gets off of work there that's something ok i got nothing sorry for wasting ya'll's time!
i got something now i will post my part of the story on monday if you want to see xita's part just go to my friends list and she's there!
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Thursday, July 7, 2005

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i got a photobucket account and i don't know how to start the album can someone explain it to me?
ok here is xita's part of the story!
The sun came shining through the window, glistening on Kina’s face. Her eyes slowly open and looked over to the bed, and saw that it was empty. “she must’ve went to get her stuff” Kina said. She got up from the seat, that she made her bed, and walked over to where she had rested her bag the previous night. She set out some clothing on the bed, that was already made, grabbed her towel and toothbrush and walked towards the bathroom. While brushing her teeth, she caught herself, “oh no, she went out by herself! I gotta hurry this up and make sure nothing bad happens, I won’t be responsible” Kina said to herself as she jumped into the shower.
“excuse me, I’m checking out, and I’d like transportation to the train station, and if it’s possible, can I get a map of the next city the train will be arriving in?” Kina asked a woman behind the front desk. “yes miss, I can get the required for you, a carriage can be here for you” the lady said. Kina looked at the woman, quiet for the moment, the lady looked back at her worried. “a carriage? Huh, well, that’ll do, I suppose. I’ll be back in an hour, can everything be ready by then?” Kina asked again. With the nod of the woman’s head, Kina gave the woman her bag, and left the hotel. “okay, now if I were Leya where would I go?…okay well that didn’t work. Let’s see if I’m still good at tracking” Kina said to herself as she slowly walked down a crowded street, to her surprise she saw Leya walking east of her location. The wind was cold, and Kina began to feel a little chilly, she thought of this town to be a weird one. It wasn’t modern, it wasn’t what she was used to. They didn’t take credit cards, much less, they didn’t even know what credit cards were. “Leya!” came Kina’s voice as she ran up the street. Stopping dead in her tracks, the sight of Leya’s face almost made her heart stop. It was as if she’d seen a ghost. *who could those two men be* Kina thought to herself as she saw them both turn in surprise as she had stopped.
ok here is my next part!
Leya was shocked they had found her so fast. Every thing was happening too fast. Papa grabed her arm hard.
"How dare you make me waste my time coming to get you",Papa whispered harshly. You are a dishonor to our family! Your coming home and your never going to leave. No more being an archer no more fighting classes you will be a lady. It's imposible for you to be as good as your sister but you will do for some man!
"i don't want to",Leya beged.
" No one cares what you want",said Leya's older brother. You'll never be anything i don't know why you came out here.
Leya was broken. Her hands went cold and she bowed her head.
"Leya",came Kina's voice.
Leya looked up. It must have been something in Leya's face cause Kina came to a dead stop. Papa and Leya's older brother looked up at the women then Papa bent down and whispered "I hope you don't think she's going to save you".
It was hopeless. What was i thinking my family always get what they want.
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