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Planet YAksHaHaA X3
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helping my friend with her paper route (don't get paid *grumble*)
Real Name
Um...just call me Rin ^^;;
*sniffle* I dun have any *sniffle*
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
..hack//SIGN, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Trigun, Wolf's Rain. And many more......
Becoming a cartoonist or game designer
drawing anime pictures for my friends
I draw well, and confuse others well too...:3
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
New Puppy!!!
Yes, I will be getting a new doggy soon! The only thing is that the dog I have now is kinda stupid, it eats it's food really fast like there's no tomorrow, and it bugs the crap out of me when it wants out. Sooo, think of it this way, we get a new dog, and the dog we have now will be the tutor...* oh boy..* and wala, 2 stupid dogs! ....* sigh*...this might be harder then I ^_^
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Monday, May 24, 2004
I'm going to Chicago tomorrow! Turns out my brother had a doctor's appointment there. Yay! I might even go to get a pizza afterward! yummy!
See you soon!
P.S. Wolf's Rain ROCKS
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
I'm working on the music thingy, how do you like it so far? ( gpetz has everything, doesn't it? ) It may be a bit choppy here and there buuuut...
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Ok, I'm not the one who's usually superstitious, but, a few days ago, a black cat crossed our house and into the backyard, and ever since we've been getting pummeled with thunderstorms, now were under a tornado watch!!!! you think it's just a coincidence? ( I can't spell today -_-;; )
 Animation from
I've got a lov-e-ly bunch of carrots, de dele de de dee, there they are just being carried off, big ones, small ones, and they're all killing my back..
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Saturday, May 22, 2004
My friend is EVIL I tell you EVIL!!! I was at her house when she called her other friend, suddenly, we started to have a conversation about what anime character we like, and here is how the conversation went ( pf stands for the person on the phone ):
me: " well, yea, I do kinda have someone I like......"
friend: *leans over and yells into the phone * " SHE LIKES ______!!"
me: *turns away and trys to forget about it *
PF: "Can I talk to her now?"
me: "...oh, ok.." *hands phone to friend*
friend: ".......SHE LIKES _____!!!" *starts laughing*
me: " AHHHHHHH!! GIVE IT BACK!!" * Chases after friend *
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
Oro? * cocks head *
I almost got caught going on the internet in class one time ( hehe..luckly I know how to sneak into getting on the internet.. )
Anywho, My friend just let me borrow her Rurouni Kenshin manga today ^_^ Here is what and how many I have read so far:
Yu Yu Hakusho v1
Yu Yu Hakusho v2 ...( at least I think... )
Yu Yu Hakusho v3 ( -_-;;..this is getting old fast.. )
InuYasha v..uhhh...1???
Rurouni Kenshin v1 you can see, I'm pretty much on the verge of getting really addicted..;P
No homework today!! AND ONLY 13 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT!! YAAAAAY!!
Type later.

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Monday, May 17, 2004
100 VISITS!!
And still going on and on and on....
Thank you everyone soo much for making it possible!!
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Friday, May 14, 2004
yea..I figured out how to put on the animations all I need to know is how to make only ONE blog show up, not 200..( It went all the way down the screen ^_^; hehe.. )..
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Thursday, May 13, 2004
Some people are scared of me at school because they say I remind/look like one evil girl off of a movie called The Ring, but I actually like it O_o; COOL! I GET TO SCARE PEOPLE!! XD I haven't seen that movie though.. Is it any good? What happens??? And have you guys heard, they might be coming out with a new Zelda game ^_^ They said that they wanted more "mature" graphics, I've seen pics, and it looks AWESOME!!
All you have to do is type this in to look at the website's pictures:
 Animation from
^_^ cuuuuuute..
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Monday, May 10, 2004
Guess What??
I FINALLY HAVE PHOTOSHOP!!! YAAAY!! I am sooo happy now ^_^ I didn't think I would ever get one until I figured out that my dad had it on a CD. It's a bit confusing at first with all of the buttons...( though I'm sure most of you have already mastered it :P )
Anyway, I took a funny quiz on my other friend's site here's how it went:
You go to an inn and stay there for the night, in the morning you wake up and roll out of bed and...
1) Feel great and ready to reuse my magic
2) Feel great and ready to get revenge on more people with my pet dragon
3) Hit the floor. Good job.
...yup..I chose #3 XD
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