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Friday, May 27, 2005
First things first...
I'm a Freshman go me Whoop Whoop! ok it's kinda scary to think about.
well i'm chaging my site it's going to be a summertime theme i'm going to have pics from all kinds of animes i'll put my part of the story later
oh my site might be a little bit of a mess since i'm going to change it
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Here is a pic i got from Mishotarup

Man i'm going to be bord this summer i need a book list (yes i'm a book worm)
well that's it
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Friday, May 20, 2005
I had 2 shots to day they are making my arm feel funny! but on the good side i missed half of school yay! ok next week is final exams so i won't posting i might be on tues. and thurs. to post the story but other than that i HAVE TO STUDY!!
so heres the story!
“Finally we’re here! I thought we’d never find this place, I’m so tired and hungry” Kina said as she and Leya stepped in front of H.Lyte Plaza. “Well this is it. I’ll-” cutting Leya off Kina began “C’mon let’s check in. It’s getting late and if my feelings are right we’re not so safe out here……well me of course”. “You want me to spend the night with you?!”Leya squeaked, her eyes widen with surprise.*This women is crazy maybe i should have taken her to the hospital instead leya thought.*
“When you say it like that, you make it sound so bad. Calm down, I trust you won’t try anything stupid, and if you’re so worried I’m straight, so let’s just get that out in the clearing” Kina replied a little annoyed and tiredly. “No that’s not what I……well it is kinda. Sorry, I’m just not used to this type of stuff-” again Kina stopped Leya from continuing her sentence. “Go inside, and wait for me” Kina said in a cold and bitter voice. *She is really losing her mind!*
“Why? Is something wrong?” Leya asked while following the direction of Kina’s eyes to the thick shadows that layed before the entrance of the plaza.
“Oh Kinaaaa. I have a message to deliver from a special someone. I think boss D said he’d like to hear you scream from the pain he’ll inflict on you” came a very rough voice from the thick cloud of shadows. “Who’s your pretty little friend there? Haha haha, well boys I guess we might be having a little fun tonight haha” came the voice again. Kina stepped in front of Leya and pushed her towards the door, urging her to go inside. What is she doing pushing me like that Leya thought.* i was at the top of my class how dare she assume i 'm weak and nobody is going to have fun with me aginst my will!
But leya didn't say a thing she went inside and wached Kina count the muscled and tatood men
“Well boys, after I kick your ass, you can tell your beloved Demetrii I said he can go fuck himself. You guys are really sick following that bastard. But don’t worry, lil’ ’ol Kina’ll make sure he gets his" Kina said while she slowly advanced to the four men.
The four men lined up together, quickly spread out and launched their attack. Moving swiftly, Kina lifted herself above her attackers, and landed behind them. A man on her left, Kina caught his fast hand. Wrapping her leg around his arm, she sends a shockwave of kicks to his head. Preoccupied with this man’s head, she again lifted herself, using her other leg to send jabs into the stomachs of the three other. “C’mon boys, after all the big talk you just preached. I’m not even breaking a sweat!” Kina yelled as she ducked a fore coming arm, that lounged at her face. “Hi” Kina said as the stunned man looked down upon her. “Unbelievable, she’s better than I thought" Leya said as she watched the fight from behind the doors of the plaza. “I can’t believe it’s over and it just started. And she has a bit of a dirty mouth on her……such bad influence” Leya said again as she watched Kina walking towards her. “Hey are you alright?” Leya asked. Kina looked at her and smiled “I can stand my own she said, but I am tired, some sleep would do me just fine. Don’t worry about me though, okay?” She said as lifted the bags that had fallen out of Leya’s hand while she was watching the short brawl. *how can she think I’m worried. She’s an amazing fighter, just wonderful. I’ve never seen moves like that before. I wonder who her teacher was* Leya thought as she waited for Kina at the stairs.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
“Why do you dress like that. I mean it’s kinda old. Don’t you have any jeans or modern clothing?” Kina asked as she looked Leya up and down. “Excuse me?! We just met and you’re tell- You can’t speak to people like that!” Leya yelled offended by Kina’s curiosty. Kina stood by a bench in Circe park. It was famous for it's colorful trees,it was also Leya's favorite place. Kina said nothing. She looked at Leya and answered with her eyes, then she walked forward pass Leya. Stopping a few feet from her, Kina turned “Hey! Do you plan on coming or not. C’mon, I’d like to hit the sack. I’ve had a hard day. And I doubt we’d find the hotel just standing here” Kina said with a calm voice.
*How can she be so……I don’t know. It’s like there’s something in her that………I’m just wasting my time. I shouldn’t help her for talking to me that way i've been run over all my life, but I feel like she my only way out. I seem to be on her good side, she doesn‘t even feel intimidated at how I just yelled at her. If I were home I’d probably would’ve been smacked for raising my voice like that* Leya thought as she walked quietly beside Kina, still thinking about how mysterious this woman seemed. *I think too much* she thought to herself again.
