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myOtaku.com: magicgirl07

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Pinky Ichigo (12/23/04)

hey i love ur site! nd i love ur drawings very cute! im adding u as a friend! happy holidays!

SlasherX (12/21/04)

hello, cool site! yay for yu yu hakusho, trigun, and inuyasha! k,drop by my site and sign my gb if u have time...laterz!

meow cat cat (12/20/04)

cool site and cool colors too ^^

forgotten hero (12/20/04)

kewl site! yuyu hakusho rocks KURAMA RULES atop by my site and sign my gb later

kayura316 (12/04/04)

wow it takes alot of guts to admit u run a paper route. u rule

Capricious Tyrant (11/26/04)

*waiting for it to snow*
*in Alabama*
*screams at cloud*
*last post*

RazorsAndNeedles (11/19/04)

*waves* signing of random member's gb ^_^

DeathT-2 (11/13/04)

Hi there I saw your quiz results and you seem pretty cool!



Cheza the slayer (11/12/04)

Hi friend!!! ^_^
(that is my greeting just to tell you)

wow you have a lot of gbook entries!

Okay I'm adding you as a friend k'?

OzymandiusJones (11/10/04)

I love your avatar...is that a TaunTaun? Sure looks like one....and sure you have a cheivements! Everyone has acheivements...you're just not lookin' close enough. :D...And where is Planet YAksHaHaHaA? Is it even in this galaxy?

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