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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

   Numa Numa Iei~
....I can't get that song out of my head o_o



Today was a half day, so I got out at 10:45 AM ^-^ YayNoHomework! And another thing I found out is that we have 3 half days next month O.O
Half days yay yay
But Parent-Teacher Conferences HolyCrap No No

Getbackmuch..? o_'O


um....I dunno what else to say.....just felt like updating.....so...feel free to say whatever you want in the comments today. I don't even care if it's in another language..

-I'll try to get more artwork in ASAP m'k? I have a few in my binder right now and I'll get them scanned as soon as I have free time. (Oh ja, and I changed a few quiz results ^^ feel free to go and look)

*goes back to plotting how to get the FMA hoodie from Hot Topic*~

Laterz ;3 (-- www.VGCats.com/comics/ -- GO THERE O_O See the latest comic!! *squee*~)

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Wednesday, October 5, 2005

I got to go to a different place for my dentist check-up this time....it was nice, really, and cheaper too (only $20), but the only bad thing was that I had to stay in there for 4 hours...because the people in there were trainees, not full dentists yet =_=; But hey, I guess it beats having to pay $140 to our other dentist just for a pick and polish.....
At least my teeth are cleaner now, and I got to skip school...yay.

-Ha, speaking of school, it was funny in gym class on Tuesday XD Our class went outside to play football that day and it was HOT out...really hot >.< In the middle of the game a cloud miraculously came by and started to block the sun, giving us a relief from the heat and a breeze of cool wind. My friend looked up at it and said "Stay There cloud o_o The breeze feels good ^^"
Me: "It's pretty big, so it should block out the sun for awhile anyway....unless it like, moves up or something instead.."
And Suddenly The Cloud Just Starts Moving Up And The Sun Starts Coming Out! O_O
Friend: "You Jinxed It! o'0'o"
Me: "No! No! Move Back Down!! DOOWWN!! >'0'< *waves hands*" And the cloud -after awhile- moved back down and blocked the sun again XD;;;; Omg, it was hilarious...XDD; lol......

..So yeah, I go back to school tomorrow 'n st00f....I have a half-day coming up next Tuesday ^.^ So I'll only go to my first 3 classes and then go home! W00t.

Laterz ;3 (Did you see the latest FMA episode? Z0/\/\6 \/\/247l-l l-l45 3l>'5 42/\/\ 4/\/l> l_36!!! D: 1 \/\/0/\/l>32 \/\/l-l47 3l>'5 6l_l/\//\/4 l>0....0.0)

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Monday, October 3, 2005

   Hullo Again
I actually had a SMALL amount of homework today ^^; So I got done early..lol...



Dentist appointment ^-^;; Even though I'm going to have more homework the next day, I'll be happy to at least have a day off from school.. -.-

Ah, and I've found out that the computers at my school have Adobe Photoshop CS2 on them o_o Hopefully I'll get to use it soon, I've been DIEING to try out that program..T_T whaa....

...So how have you guys been? ^^ (the spider's dead now...for those who've read the last post. It was actually a relatively good spider for once o_o it just stayed up on the wall and never came down again....weird.)

Laterz ;3 (Danny #1: "We have to save them! Because it's our, DUTY!!" Danny #2: "*points* Haha, he said 'doodie'" XD -Danny Phantom X3;;)

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

   Hey All..
Sorry for the absence ^^; I suddenly got attacked with quizzes 'n tests at school x.x;; agh...

-I think my cold's finally gone! YAY! ^0^ I haven't had one all summer, so I guess that's why that one hit me pretty bad...but now it's all better ^.^; heh...


..there's like, a spider on my wall that keeps staring at my food... .-. Seriously it crawls around my wall like it's gunna make a web, swoop down, and steal/plop into my food -_-;
I stuck a piece of cheese onto my wall next to it so maybe it'll eat that later -.-*;


It Just Rejected The Cheese!! D:< It stared at it for like, 5 seconds And Now It's Crawling 50 Feet Away From It!! D: Fine I don't wanna be nice to you either XP See you in the next napkin I find >.>....