“What’s wrong?” came Kina’s voice interrupting Leya from her still thoughts. “Huh…oh, nothing……just thinking I guess” Leya replied and looked to the ground as she walked on towards an open street ahead. Why do i feel a connection with Kina,but we're so differnt. “Listen……I don’t usually do this, but……well I don’t know how to ask you really, but come stay with me, okay” Kina said. “Are you asking me or are you telling me? It doesn’t really sound like a question” Leya ventured. “Well it was neither…more like an order. And from the looks of it, you want to say yes” Kina replied struggling to hold back a little laugh. Leya had never felt so upset, but yet she couldn’t help but give in to how accurate Kina was but, she didn't have to laugh. “Why do you want me to stay with you?” Leya asked urgently with noticing how demanding she sounded. “Well from what I’ve observed and it’s pretty obvious, we’re both running from something. We can help each other out, sure we did just meet, but…why run alone” Kina exercised. *She’s right. Papa and my brothers will be coming for me. How can she read so much into me? Apart of me wants to go but then, i don't want to be controled i don't want to be a sidekick. It's true i don't want to run alone i've been alone all my life. i'm so confused! At least i wouldn't get hurt. From the way Kina appears, I doubt anyone’s wanna mess with her. But why is she running* Leya thought.
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Monday, May 16, 2005
What does this mean?
somone put that on my GB does it mean do more presitaion don't know how to spell gosh it kills me what could i do to do that i don't know how to do anymore things
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Hey it's my sisters b-day she's turning 6!
well anyway my friend that has been a little distant got in some bad trouble. Her and her friends took some voka i don't know how to spell it but anyway thay got wasted. The principal saw them and took them to the office. now she is supended for three days then she has to go to alternitive school for the rest of this year which is 7 more days and a little next year. Her dad came and picked her up and she had arm warmers he told her to take them off then when they got home her snched them from her pocket put then and scisors on the table and told her you know what to do with them. Then he went to her room and threw all her CDs and black shirts into the trash. They canceled they're vacation cause of her. and i don't think she'll ever see daylight again. the reson why they threw all that stuff away is because she went punk. Before me and her weren't anything we didn't have a lable but then she changed this year. i didn't
all this happened on friday
well cya
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
I look horible...
i had to wake up eary this morning and yesterday morning today was for a student council meeting and yesterday was for national jounor honor socity i'll be calling NJHS for short
Tommorow will be even longer cause i'm helping with the inducion for NJHS i'm staying from the time school is out till after the inducion is over!
well cya
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Here's the story! ENJOY
after Leya made her rush delivery she started to wonder around she knew she needed to get back but, it wasn't too busy at the shop that she had to rush.
Soon Leya was in an alley. she didn't know her way around in the alleyes but she could hear the ocean that was good enough.
Leya was just coming out of the alley and into the site the ocean,when some woman crashed into her.
Ah, hey, I know this is the city, but must you be in such a rush?!” Leya said as her voice squeaked. The women got up, she reached her hand out, offering to Leya “I’m sorry, but rushing is my only protection. Are you okay, I didn’t hurt you or anything did I?” The women asked. “no, I’m fine, just a minor bruise. You’re not from around here are you” Leya asked. The women had some weird clothes or mabe it was Leya who had the weird clothes, this city was strange but most people wore what Leya wore. Leya was still high and mighty on the fact that she beat up some bandits so, she wasn't afraid of this woman. The women looked like she had been into a couple of fights but it looked as though if Leya stayed on her good side she'd be fine. “no, I’m not. I recently got off the train, and I kinda got lost…you think you could help me out?” She explained. “sure, I could do that. By the way what’s your name?” Leya replied. “it’s Kina. And yours”. “oh, my name is Leya. It’s nice to meet you Kina, now shall we”.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
i'm sorry i haven't posted just been a little busy is all
i have to write 3 poems for english i like poetry but i'm not very good at writing it
i'm really bord oh ya i thought this was funny i was walking by this girl in P.E. trying to get out of the lockerroom and i hit her while i was swinging my arms and i hit her while i was walking away i heard her say "Did that bitch just touch my ass!" i didn't say this but i was like i don't roll that way! and besides she's pregnant and if i did go that way i wouldn't talk to or touch her!
P.S. i'm waiting on xita If you wanted to know why i haven't been writing the story
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Friday, May 6, 2005
i'm tired
Hello i just want to get one thing clear vash is 131 not 13.
but any ways i went to my field trip it was really fun! but i'm too lazy to tell you guys about it
sorry and before i forget Happy Birthday to bmc2rocks!
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