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A cardboard box. I used to live down the street, but the wind blew me over here.
Member Since
Student, Sophmore in high school this coming school year
Real Name
Just call me Mai or Maimai(you shall never know my real name, mwahahahahahahaha!)
Hugging a Hatsuharu cosplayer while I cosplayed as Tohru at Anime Central 2005 (I also cosplayed as Sango at Anime Iowa) and being a varsity XC runner as a Freshman^-^
Anime Fan Since
I can't even remember what I had for breakfast and you expect me to remember this? *thinks to self* did I even have breakfast?
Favorite Anime
Orphen, Samurai Champloo, Fruits Basket, Juvinile Orion, Ruruoni Kenshin, Wolf's Rain, X/1999, Azu-Manga Dioh, Full Metal Alchemist, Rave Master, Yu Yu Hackusho, D.N. Angel, Gundam SEED, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Scrapped
To keep this site running and don't screw it up like the last one!XD
sports(soccer, XC, basketball, and track) listening to music(Music is my life!), play drums and guitar, drawing(even though I'm horrible at it) and annoying my oh so loving Onee-san and Onii-san and my twin brother(yup twin brother you heard me, lol)
Well, I can put my legs ove my shoulders then walk on my hands, hehe, it's quite fun^^ and it makes people think of the Exorsist
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/20/06:
PM me to join!
Result Posted on 06/20/06:
Just PM either me or my co-founderShadow to join!
Result Posted on 06/20/06:
Just PM either me or my co-founderShadow to join!
Result Posted on 05/21/06:

Me Luv Kyo Kun


Queen of Anime



magnus lensherr

AnimeFantasy & rinoasquall4ever |
Result Posted on 02/12/06:
haha, im late to everything too! im probly gonna be late to my own funeral!
Result Posted on 01/19/06:
lol, how true this can be ^-^
Result Posted on 12/26/05:
all u'll probly ever need to know bout me and then some
Layers | | Name: | Maya Hayes | Birthdate: | 11/23/90 | Birthplace: | Burlington | Current location: | MP | Eyes: | blue | Hair: | naturally brown, but it's dyed black | Height: | 5" 5' | Righty or Lefty: | bothy | Zodiac Sign: | sagatarious | Layer.two | Your heritage: | Welsh & French Canadian | Your weakness: | top secret information, can not be disclosed | Your shoes you wore today: | my Canadian skater shoes and my Adios | Your fears: | hieghts and needles | Your perfect pizza: | sausage and m&m's | Goal you'd like to achieve: | go to the state XC meet | Layer.three | Your thoughts first waking up: | who's the bitch that woke me up? | Your best physical feature: | my runners build | Your bedtime: | when ever i fall asleep | Your most missed memory: | idk | Layer.four | Pepsi or Coke: | neither, i cant have pop with caffine | McDonald's or Burger King: | McDonald's | Single or group dates: | single | Adidas or Nike: | Asics | Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: | neither | Chocolate or vanilla: | chocolate | Cappuccino or coffee: | cappuccino | Layer.five | Smoke: | nope | Cuss: | like a sailor | Sing: | horribly | Take showers daily: | yea | Have a crush: | many | Think you've been in love: | doubtful | Want to go college: | yea | Want to get married: | idk | Believe in yourself: | yea | Get motion sickness: | nope | Think you're attractive: | not really | Think you're a health freak: | nope | Get along with your parents: | sometimes | Like thunderstorms: | yea | Play an instrument: | yea | Layer.six - in the past months | Gone to the mall: | yea | Eaten an entire box of Oreos: | yea | Eaten sushi: | yea | Been on stage: | yea | Gone skating: | yea | Made homemade cookies: | somewhat, my friend took them away cuz i cant cook | Gone skinny dipping: | nope | Dyed your hair: | yea | Stolen anything: | yea, from my friends | - ever.. | Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: | nope | Been called a tease: | many times | Got beaten up: | yea | Layer.eight | Age you hoped to be married: | idk | Number and name of children: | if any 3, 2 boys 1 girl and i'll keep my last name so i can name them Drunken Hayes, Misty Hayes, and just for no reason name one Shanagan | Dream wedding: | at East Lake | How do you want to die: | idk, i don't plan on dying anytime soon | Where do you want to attend college: | idk | Dream job: | idk | Country you want to visit: | Canada, Britain, and Japan | Layer.nine - In a guy/girl... | Best eye color: | idc as long as they have pretty eyes | Best hair color: | something dark | Short or long hair: | shagy | Height: | a little taller than me | Best weight: | idc as long they're in shape | Best clothing: | doesnt matter to me as long as they dont have tighter pants than me | Best first date location: | movies and/or East Lake | Best first kiss location: | East Lake | Layer.ten | Number of drugs taken illegally: | none | Number of people I could trust with my life: | 4 | Number of CDs that I own: | not enough if u ask me | Number of piercings: | none, i used to have my ears pierced but one got ripped out so i took out the other and let them close up | Number of tattoos: | none | Number of times my name's been in the news: | to many to count | Number of scars on my body: | to many to count | Number of things in my past that I regret.: | nothing that i can think of off the top of my head | Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d | |
Result Posted on 12/02/05:
lmao! thats so true, this quiz is hilarious!
| You scored as Accident. You will probably die from a accident, like a car crash, a failed stunt or you missed the net when trapezing. Oh, that's a failed stunt. Anyway, be more careful your life is on the stake. (Sorry there isn't a picture, I didn't have the guts to search 'accident' on Google Image Serach.)
Accident | | 93% | Cut Throat | | 87% | Stabbed | | 80% | Suicide | | 73% | Disappear | | 73% | Bomb | | 53% | Suffocated | | 53% | Eaten | | 47% | Gunshot | | 47% | Disease | | 40% | Posion | | 33% | Drowning | | 33% | Natural Causes | | 20% |
How Will You Die?? created with | |
Result Posted on 12/01/05:
woo! damn right, lol
Result Posted on 11/28/05:
i can see it
 Your an Outcast Angel! These angels were once upon a time, very loved, and of the highest ranks of all the angels. But, when something terrible happened in their lives, much like the dark-angels, the outcats leave the heavens and move down to earth. Out cats angel are not nessearily evil. In fact, they are quite kind, but filled with greif and guilt unimaginable. Outcast angels are usually formed when they have failed something, and ridden with guilt, they are banned out of heaven, sent down to earth, and live alone. They are always quite and sad, and rarely contact with humans. If a huam befriends an outcast angel, they have a friend for life.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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