here's the pic of my bf tht i drew for him on vday^^ come check it out and vote if u like it please=^^=

My AngelHosted By
Now here's the poem i wrote him:
How much you mean to me
There's no words to describe
It's like a sweet melody
That resonates inside
I know in my heart
That this is True Love
But it's much more deeper
For the lack of a better word thereof
It's deeper than the deepest ocean
It's deeper than the deepest sea
It's a love everlasting
Like all the stars infinity
It's a love so pure
It can make anyone smile
With a love like this
It makes my life worthwhile
I never want to let it go
I'll protect it with my life
I'll keep holding it close
Even in pain or strife
It's all i need to keep me going
This love inside my heart
A feeling so indescribable
I've felt it from the very start
When your azure eyes
First gazed upon mine
I knew we'd be together
For all of time
You saw past
My lying mask
And assured me
This love will forever last
This love runs deep
And it continues to grow
How much you mean to me
I want to let you know
I want to protect you
With all of my might
And to keep your smile
Forever in sight
I want to let you know
How much I love you
I wish there were words
To describe a love so true
I close my eyes
And I find you there
For it is only you
For whom I care
There's a feeling inside
So hard to describe
I know in my heart
I don't want it to hide
I pray to be only yours
Do you know what's begun?
The moment you cam into view
I know now, your my only one
So I give you my destiny
I'm giving you all of me
I want your symphony
Singing in all that I be
With all of my heart
I'm giving it all
Because I know you'll catch me
If ever I fall
I could never find the words
To say how much I love you
Because if you only knew
For you, all that I'd do
I'd give it all away
To have you in my life
I'd do anything
To end all of your strife
So I write this poem today
For this love undeniable
In hopes to find the right words
To describe a love indescribable