Female Location The south pole Member Since 2006-02-28 Occupation ruler of the southern territories Real Name Aijoran
Achievements none.... Anime Fan Since Salior moon Favorite Anime Goals none really Hobbies killing people by burring them in the snow Talents none... maiden of ice
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Well it's saturday.......
hehe time for me to catch up on my sleep. lol I was so wiped out yesterday and I'm not even entirely sure why.
I never remembered school to be that tireing. well.... I just got my grades in and my parents arent happy... it goes a,a, b, b, f, f, -_- well they didn't seem TOO upset seeing as my dad happend to be drun and luck for me he's a happy drunk. so he was fine.... and that's good becuse he's the scarier of the two.
and this is one of those times I hate math and science.... I mean I would probly have straight a's and b's if there were no math and sceience! *sigh* I just have to do better over this next quarter... at least in math.... because I really don't wanna retake that..... hey anyone able to help me in algebra 2!!!! lol
no seriously if you think you could tutour me please Pm me. lol I'd relly appreciate that. I'm in Algebra 2. if you can't I hope you can at least feel my pain. lol
lol well have a good day. ^_^ here is a vid for the day. ^_^ I think it was made well but if you are one of the people who don't like the hinata and neji stuff I suggest you don't watch it. that was your fair warning.