Birthday 1992-02-25 Gender
Female Location corpus cristi Member Since 2004-09-18 Occupation school Real Name kelly
Achievements playing the flute Anime Fan Since I don't know when Favorite Anime jimmy cudo (case closed), inuyasha, kiba (wolfs rain), cyborge 009, .hack//sign, Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragonball GT, Megas XLR, digimon, and pokemon Goals to become a marinebiologest or an artist Hobbies reading, drawing, and seducing guys Talents don't really have any besides playing the flute and drawing if you think thats a talant magicwhitetiger
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
You are a Black wolf. You are mysterious and secretive. you perfer to be alone most of the time and you have a good heart, but dont like to show to much emotion. Sometimes you can be a bit insulting, but whomever you insult usully deserves it. You would be considered dark by most, but nobody ever stops to try and get to know you.
kiba ooohhh yyyeeeaaa!!!!!!! Your ideal mate is Kiba!! The leader of the pack, this is one wolf who follows his heart and takes control. Sure he can be idealistic and is a bit of a dreamer, but he's also passionate, determined and downright sexy!! Win his heart and he'll take you to Paradise.
werewolves rock!!!! Werewolves of folklore differ greatly from modern renditions seen in movies and shows. People believed there were many ways to become werewolves, such as drinking rainwater collected in a wolf's pawprint, eating meat gnawed on by a wolf, or being born with a full set of teeth or covered in a caul. And unlike movie werewolves, werewolves of old were oftentimes harmless and highly honorable!
As a werewolf, you are loyal, strong and honorable, and you will protect all you hold dear with your very life. Although you are not a violent individual at heart, you will fight for what you believe in. You are a good friend and truly are a wonderful person to be around.