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Saturday, May 12, 2007
well today is saturday. ^_^
I'm going to be going to a party at a friends house! ^_^ We're gonna celebrate the end of the year and her getting into colleage. ^_^ It's going to be fun! and I happy for my friend she does so well in school I'm glad that she got into the colleaage she wanted. ^_^
other than that today has been pretty uneventful and dull. just like every other day..... just kinda sitting here.....
WAIT! good news! I got a new game on monday! lol ^_^ my bad mood made forget to post about it! lol ^_^ On monday I recieved Pokemon Daimond! ^_^ it's soooo much fun! ^_^ I'm happy with it!
I hope that everyone has a good day and a happy weekend. ^_^
~ja ne!
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Friday, May 11, 2007
hey there all...... I'm kinda bored....... so I'll write a random peom that comes to my mind....
Locked emotion
sorrow hidden,
deep emotions conceald,
put into a locked box,
never to be opened,
only you have the key,
you are the only one,
who can open the locked box,
to my feelings of love and hate,
my love and lust,
feelings that were put away,
never to return,
never to be seen,
never to be felt,
never to be,
never to be,
I am you doll,
and you are my master,
will you open the box,
free my heart,
free my soul,
or am I just here,
just here to be?
well that was pretty random... lol ^_^"
well I guess the most random things come out of boredom. lol ^_^" well let's see......
I hate the world and it's inhabitants right now. for no particular reason.... I kinda just want to purge the world into an eternal nuclear winter.
oh well...... and that's about all for todays post. hope you all have a good day.
~ja ne
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
There I'm done. ^_^
yay for me.
Real post to,arrow. lol
have a good day...... er night.
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Screw this...... I need an easier theme.....
Will be back soon with new theme that wasn't voted on.....
((GaaxSaku gave me a headache))
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Friday, April 27, 2007
Kabuto- here is everyone's warning.... Aijoran had a bad few days..... so please forgive her if she goes off on a cursing torrent.
I hate loosing my power!!! It's hot EVERYONE gets irritable and everyone forgets to care!
Well I'll start at the beginning.
I went to school like normal on thursday.... my friend who goes to colleage but likes to visit the school still and play with the band visited and asked if she wanted to come over and visit me for the weekend. It was an obvious yes and I was REALLY excited.
Well I get home and there is no electricity at the house and I was stressing over trying to get ahold of my friend to tell her and that was awful. (I never did get a hold of her.) but what made it worse.... was my I went over to My friend Kante's house to visit because she didn't have work and I was going to go home around 8..... well I got in my car and maybe less than 1/2 of the was home my car ran out of gas! So I was flipping out what to do so I get a ride home from Kante and my dad starts yelling at me.
no..... he wasn't yelling because he was worried where I was no..... he was yelling at me because I came back!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT!!!! I told him I cxame back because I thought he'd be worried! I thought I was being good! but no he yelled at me to crying! I picked up all my stuff. (forgetting my homework) and ran out the house! I walked all the way back to kante's house. (it's like a 10-20 minute walk depending how fast I walk) but yeah I stayed the night there and went to school.
but like I said....... bad day.
hope yours was better. ^_^
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
Whaaaaaa I was tagged by Kashin! lol well that means I have to say 5 random facts about me.
uhh...... I have 2 pets a dog and a cat.
I live in the middle of the desert.
I never owned a landline phone untill 2 months ago.
I never had the internet in my home untill 2 months ago.
My family has never had a good running car.
there. those are my 5 random facts. lol ^_^! hehe and well my day=uneventful and boring. lol I tag....
Cant escape
the real yojimbo
sasu naru
B A N K A I 6 0
morbid twilight
lol have fun!! ^_^
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Kabuto- Hello..... you have come to visit Aijoran-sama? Well you should know she is very busy today. 7 new members joined her fruitsbasket FC and she's been making banners almost non stop. but she has been enjoying every minute of it.
me- thank you Kabuto. ^_^ for that lovely intro.
Kabuto- heh. just doing my job.
me- ^_^ hehe and you are doing a good job of it. ^_^
anyways..... I'm thinking of drawing a pic of me and my lovely new slave- er... minion Kabuto. but I don't exactly know what kind of pose to use..... what do you think I'm open to suggestions. ^_^
I wuv my new Bishonen Kabuto!!! ^_^ hehe and yes as said b4 my club is dooing well we have 12 members so far and I'm happy. ^_^ hehe and well..... I don't really know what else to say......
OH YEAH!!!! ^_^ thanks to my freind Kante/ Cant escape I have a new Mp3 player!! ^_^ hehe she sold me her old one beacuse she got a zune. ^_^ hehe that zune is bad ass buty I'm happy with the little one I have. ^_^ hehe it's kool. ^_^
well talk to yas all laterz!!! ^_^
JA NE!!!
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Hello everyone. ^_^ how are all of you.
sorry I haven't updated or visited any sites reacently..... I've been feeling a bit down lately....
lol I'm kinda better now.... kinda...
well my week has beenuneventful. filled with lots of work and boring stuff of the sort. so I've been kind of busy.
well you all took my poll and the winner and the lucky one to be my minion is kabuto! ^_^
and now.... to steal him away from orochimaru! ^_^

Me- *knocks on orochimaru's door*
Kabuto- hello my I help you-
Me- *grabs him and runs*
orochimaru- *oh no..... I loose more Bishonen henchmen that way...... oh well... I'll have sasuke anyway.. ^_^
me- Kabuto you lead us into the next section of the post! ^_^
Kabuto- Verry well Aijoran-sama.
me- hehe ^_^ that's my Bishonen henchmen! ^_^ *hugs him*
Kabuto- Well let's get things started. apparently Aijoran-sama has done nothing of intrest like previously stated.
me- oh right. ^_^" hehe well that's about all then. ^_^ hehe ^_^"
well talk to you all later! ^_^
also I'm taking art requests now!!! ^_^ if you want pm me with a request! ^_^
~Ja ne!
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Monday, April 16, 2007
Ok. ^_^ the 3 minions who are left in the running.... ^_^ hehe Vote please!! ^_^
Get your own Poll!
hehe ^_^ thank you all for voting. lol ^_^ also thank you for all who visited the FC. if you didn't get a chance to see it I have a banner up above. ^_^ hehe that will be there permanantly. ^_^ hehe so if you have friends who like Fruits basket please tell them about it and spread the love! ^_^
Today was uneventful and pretty much boring..... -_- *sigh* I hope everyone had a better day than me....
Ja ne
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Hello Everyone it's Sunday! ^_^" I hate sunday just because Monday comes in right after..... *sigh* I don't want to go back to school... I wanna stey here and be on the computer all day long. hehe like that will ever happen. lol
well today I have no plans once again... maybe just help my cousin among others, and help them with their sites. ^_^ hehe it's so fun... I'm beginning to like playing with these little html codes and stuff.... although I don't wanna do it forever..... that would drive me insane and then I wouldn't wanna do it at all.... a nice controlled amount. lol ^_^ hehe I know I'm a weirdo.... ^_^
Well Do any of you like fruits basket? hehe if you do you should really visite here... FruitsBasket FC This is a FC I just started up and I need some members. ^_^ So who else better to start with than my friends. ^_^ so..... I've just started it up and I'm not sure of everything I'm going to do with it but you all (my friends and other fans) can help make this a great FC. ^_^
and now for more serious news....... hehe I have 2 polls I'd like you to take part in. ^_^ the one up above about my next theme and this one right here.
Get your own Poll!
Hehe I figure I need a minion to help me around. lol ^_^ I mean all the kool anime people have'm so why shouldn't I. lol ^_^
well see yas later.
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