'HO CRAP it's crawling down my wall O_O *backs away* ._.;;

...uuuhh....a-anyway.....how have you guys been? ^-^;;; *glancing at the spider every-so-often-while-typing this* >.> I got to see the Corpse Bride last Friday ^-^ It was really good! ^0^ Victor's such a klutz XDD lmao. I recommend you see it!! ^-^ lol

..that's pretty much it though ^^; (sorry if this post was random o_O;)

Laterz :3 (Hukt on Fonix werkt fer mee! XD -A pic I saaaw..)

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Thursday, September 22, 2005

   Hey Guys..
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile ^^; And I'm feeling alot better sick-wise....now I just have a cough -.-;; and I can't really say any loud things because I almost lost my voice being sick =_=;; But that's it...XD;;

Anyway, TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY FOR THE ISTEP+ TESTING!! WOOO!! XD; It -was- kinda fun though, really..^^; The schedule -was- messed up abit, but the good of that was that we got to skip first and second hour...sometimes third....and I hardly got any homework and we pretty much did nothing during the classes ^^; (except gym -.-;).. In fact, in all of my World History classes we watched movies! First, Pirates of the Caribbean, then National Treasure....once when I came into class there was a movie still going on....I forgot the name of it ^^; Also, one day when we got done with more of the ISTEP+ testing, we got to watch a movie too ('cuz we had free time..) XD; It was called the Wedding Singer....
-But yeah...it was fun :3

So how's everything going for you guys? I'm bored now lol ^-^;; Not much else to say really XD;; aaah...I guess I'll just go visit your sites now XDD;;;;

Laterz ;3 (What The Heck is up with the show called BoBo-Bo-Bo-BoBoBo?!?! O___'O;;)

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Sunday, September 18, 2005

-A re-post hence I updated late...-

Submitted 1 new fanart! ^^ Go check it out when you have the chance! ^^

Ugh...bad news, I'm still sick. BETTER then Thursday..but still sick -_-;;; But the good news is...well, check out my new layout! ^0^ It's still a bit messy I know, I'm still trying to get it right ^^;; heee....FMA rules..XD (speaking of which, did you see the latest episode..? Izumi scares me... ._.;;;;;)

Hmm...not much else to saaaay...I hope I don't get alot of homework on Monday ._. (was sick Thurs. & Fri.) Especially with the Istep coming up ^^;;; oi...

::EDIT::: OOoo, I like this layout better~ ^-^ 'tis pretty lol.

Laterz ;3 (I just noticed....when you write out the first letter of each month, they can spell "FMA" and "JASON" XD;;;; lol)

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Thursday, September 15, 2005

   Great. Only 5 Weeks Into School And...
Guess What? I'm sick X_X I woke up this morning feeling like crap. Having a headache, stuffed nose, sore throat, dizzyness and cough.....
Thank God it's Thursday, though. Because if I were out too long I'd have a crapload of homework (I have every class every day, see..).

*sniffle* -.- anyway, about the theme...I guess I'll just do FMA, because I already had a Fruits Basket one up before....

...So, yeah, I'll change the theme later....right now I need sleep x_x;;

Laterz :3 (.....I think there's a cicada in my garage O.O...)

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Saturday, September 10, 2005

   Messing Around With The Site Again...
W00t, 'tis The WEEKEND!! ^0^ YAY!! ^^

-But ja, I'm just fooling around with the site again -.- (I added a chatbox thingy...hopefully it works -___-;; gah..)

....Thinking about changing the theme....any suggestions? o.O

Laterz ;3 (To those of you who downloaded that movie in the previous post, wasn't it awesome?! X3 nya)

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Monday, September 5, 2005





I wanna go play Sonic now T_T *goes*

Laterz :3 (If not, then at least see his Dev.Art gallery! There's animations [aka no download -.-] there and other cool stuff! ^0^)

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Friday, September 2, 2005

   YAY! ^0^
My three-day weekend/vacation/however you wanna say it begins today! ^^ I didn't think we'd get Labor Day off ^^; (well actually, I didn't know we even HAD three days off coming up lol XD;;) Oh well, I'm just happy now XD lol. I sorta have an idea for another fanart btw :3 Maybe I'll be able to get to drawing it sometime this weekend....I dunno ^^;

-Sheesh, is it me, or did this school week seem a bit long..? @___@ gah..-.-; Oh well, it was pretty easy ^^-

Well, anyway, I just wanted to make an update as to say I'm not dead.....eheh ^^;;

Laterz ;3 (*pokes you*)

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