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Monday, March 7, 2005
Furuba Fan Art
I got bored over da weekend so I drew sum fan art for Furuba (Fruits Basket). I can't submit it now cuz my dad's scanner is broken so uh...yea.. But I'll describe it 4 u guys. I drew da Habudachi Trio (Hatori, Shigure, and Ayame) in der animal form. I drew Ayame (da snake) coiled around Shigure's (da dog) head and Shigure is holding a bag of water in his mouth. And in dat bag of water is none other than Hatori (da seahorse.). I'll submit it as soon as my dad can fix da goddamn scanner. I mite draw sum more fan art but ders lots of homework dese days, especially in science.
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
On my last update i sed dat i heard rumors dat my boyfriend was gonna dump me. ever since then, my friends (frm skool and frm myotaku.com) have bin tellin me to dump him first. But da thing is i still lyk him a LOT so instead i avoided him for 2 days (and according to his friends, he's bin trying to avoid me as well.) but today, his friend gave me a note frm him. It sed to meet him at da P.E. field. wen I did, we talked a little (i had to stop a bunch of times cuz ppl kept on spying on us and i kept on threatening them to leave or else i would bash der face in =P) and he sed dat we could probably work things out. on da note he sed dat everytime i wanted to hang out wit him, his friends would ditch him and i never spoke to him when i was with him. dis is true cuz whenever i try to be wit him and his friends, his "friends" would say suggestively "we'll just leave you two alone..." and they would leave. da reason y i dunt talk to him dat much is cuz i dunt kno wat to talk about. so anyways, i asked him wat he wanted me to change and he sed dat he wanted me to hang out wit my friends more and on da bus he wants to sit alone. im not sure if dis is a good or a bad thing. but hopefully dis will work out.
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Uwaaaaaa! I feel so sad today! Lately every1's bin actin weird. all day ppl wud say "Hey Paulina," I'd say "wat?" den deyd say "uh..nuthin..Arden will tell u"
I hate bein da last one to kno about sumthin or bein outta da loop. but den on da bus, ppl sed dat Arden was planning to dump me! im praying dat it's not tru cuz ppl hav da tendency to make fun of me by sayin things lyk dat. also, i asked one of Arden's friends if he was planning to dump me and he sed no so uhh...yea. i feel lyk crying...
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Friday, February 25, 2005
Argh! More tests! Today I had an Algebra test, a science test, a history test, and a running(P.E) test! But, the thing is, today there was a button and ribbon ceremony for all eighth graders that were eligible for graduation and eighth grade activities (i.e. dances, field trips, the 8th grade formal). all who were eligible went to Evan's Hall (our auditorium) to get button and ribbons, donuts, and juice and all who wern't eligible went to room 6 and had to write a 5-paragraph essay in 20 minutes! luckily for me, I was eligible. o yea and the ceremony was during first period so i didnt have to take the algebra test! the science test was pretty easy and the history test was so cinchy! i didnt even study for the history test (it's on 24 of the eastern states) and I got a perfect paper(35/35)! for P.E. we ran. running tests r either 20 minute runs (we run for 20 minutes and have to get as many laps within that time)or mile runs(we run 4 laps around the field and get the fastest time we can get). today was a 20 min run and i got 6 laps,which is an A. I hate taking tests but most of them r pretty easy. speaking of which, the 7th graders r taking a test on Tuesday so on that day, every1 has a 2-hour homeroom and since our homeroom teacher is also a P.E. teacher, we can spend those 2 hours in the P.E. field! Im so lucky! ^__^
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Thank you everyone!
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Wow today was pretty good despite the heavy rain. we took a really cinchy test in Algebra and Im pretty sure i aced it. During Senior Orchestra we were testing and when it was my turn to play, everyone started clapping for me after I was done. When I asked why ppl sed dat it was bcuz i played even better than second chair (im last chair...). In science we were doing oral presentations for our atom project I volunteered but so many ppl went so i wasnt able to go. o well, dat gives me da weekend (and Monday cuz its a holiday) to practice at home.
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Which Furuba Character am I?
Hey pplz! After weeks of waiting, my friend Scarlett FINALLY remembered to bring Fruits Basket vol.1. I've read vol. 4 & 5 (though i didnt get some of it...).after reading vol 1, im not sure which character I'm most like. My fav characters are Isuzu and Hatsuharu Sohma but I'm nothing like them. Im sorta lyk Momiji cuz of my childishness and hyperness but I'm also lyk Kagura cuz I luv my boyfriend just as much as Kagura loves Kyo and lyk her i get VIOLENT mood swings. i never harm my boyfriend but i beat up any1 who makes fun of him. but da thing is my fav animals r horses, cows, frogs, cats, and bunnies. except 4 da frog, ive noticed dat my fav characters corespond w/ my fav animals. tho Kagura look sooooooo adorable as a boar. btw, anybody kno a site where dey show a piccie of Kyo Sohma's "true form"(not the cat form but his OTHER form)?
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Happy (late) Valentines Day!
Yea I kno im late but i couldnt update yesterday cuz i had dis atom project due and i juz barely found out dat we were suppose to write a two page essay about our element (our science teacher doesnt tell us anything!!!) So anyway, yesterday i gave my boyfriend a lil toy monkey dat makes a kissy sound wen u push da tummy and i also gave him a heart full of skittles andy. he didnt give me anythin cuz he FORGOT dat it was Valentines day! but i did get a rose from a friend (i think he lyks me cuz der was a ring inside the box where da rose was)and ALOT of candy. I was sooo hyper dat day. but at da end of da day, my boyfriend gave a bunch of kisses as sorta a way 4 sayin sry 4 forgettin. o yea i got my report card yesterday 2!
Algebra CEE
Sr.Orch CSS
English CSE
Science CUS
History AEE
Homeroom EE
and one more thing to say, I srta got a new style. recently i started wearing a bell around my neck (lyk Ichigo frm Tokyo Mew Mew) for reasons i cannot say here... also, I cut my hair! it's just above da shoulders so now i look a lil different frm da photo i showed a few weeks ago...
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
Help w/ avatar
I can't change my avatar! Everytime i try, it still stays da same! cud any1 help me?
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Paulina and Arden for cutest couple!
Hey pplz. OMG! Our skool has 8th grade personalities (most athletic, biggest flirt, class clown, cutest couple, most likely to be famous, most trustworthy, prettiest eyes, most likely to suceed, best friends & best personality.) and me and my boyfriend got nominated for cutest couple! *squeal* Im so happy. There are only two other couples besides us that r in da lead (Van & Isaac, Melissa and Curtis). My friends tell me dat i hav a good chance of winning cuz Melissa nd Curtis dunt want dat many ppl to kno dat dey r goin out and der r rumors goin around dat Isaac & Van r gonna break up b4 da end of da year (dat's so sad though.)
On to another subject. I havent got my report card yet but here r da grades dat i kno i have.
Algebra C S E
Senior Orchestra ? ? ? (Most likely a B or C)
English C ? ?
Science C U S
History A ? ?
P.E. ? ? ? (Most likely an A, B, or C)
soo uh yea. dats pretty good compared to my last report card (i got a bunch of D's)
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