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myOtaku.com: magicgirl07

Thursday, September 22, 2005

   Hey Guys..
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile ^^; And I'm feeling alot better sick-wise....now I just have a cough -.-;; and I can't really say any loud things because I almost lost my voice being sick =_=;; But that's it...XD;;

Anyway, TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY FOR THE ISTEP+ TESTING!! WOOO!! XD; It -was- kinda fun though, really..^^; The schedule -was- messed up abit, but the good of that was that we got to skip first and second hour...sometimes third....and I hardly got any homework and we pretty much did nothing during the classes ^^; (except gym -.-;).. In fact, in all of my World History classes we watched movies! First, Pirates of the Caribbean, then National Treasure....once when I came into class there was a movie still going on....I forgot the name of it ^^; Also, one day when we got done with more of the ISTEP+ testing, we got to watch a movie too ('cuz we had free time..) XD; It was called the Wedding Singer....
-But yeah...it was fun :3

So how's everything going for you guys? I'm bored now lol ^-^;; Not much else to say really XD;; aaah...I guess I'll just go visit your sites now XDD;;;;

Laterz ;3 (What The Heck is up with the show called BoBo-Bo-Bo-BoBoBo?!?! O___'O;;)

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